Man of Steel (SPOILERS)

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So what's the general consensus on this film? I haven't really been paying much attention to this thread as I wanted to avoid spoilers. I'm curious what most people here think of the movie.

Personally, I just saw the film this past weekend as it had only opened in Australia late last week, and to be honest I walked out of the theatre pretty disappointed. I had high hopes for this movie, but it fell short for me. I wouldn't say it's a bad film, but definitely not a great film. I'd probably rate it 7/10.
So what's the general consensus on this film? I haven't really been paying much attention to this thread as I wanted to avoid spoilers. I'm curious what most people here think of the movie.

Personally, I just saw the film this past weekend as it had only opened in Australia late last week, and to be honest I walked out of the theatre pretty disappointed. I had high hopes for this movie, but it fell short for me. I wouldn't say it's a bad film, but definitely not a great film. I'd probably rate it 7/10.

I personally did not like it. Some of the action was good, but 90% of film was just baaad. It had its cool moments, my favorite part was when he saves the crew on the rig. Those flashback were hilarious/cringe worthy. I busted out laughing when Supermans stepdad got swept up.

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So what's the general consensus on this film? I haven't really been paying much attention to this thread as I wanted to avoid spoilers. I'm curious what most people here think of the movie.

Personally, I just saw the film this past weekend as it had only opened in Australia late last week, and to be honest I walked out of the theatre pretty disappointed. I had high hopes for this movie, but it fell short for me. I wouldn't say it's a bad film, but definitely not a great film. I'd probably rate it 7/10.

Its pretty well-liked, but the people who do NOT like it are very vocal indeed about how horrible it is and how much they hate it and how Kal-El is not behaving like a literal clone of Jesus Christ and this is wrecking their world [puns intended] etc etc blah. There are websites out there who for a while there, were publishing a negative article a day about it.

We have people in this thread who have been arguing for a hundred+ pages about how "bad" it is. In fact, for well over a hundred pages.

If you liked it great, if you didn't you didn't - but the film is made at this point, and no amount of arguing is going to change it. Some people seem to feel that if they argue HARD ENOUGH the script is going to magically change, or something.

And there you have it.
Its pretty well-liked, but the people who do NOT like it are very vocal indeed about how horrible it is and how much they hate it and how Kal-El is not behaving like a literal clone of Jesus Christ and this is wrecking their world [puns intended] etc etc blah. There are websites out there who for a while there, were publishing a negative article a day about it.

We have people in this thread who have been arguing for a hundred+ pages about how "bad" it is. In fact, for well over a hundred pages.

If you liked it great, if you didn't you didn't - but the film is made at this point, and no amount of arguing is going to change it. Some people seem to feel that if they argue HARD ENOUGH the script is going to magically change, or something.

And there you have it.

You're a real nice girl, and I like you a lot, but right now, shut up.

There's something I have to tell you.
Pa Kent, just like Zod, committed suicide in this movie.

Was Kal-el's secret too much for him to bear?

What a happy movie, look kids, not 1 but 2 suicides in our Superman movie. :horror


Interesting, very true. I don't think Zod could care less if he killed that family or not, he definitely wanted an end. So, suicide by Superman.

Pa Kent... well death by one of the worst scenes ever. :lol
I still can't believe they couldn't come up with a better passing of Pa Kent.

He said "you have these kids whose parents never taught them otherwise, and showed them who Superman really is, and to these kids, their generation's Superman kills people." I never really thought of it that way, but it's very true. How are the kids, whose first experience with Superman was seeing this movie, going to know a Superman who doesn't murder his enemies? I hope they elaborate in the sequels.

On the other hand, a generation of kids grew up with Keaton's Batman, who blew up his enemies, made them fall to their deaths, lit them on fire, etc., and that wasn't a problem.

Maybe they should tell their kids this is grandma and grandpas Superman and he doesn't take ****. :lecture

I personally hope for an eye lasering death scene in the sequel.
Its pretty well-liked, but the people who do NOT like it are very vocal indeed about how horrible it is and how much they hate it and how Kal-El is not behaving like a literal clone of Jesus Christ and this is wrecking their world [puns intended] etc etc blah. There are websites out there who for a while there, were publishing a negative article a day about it.

We have people in this thread who have been arguing for a hundred+ pages about how "bad" it is. In fact, for well over a hundred pages.

If you liked it great, if you didn't you didn't - but the film is made at this point, and no amount of arguing is going to change it. Some people seem to feel that if they argue HARD ENOUGH the script is going to magically change, or something.

And there you have it.


This is so true.
I have seen it 3 times and for me I can see it short comings (dialogue, some more time getting to know Clark as a child and perhaps a moment of remorse for all the people who died in the final battle) but I personally love this movie. This is why I would be a terrible film reviewer as my opinion changes about a film the more I see it) but I would bring to a strong 8/10 from the 7 I previously rated it.

It just has too much going for it to let the negative aspects ruin the overall experience. Here is hoping Jonathan Nolan or somebody gets to write the screenplay for the next one. Goyer can write the story, but some decent dialogue and some humor is needed for part two. I want some great scenes between Lois and Clark. A little playfulness while they work together will help when the inevitable destruction starts. The actors are in place, they just need a good screenplay.
Its pretty well-liked, but the people who do NOT like it are very vocal indeed about how horrible it is and how much they hate it and how Kal-El is not behaving like a literal clone of Jesus Christ and this is wrecking their world [puns intended] etc etc blah. There are websites out there who for a while there, were publishing a negative article a day about it.

We have people in this thread who have been arguing for a hundred+ pages about how "bad" it is. In fact, for well over a hundred pages.

If you liked it great, if you didn't you didn't - but the film is made at this point, and no amount of arguing is going to change it. Some people seem to feel that if they argue HARD ENOUGH the script is going to magically change, or something.

And there you have it.

I must have you mixed up with someone else because I'm sure you wouldn't attack people for doing this while yourself having done it in the Prometheus thread relentlessly - to the extreme frustration of that film's fans.
I like this movie. A lot.

I also really like the Donner movie too.

They both approach the story and character from different angles and both of the leading men inhabit the character in different, but perfect ways for how the movies are.

Reeve gives an earnest, sincere and compassionate take on Superman, while Caville is more introspect, focused and solitary. They both work really well within the context of each film.

Reeve's Superman seemed more "complete" within the first movie...already the idealized protector once he flew out of that "Fortress of Solitude"...

Part of what makes "Man of Steel" so different is...this "Superman" isn't "there" yet....he's got to grow into that all-encompassing protector that everyone has always expects Superman to be...and hopefully that's going to be part of the story as it moves on...he may have stopped Zod from destroying Earth as we know it, but at such a high, extreme cost....from all of the death and destruction in this film (that many people are having such a problem with) to his final act in stopping Zod...this Man of Steel has a lot to contend with within himself before he can step up and be that protector of the Earth we've always known that character to be.

I for one, love the "introduction" that "Man of Steel" gives us to Superman....can't wait to see where he goes from here....
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Funny thing is, I don't even really go after the movie, unless someone brings up a point going "SEE! THESE PEOPLE ARE RONG".

I'm like....***** please.
How are the kids, whose first experience with Superman was seeing this movie, going to know a Superman who doesn't murder his enemies?


After Superman broke Zod's neck he should have stood up, dusted of his hands, and with a big smile on his face say "well, that's the end of that!" then grab Lois, give her a big kiss and fly off into the sunset with the John Williams theme playing in the background... it's what Christopher Reeve's Superman would have done!

After Superman broke Zod's neck he should have stood up, dusted of his hands, and with a big smile on his face say "well, that's the end of that!" then grab Lois, give her a big kiss and fly off into the sunset with the John Williams theme playing in the background... it's what Christopher Reeve's Superman would have done!



After Superman broke Zod's neck he should have stood up, dusted of his hands, and with a big smile on his face say "well, that's the end of that!" then grab Lois, give her a big kiss and fly off into the sunset with the John Williams theme playing in the background... it's what Christopher Reeve's Superman would have done!

I'm just really hoping MoS 2 starts off with him having PTSD and putting up the cape and tights to show how badly hes affected by all of this. :lol
If you liked it great, if you didn't you didn't - but the film is made at this point, and no amount of arguing is going to change it. Some people seem to feel that if they argue HARD ENOUGH the script is going to magically change, or something..

it's funny and tiresome how often this happens.

I'm just really hoping MoS 2 starts off with him having PTSD and putting up the cape and tights to show how badly hes affected by all of this. :lol

I must have you mixed up with someone else because I'm sure you wouldn't attack people for doing this while yourself having done it in the Prometheus thread relentlessly - to the extreme frustration of that film's fans.

I don't think I managed to fit 100+ pages of disrespect for Prometheus into that film's thread, although I certainly could have - it was just that level of bad.

One thing stoking the fire over there were the extreme personal attacks used by many respondents to that thread toward anyone disagreeing with their Grail Idea that the film was basically perfect - to disagree with them was a PERSONAL INSULT to them. It was silly and not at all conducive to civilized discourse.

So no, I don't like that film. But, I don't demand that everyone love the same films that I love, far from it, MoS included. The film is made. Like or do not like, there is no going back.

p.s. anyone trying to drag the Prometheus argument over here will not achieve their goal. Not from me at least.

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