Man of Steel (SPOILERS)

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Re: The Man of Steel

Ah, but...he's already hired. So...I dont really understand what you're saying. They're not going to fire him now. He's already got it casted, already starting pre-production, moving into post.....he's locked in.

Maybe not fired but you can bet they'll ride roughshod over their investment.
Old joke in hollywood "How many studio execs can fit in an editing room"?
Re: The Man of Steel

I doubt it. Nolan wouldnt do that. and WB and Snyder have been partners since 300. So...
Re: The Man of Steel

Hey, which 3?
Did you count that Owl movie in there? :monkey3

I thought Legend of the Guardians was great, it reminded me of movies from my childhood like the Secret of Nimh and the Dark Crystal.
So for me I have liked

Legend of the Guardians
Dawn of the Dead

I have yet to see Sucker Punch, but if it's crap I still think Superman is in safe hands. 1941 never stopped Raiders of the Lost Ark from being one of the best movies ever made
Re: The Man of Steel

Generally speaking I love Snyders style, loved 300, but in his latest interview he says he wont be using as much green screen in Supes.
Which is kinda is his style. He works alot of his visual into the project after the physical filming. Sooo...
Re: The Man of Steel

Generally speaking I love Snyders style, loved 300, but in his latest interview he says he wont be using as much green screen in Supes.
Which is kinda is his style. He works alot of his visual into the project after the physical filming. Sooo...

They're just backgrounds. As long as he makes the fighting scenes akin to his past movies, then I'm sold.
Re: The Man of Steel

Snyder's visual style is fantastic. Goyer and Nolan's storytelling is amazing. This film is combination of the two and I don't see how anyone could not be optimistic about it.
Re: The Man of Steel

Having seen Suckerpunch I'm very, very thankful that Nolan is involved and that Snyder isn't writing the script. The action and art direction in Suckerpunch is extremely well done and I'm actually glad it's Snyder directing rather than Nolan. He has a much greater flair for the fantastic which Superman needs and I think Snyder is a better action director. With Nolan supervising the writing and being a sounding board for Snyder I think we've got the best of both worlds.
Re: The Man of Steel

Having seen Suckerpunch I'm very, very thankful that Nolan is involved and that Snyder isn't writing the script. The action and art direction in Suckerpunch is extremely well done and I'm actually glad it's Snyder directing rather than Nolan. He has a much greater flair for the fantastic which Superman needs and I think Snyder is a better action director. With Nolan supervising the writing and being a sounding board for Snyder I think we've got the best of both worlds.

I don't mind the slow-mo in moderation, so hopefully Nolan can get Snyder to reign it back a little
Re: The Man of Steel

Not too happy about that casting, here is the LA Times' article on it:

Amy Adams Lands Superman's Lois Lane
We have an intrepid reporter...
27 March 2011 | Source: LA Times

We have a Man of Steel in Henry Cavill. And just this weekend, one actress found out that she's going to play the most important woman in his life as Amy Adams got the nod for the role of Lois Lane in Zack Snyder’s Superman.

The LA Times’ Geoff Boucher report that Snyder called Adams to let her know the news from Paris on Sunday, where he’s out on the Sucker Punch promotional tour.

And he then got on the phone to the paper to talk up his decision: “There was a big, giant search for Lois,” Snyder says. “For us it was a big thing and obviously a really important role. We did a lot of auditioning but we had this meeting with Amy Adams and after that I just felt she was perfect for it.”

With the usual evasiveness, Snyder refused to fill in any details of how much Lane will actually appear in the film. But you’ve got to figure that they wouldn’t hire someone of Adams’ calibre for a glorified cameo. According to the director, she forms an important part of his vision for Supes. “It goes back to what I’ve said about Superman and making him really understandable for today. What’s important to us is making him relevant and real and making him empathetic to today’s audience so that we understand the decisions he makes. That applies to Lois as well. She has to be in the same universe as him in tone and substance.” Let’s hope she’s not in the same universe as the Sucker Punch girls, or she’ll spend the movie in a halter-top and miniskirt…

Still, Adams is a solid choice as Lois, and she’s coming off a killer year that has seen her scoop an Oscar nomination for The Fighter and work with both Control’s Sam Riley and Kermit the Frog.

Snyder’s take on Superman starts shooting in August for a planned December 2012 release. Along with Cavill, he also has Diane Lane and Kevin Costner aboard to play Martha and Jonathan Kent. Now we need to know whom he’ll pick to play the villain…

James White

She does feel more Lana Lang than Lois Lane but it's still leaps and bounds better than Kate Bosworth. Say what you will be for me Erica Durance will still hold true as my favorite Lois.
Re: The Man of Steel

Article is pretty stupid, this is an action based movie, we don't really need academy nominated actors, this isn't Shakespeare. We need a Lois that Superman is willing to spin the Earth backwards for. Adams is cute, but not time travel worthy:rotfl
Re: The Man of Steel

I don't mind the age difference,it was the same with Reeve and Margot Kidder.
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Re: The Man of Steel

I also hope Snyder has more restrain with the slo-mo button with this movie. I did enjoy Sucker Punch's action scenes, but seems like 70% of it was in slow motion, kinda annoying after awhile.
Re: The Man of Steel

He wont. That's his style. I love it. He uses Slow mo so well.

It's Paul Anderson who doesnt know how to use it.

Slow Mo >>>>>>> Bourne style fights.