Man of Steel (SPOILERS)

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Re: The Man of Steel

Funny they said the same thing to James Cameron when he made Aliens, they said if it was a hit, then Ridley Scott would get all the credit, but if it bombed it would be on him.

Honestly I think win, or fail it will all fall on Snyder's shoulders.

I don't give a ____ about the politics, I just want a good Superman movie.
Re: The Man of Steel

Pity it couldn't have been Erica Durance but this Amy Adams pretty much looks the part.

Tried to watch Superman Returns last night. Fell asleep again. That just shouldn't happen with a Superman film.
Re: The Man of Steel

Anyone else want a mulligan with the Snyder hiring and toss it over to the other choice, Duncan Jones? With Moon and now Source Code under his belt he's got a promising career and working under Nolan could put him over the edge. I like Snyder, but after watching his latest he's just not evolving as a director.
Re: The Man of Steel

Meh. Jones' first two films are better than Snyder's stable. Regardless of if he's writing this it's still going to be directed the same as everything else he's done which for me personally is old hat at this point. He needs to evolve and fast.
Re: The Man of Steel

Maybe after Sucker Punch WB's will head back to the boardroom ............. or drawing board. Amy Adams as Lois Lane? (first time i've read this thread or news about this movie)


Regardless a film like this should deliver .................. at the box office that is.
Re: The Man of Steel

Nope. Snyder all the way.

Plus, he's not writing this one.

Thats the best thing about this movie!!

snyder knows how to direct an eye catching film but SP was just a huge LOL! to me, now i know why most of the trailers had little to know dialogue
Re: The Man of Steel

Jones is good but hasn't handled a big effects laden fantasy film like Snyder has. WB have gone down the road with Snyder and know he can deliver. Remember, they're on a hard and fast schedule with this - it HAS to be released in 2013.
Re: The Man of Steel

Meh. Jones' first two films are better than Snyder's stable. Regardless of if he's writing this it's still going to be directed the same as everything else he's done which for me personally is old hat at this point. He needs to evolve and fast.

Well, nothing against Jones, but action wise, Snyder will deliver. And I dont think he's a ****** director to a point that he WONT take critisim, and improve.

No one really gave him any real issues with Watchmen or 300....but we'll see. I think he can pull it off.
Re: The Man of Steel

one or two flops doesn't mean that he won't deliver. (A career of flops doesn't keep Uwe Bolll from working). However as excited as I've been about the recent news I'm waiting to hear the official announcement of who the villain will be and who will be playing him.
Re: The Man of Steel

A rather reliable dude posted this synopsis on another site, I'm trying to find out where it came from as we speak. Here ya go.

In the pantheon of superheroes, Superman is the most recognized and revered character of all time. Clark Kent/Kal-El (Henry Cavill) is a young twenty-something journalist who feels alienated by powers beyond anyone’s imagination. Transported to Earth years ago from Krypton, an advanced alien planet, Clark struggles with the ultimate question – Why am I here? Shaped by the values of his adoptive parents Martha (Diane Lane) and Jonathan Kent (Kevin Costner), Clark soon discovers that having super abilities means making very difficult decisions. But when the world needs stability the most, it comes under attack. Will his abilities be used to maintain peace or ultimately used to divide and conquer? Clark must become the hero known as “Superman,” not only to shine as the world’s last beacon of hope but to protect the ones he loves.

And villain info.

General Sam Lane, the father of Lois Lane, is a central figure in director Zack Snyder’s Superman reboot. This really is as Zack described in several interviews about the film, a “real world” Superman. I’m told that when Superman arrives on the scene; people don’t know what to think. He’s an alien from another planet. What are his real intentions? He’s not human and that scares a lot of people. Here’s a guy who can fly, see through walls, is bullet proof and can lift a tank. The military views him as a potential threat to national security. They find kryptonite, pieces of his home planet, and discover its radioactive elements can be harnessed as a near unlimited source of power, both literally and figuratively. It’s a brand new form of energy that is secretly developed by the government. The military, under the direction of General Sam Lane, uses kryptonite to power an experimental cyborg super solider named Metallo. He’s ultimately exploited as a weapon against Superman.
Re: The Man of Steel

Not really liking the excerpts from the script, if it is indeed from the actual script. Metallo as villian is fine but I was hoping for a bigger, more important villian.
Re: The Man of Steel

I may be reading too much into it, but the "world comes under attack" line sounds like there's a bigger threat than Metallo that leads to his becoming Superman. Zod maybe? Zod's the big threat, and Metallo's the gov't response to the sudden appearance of super-powered aliens, one of whom is clearly trying to conquer the Earth, and the other whose motives are questioned because of that.
Re: The Man of Steel

Lane is a real big bad in the comics right now - so I can see that. But Metallo has never been my favorite. Although Malcolm McDowell playing him on the animated show was cool.

The world coming under attack would make sense for Brainiac - that's who I'd like to see and it also helps answer the question "who am I?" for Clark (if they use the animated/Smallville Brainiac where he's Kryptonian in origin). Of course Zod would fill that purpose too.
Re: The Man of Steel

Brainiac could be the source of the tech that they use to build Metallo, like in Superman TAS where Brainiac was the supercomputer of krypton. It could be some self aware A.I. that they think is friendly but really using them as pawns.
Re: The Man of Steel

A villain that can destroy Superman like Brainiac, Doomsday or Darkseid would be better.
Re: The Man of Steel

A villain that can destroy Superman like Brainiac, Doomsday or Darkseid would be better.

leave Doomsday alone. they're not going to do the whole "death of, world without, and return of" Superman story lines, so don't touch it in a movie.
don't get me wrong I loved Superman:Doomsday but the original story is epic.