I disagree, there were many emotional, memorable songs that played during the film. Things don't become "iconic" in a few days, It'll take a while for it to set in.
Exactly. Well-said.
I disagree, there were many emotional, memorable songs that played during the film. Things don't become "iconic" in a few days, It'll take a while for it to set in.
You cannot break through my stubbornness on this one, I should just tell you off the bat.
I am preprogrammed now to not like any Superman film as much as I otherwise could if the Williams theme were used. The same applies to any other Superman entertainment like that animated movie with Doomsday. Cool...but no Williams theme. I fear those words will be the best I can manage about any future Superman film. In a way, John Williams has ruined Superman. ***k you John Williams.
Could be they realized that the film sucked so bad it shouldn't taint that great theme by association.Off topic but one theme I feel they could've kept using was the Terminator theme. Salvation was still meant to be a sequel/prequel, so why not use the theme then?
I disagree, there were many emotional, memorable songs that played during the film. Things don't become "iconic" in a few days, It'll take a while for it to set in.
Tell that to the JAWS, Star Wars, Indy, ET, Close Encounters, and Superman themes.
Granted Williams has an amazing skill so it's not fare to compare any composer with him, but there are other scores that become iconic pretty quickly Gone with the Wind, James Bond, The Good the Bad and the Ugly, The Lord of the Rings films all had great themes that I was humming when I left the theater, Batman, Psycho, Halloween, etc... the list goes on..
I am not sure Zimmer has come close to these with any of his scores. MOS IMO is really a far cry from any of these also.
But you are right. Time will tell.
Put this music in a Transformers movie and nobody would be talking about it, let alone defending it or bashing it... It would be.... Well it would just be.
Don't get me wrong I love the Williams theme too, but I don't blame them for wanting to distance themselves from the Reeve films and the god-awful Routh remake/sequel.
Off topic but one theme I feel they could've kept using was the Terminator theme. Salvation was still meant to be a sequel/prequel, so why not use the theme then?
Put this music in a Transformers movie and nobody would be talking about it, let alone defending it or bashing it... It would be.... Well it would just be.
Off topic but one theme I feel they could've kept using was the Terminator theme. Salvation was still meant to be a sequel/prequel, so why not use the theme then?
Now I think the score works better in this TV add.... Where the score is boosted up. I don't recall there ever being a moment in the film where this theme stood out.. It was there in small doses. (flight) but I don't recall the full blown theme being used during any heroic moment. (Oh that's right he did not really have any after the first hour)...... I Kid
As a film, it's a disjointed "celebration of excess." It seems the fans who do love it, love it because it's a big shiny Superman film, utilizing effects for action never seen in a Superman film before, and there's some ham-fisted dialogue that give it "emotion." From the trailers, they were gonna love it no matter what.
Guilty as charged.
Devil's advocate position here: I liked the DotD remake, and I own it on DVD. But something about that just never struck me with the intensity of the 1970's original - I never really cared about anyone in the remake, with the exception of Bub the zombie.... and even so, I felt the original Bub just was light-years better. The new Bub was almost too sympathetic. Not to mention, the original Bub was a pretty good shot, even considering decay-induced lack of fine motor control.
The new one completely got rid of that enforced claustrophobia of the original - nobody was trapped in a relatively small space together, progressively getting on each other's nerves worse and worse... the remake had everyone just running all over the place.
I felt the exact same way about the first Star Trek reboot movie, but that is just me.![]()
I'm confused, as well. I don't recall seeing Bub in Zach's Dawn remake. I know a supposedly putrid Day of the Dead remake was made but I've avoided it like the plague.You're confusing Dawn of the Dead with Day of the Dead.
Bub was in Day from the 80's, not Dawn from the 70's.