I have only seen the film once so far, so if I missed something here, forgiveness. I am dying to see it again on the big screen, but so far one viewing.
I am reading the novelization right now, and its pretty well-written for a novelization; most of which truly scrape the bottom of the barrel of an author's inventiveness. But this one is entertaining so far, and I am a tough sell.
One thing that wasn't made really clear onscreen is how long it took for Kal's lifeboat to actually reach earth. In the film, we're told they found a planet to send him to - and off he goes. I do remember "now how long would it take for him to hit earth, is the baby in stasis... he MUST be, of course but how LONG was he in space?" flitting through my mind.
The novelization tells us that Krypton was across our galaxy from earth. More than just a few light-years away, Krypton was almost an unimaginable distance away from us. Perhaps this is common knowledge, but I had no idea - and I bet most people in the theatre don't, either.
And, when Jor-El and Lara are discussing where they will send him, they are looking at pictures of earth - which was currently undergoing the ICE AGE. They had no idea what our technological prowess or mindset would be when Kal finally got here. All they had were some pictures of fur-clad savages. Yeah, that would be pretty scary to send your only child off to, all defenseless.
So, everyone is ancient. Kal-El is ancient. He traveled for literally thousands of years to get here. His parents, Zod, the whole crew.... all ancient. They are all people out of time, which is kind of eerie when you think about it.
Have not yet gotten to the point where Zod and Co. emerge from the Phantom Zone and eventually home in on Earth; it will be interesting to see how these chronological discrepancies will be dealt with.
How is that possible?