Man of Steel (SPOILERS)

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Also, people have been commenting on some of the 'corny' dialogue.

"You're a monster, Zod" etc, but that line was a direct call back to what Jor-El called Zod back on Kryton. Maybe they needed a line simple and direct enough that people from two planets could echo each other. Who knows but I dug it.

But back to what I was going to say: There is some great dialogue as well.

I loved the lines:

"Did they hurt you?"

"You know they can't hurt me."

"That's not what I meant. I meant are you ok"

That's pretty great and summed up a lot of what they were trying to do with this movie. How do you make people care about someone who in invulnerable physically. To me this was called back beautifully in the scene where Clark emerges from behind the Train engine. You know if those soldiers opened fire on him it wouldn't have harmed him in the least physically but on his face you can see him hoping they will trust him and believe in him.
Darkseid: Batman shot Darkseid, Superman sang his soul out of existence killing him in Final Crisis



Mr Mxy




Parademons: He kills them without even blinking in every incarnation

Pre 1950: He blew up Nazi subs, watched criminals die when he could have saved them, strangles a Nazi helicopter pilot with his bare hands

The Original Metallo

Want more?
Yes please. Since Final Crisis was a farce that treated comic history with very little respect, all those alternate reality Kryptonians happened in a single comic, Mxy happened in Alan Moore's story which was an elseworlds-type fantasy in my mind (where I believe Mxy really killed himself), Parademons are like unthinking beasts, and pre-1950s has little bearing on anything that happened since and have defined him for generations (like Batman with the guns). I'm not familiar with Superman ever killing Metallo. Like I said, there are exceptions to any rule in comics, but with Superman there weren't many, and even fewer that felt legitimate.
irish I would consider naming my next child after you if you could get me in the room with that suit. I would also throw in my own soul if you get me in the room with the suit and Faora...

Awesome pic!! Love this film.

Who wouldn't? :lol :drool:

Also, people have been commenting on some of the 'corny' dialogue.

"You're a monster, Zod" etc, but that line was a direct call back to what Jor-El called Zod back on Kryton. Maybe they needed a line simple and direct enough that people from two planets could echo each other. Who knows but I dug it.

But back to what I was going to say: There is some great dialogue as well.

I loved the lines:

"Did they hurt you?"

"You know they can't hurt me."

"That's not what I meant. I meant are you ok"

That's pretty great and summed up a lot of what they were trying to do with this movie. How do you make people care about someone who in invulnerable physically. To me this was called back beautifully in the scene where Clark emerges from behind the Train engine. You know if those soldiers opened fire on him it wouldn't have harmed him in the least physically but on his face you can see him hoping they will trust him and believe in him.

The dialogue was fine, great IMO, my favorite line is my signature.


Even old school supes knew he had to break his neck (or at least wanted too), until the fortress gave him a wtf loophole. I guess it was more like superman just to throw a depowered zod to his doom after breaking every bone in his hand. That version of supes even smiled after tossing zod to his death, at least this one showed emotion over it.
In this film I did not hate Zod like I did from the Chris Reeve Zod film....This Zod thought he was doing the right thing to preserve Krypton and was programed to protect Krypton unlike Terrance S Zod who wanted power period...I actually felt a little bad for MoS Zod and consider him in this film a tragic figure...S2 Zod for me was like a Joe Pesci character from a gangster film and got what he deserved
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Yes please. Since Final Crisis was a farce that treated comic history with very little respect, all those alternate reality Kryptonians happened in a single comic, Mxy happened in Alan Moore's story which was an elseworlds-type fantasy in my mind (where I believe Mxy really killed himself), Parademons are like unthinking beasts, and pre-1950s has little bearing on anything that happened since and have defined him for generations (like Batman with the guns). I'm not familiar with Superman ever killing Metallo. Like I said, there are exceptions to any rule in comics, but with Superman there weren't many, and even fewer that felt legitimate.

The point is that the option is available, the possibility exists, even if it was only one example, that alone opens the door for Superman killing Zod in MoS.
Yes please. Since Final Crisis was a farce that treated comic history with very little respect, all those alternate reality Kryptonians happened in a single comic, Mxy happened in Alan Moore's story which was an elseworlds-type fantasy in my mind (where I believe Mxy really killed himself), Parademons are like unthinking beasts, and pre-1950s has little bearing on anything that happened since and have defined him for generations (like Batman with the guns). I'm not familiar with Superman ever killing Metallo. Like I said, there are exceptions to any rule in comics, but with Superman there weren't many, and even fewer that felt legitimate.

So they only count if you deem them legitimate? You wanted evidence i gave it all in canon. The original Metallo died when Kal replaced his Kyrptonite heart with a generic green rock. Mxy was in Action # 538 how is that elseworlds? He tore him in half using a Phantom Zone Projector. Golden age supes killed lots of people. Doomsday had intelligence when they fought. Parademons are still alive. He's not the Punisher or Logan, but I never said he was. He has killed, and would do so if he truly felt he had no other choice. Bruce is the inflexible one. Not Kal.

Lets talk about Batman. in comics He stalks Joe chill for years. Tormenting the guy. Then finally as Chill hits his breaking point. Batman shows up, giving him the gun used to kill the Waynes with one bullet. Then leaves as Chill kills himself. That technically would be manslaughter. And I'm not going to even get into the shady **** he does to his friends. Everyone on the JL kills or has killed, except maybe Bruce. And he skirts the line.
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Yes! :yess:

Brainiac would be the logical step.

Or I wouldn't mind seeing a "smaller" MoS movie where Supes deals with earthly menaces, like common criminals and terrorism.

That would pointless IMO we see that enough in the comics.
In this film I did not hate Zod like I did from the Chris Reeve Zod film....This Zod thought he was doing the right thing to preserve Krypton unlike Terrance S Zod...I actually felt a little bad for MoS Zod and consider him in this film a tragic figure...S2 Zod for me was like a Joe Pesci character from a gangster film and got what he deserved

I didn't hate the donner version of zod I thought his overall agenda and how easily he was tricked was stupid. This zod was no dummy and would have proceeded with his plan to destroy earth had superman not intervened. Yes zod was a slightly tragic figure but that was the point of what krypton had become. A tragic state in which the citizens had lost free will over centuries of the genetic engineering, which led to the destruction of their planet because they were no longer able to see through the shades of grew and morally ambiguous situations. They had become like robots fullfiling their programmed tasks.

Yes it was tragic when zod says his whole life was to protect his people, it truly was but in trying to protect them he destroyed them and was willing to destroy anything else in his path, much like the terminator. He could not question his objectives. This is why kal el was special and could act appropriately. Zod couldn't understand how Kal could choose humans over kryptonians
I didn't hate the donner version of zod I thought his overall agenda and how easily he was tricked was stupid. This zod was no dummy and would have proceeded with his plan to destroy earth had superman not intervened. Yes zod was a slightly tragic figure but that was the point of what krypton had become. A tragic state in which the citizens had lost free will over centuries of the genetic engineering, which led to the destruction of their planet because they were no longer able to see through the shades of grew and morally ambiguous situations. They had become like robots fullfiling their programmed tasks.

Yes it was tragic when zod says his whole life was to protect his people, it truly was but in trying to protect them he destroyed them and was willing to destroy anything else in his path, much like the terminator. He could not question his objectives. This is why kal el was special and could act appropriately. Zod couldn't understand why Kal could choose humans over kryptonians

:exactly::lecture :goodpost:

That would pointless IMO we see that enough in the comics.

Yeah but I always like to see puny humans facing a powerful god and how they empty their gun magazines on Supes only to discover they didn't even tickle the guy.
I didn't hate the donner version of zod I thought his overall agenda and how easily he was tricked was stupid. This zod was no dummy and would have proceeded with his plan to destroy earth had superman not intervened. Yes zod was a slightly tragic figure but that was the point of what krypton had become. A tragic state in which the citizens had lost free will over centuries of the genetic engineering, which led to the destruction of their planet because they were no longer able to see through the shades of grew and morally ambiguous situations. They had become like robots fullfiling their programmed tasks.

Yes it was tragic when zod says his whole life was to protect his people, it truly was but in trying to protect them he destroyed them and was willing to destroy anything else in his path, much like the terminator. He could not question his objectives. This is why kal el was special and could act appropriately. Zod couldn't understand why Kal could choose humans over kryptonians

There were alot of Zods(programmed Kryptonians) on Krypton...Jor-el was a rebel in his own right, not in the same vein as Zod but nonetheless a rebel...the ending was bittersweet and Jor-el and Kal-el legitely tried to convince Zod to see the other side which was a plus for this film...thinking about it again I felt nothing for the earlier S2 Zod
What I am curious to find out is if they take this a step further by introducing kara (the empty cryostasis pod). I would assume she would have programming similar to zods since she was part of the kryptonian military as well, and was on the first wave if expeditions to find a new krypton. Superman couldn't save zod but can he save his cousin from this genetic "programming"??

One key difference is that kara was engineered at time when there was no murders on krypton for centuries (first murderer was on her ship as well in is most likely the dead corpse we saw). She may not be as ruthless as zod in terms of protecting/saving kryptonian way of life

For those that are curious as to why the suit was in that ship. It was kara els underwear since she was on it. How it fits him or why she isnt wearing it is another question. Naked kara flying around??
Could be something they pursue down the line
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No need lets see brainiac next .

I don't necessarily want Zod back in the next film, but the idea of him being irrevocably dead really bothers me. I do not like good villains dying in comic books, and I hate it even more onscreen.

I am fine with moving on to a new villain, who I would prefer NOT be Luthor - even as I mull over how good a Luthor Brian Cranston would be. I just don't want Zod, Faora and Nam-Ek dead. Unfortunately the studio did not ask my opinion. :pfft:
Blah, blah, blah... Nit, nit, nit... pick, pick, pick...

MAN OF STEEL is a success.

You mad, bros?

Depends on whether you mean a financial or creative success. Two very different things. :lol

And that suit is going to rot like HT DX02. I watched them make piece after piece of those cuffs and flank detailing out of soft latex. They had to be replaced everyday when shooting. I hope they made some display versions.. :lol
Depends on whether you mean a financial or creative success. Two very different things. :lol

And that suit is going to rot like HT DX02. I watched them make piece after piece of those cuffs and flank detailing out of soft latex. They had to be replaced everyday when shooting. I hope they made some display versions.. :lol

Well creatively it was a success for sure IMO.

Financially I expected it to doing better at the box office.
They could have braniac or lex find kara and brainwash her into thinking her cousin kalel killed krypton last chance. El vrs El. It would be a good spin on the superman vs batman apokolypse animated movie and make for some good drama. This way they also still save darkseid for the inevitable JL movie

She is out there somewhere. Why she wouldn't have appeared with all that **** happening in MoS will take some good explaining.