Man of Steel (SPOILERS)

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If you were 10 today and saw MOS, in 20 years you'd be saying the same thing about MOS you are saying about STMP.

Pretty much.

Growing up with a movie makes them better than they really are.

Just like kids digging the Prequel Star Wars flicks today while grown up thrash them. Even though they are the same.
Hell, they weren't my real parents, I would've started boning Ma Kent after Pa Kent went to Emerald city.

Pa Kent, just like Zod, committed suicide in this movie.

Was Kal-el's secret too much for him to bear?

What a happy movie, look kids, not 1 but 2 suicides in our Superman movie. :horror

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I don't think Superman The Motion Picture is perfect. But it's got things that make it the classic it is today.

Superman needed a reboot. But it needed one that wasn' that.

If you were 10 today and saw MOS, in 20 years you'd be saying the same thing about MOS you are saying about STMP.

Maybe. It depends.

For me, I like STMP because of it's characters, and themes it presents. Not so much the action, or effects. The feel and look too.

If I was born later in life, perhaps that would be the case, as in the future, all films will look like that. I know this because I have a Doctor friend who does that kind of crap. Someone must have ****ed **** up in the past because 2015 probably won't look like it did when I went there.

Speaking of the "if you were 10" thing, a friend of mine brought up a good point. I asked him what he thought of the film, and he said he loved everything but the ending. When I asked him why, he said, "Superman doesn't kill. I know he killed the pocket universe Zod, and Non, and Ursa in the comics, but they didn't need to do that." I got to conversing with him, and one of the biggest problems he had with it really intrigued me. He said "you have these kids whose parents never taught them otherwise, and showed them who Superman really is, and to these kids, their generation's Superman kills people." I never really thought of it that way, but it's very true. How are the kids, whose first experience with Superman was seeing this movie, going to know a Superman who doesn't murder his enemies? I hope they elaborate in the sequels.

On the other hand, a generation of kids grew up with Keaton's Batman, who blew up his enemies, made them fall to their deaths, lit them on fire, etc., and that wasn't a problem.
Hell, they weren't my real parents, I would've started boning Ma Kent after Pa Kent went to Emerald city.


It's true.

Also, there wouldn't be any problem boning Holographic Lara either. Not really his mom.
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Soooo... not to break up the lovely discussions that have been going on for several hundred pages, but artists have begun to post Man of Steel concepts around on their websites.

The best thing is that a lot of these concepts are of Superman himself. Something that was NEVER included in the Man of Steel artbook. :slap

Take a look:

Mostly Superman:


Includes some interesting pre-production designs with the red underwear. You can see as they got closer to the actual film-time that the concept include Cavill's likeness. Also shows some "S"-shield ideas.

Peter Rubin was seemingly hired to provide concepts for the "House of El" symbol:

And Christian Lorenz Scheurer did a lot of the Kryptonian designs and environment. Some of this artwork is in the artbook:
On the other hand, a generation of kids grew up with Keaton's Batman, who blew up his enemies, made them fall to their deaths, lit them on fire, etc., and that wasn't a problem.

I think kids then realised that Batman didn't kill, I know I was aware of that, despite Burton's Batman, but I think it was because we had Batman in other mediums, like the animated series, unless Kids read Supes comics I think they need another Superman show, I think they're making another JLA cartoon to release soon on CN.

Still, it's not like Supes had another choice, it was a painful decision for him, it's not like he kills willy nilly like in the Injustice comics.

I don't think there is going to be a problem.
Soooo... not to break up the lovely discussions that have been going on for several hundred pages, but artists have begun to post Man of Steel concepts around on their websites.

The best thing is that a lot of these concepts are of Superman himself. Something that was NEVER included in the Man of Steel artbook. :slap

Take a look:

Mostly Superman:


Includes some interesting pre-production designs with the red underwear. You can see as they got closer to the actual film-time that the concept include Cavill's likeness. Also shows some "S"-shield ideas.

Peter Rubin was seemingly hired to provide concepts for the "House of El" symbol:

And Christian Lorenz Scheurer did a lot of the Kryptonian designs and environment. Some of this artwork is in the artbook:

:goodpost: Nice finding!

I still don't know how well would the red briefs worked in this movie, but they could have at least thrown more vivid red for the cape and the S.
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another way of saying it is people become joyless and cynical as they grow up :lol

That's probably it. I mean, you have grown people in this thread talking about how "dark" and "dour" and "depressing" MOS is, yet my 10 year old son literally came out of the movie whooshing through the theater parking lot with his cape on (which he slept in that night and wore the entire weekend).

Long story short, we each view a movie (any movie) through the prism of our own personal sensibilities.