Man of Steel (SPOILERS)

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You know, there isn't a shred of nostalgia for me with the Donner films.

I saw them for the first time after I saw Superman Returns. They're just good ****ing movies. Has nothing what so ever to do with nostalgia.
Sure as hell neither for me, and I been watching them since I was little, I think you're probably the only one who only watched them for the 1st time in recent years and thought they hold up, nostalgia or not, they fall apart with the slightest analysis imo.
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@Ramatuelle. TLDR is a bit of a rude response don't you think? Who's saying you should not enjoy the film? I certainly never did. I can't find posts from anyone else saying it either. Not even folks who have disagreed with your opinion about it.

The other thread was full of people nerd-raging about how Kal-El is now a sociopath, and other related silly crap. According to them, everyone who enjoyed MoS is an idiot, or whatever the Stupid Gif of the Day is. After reading literally hundreds of pages of posts about how wrong fans are to enjoy MoS, my enjoyment remains intact.

So no, that really was more of a general statement, as opposed to something aimed specifically at you.
Just a thought, and a somewhat out of the box one, but what would folks think of Michael Shannon as some sort of Bizarro character or Cyborg Superman or something? It wouldn't exactly be following the comics, but imagine if Luthor confiscated his body and started experimenting to find some sort of way to revive him/create the ultimate "anti-Superman" weapon? Literally have Luthor turn Zod into his own personal Frankenstein's monster.
Just a thought, and a somewhat out of the box one, but what would folks think of Michael Shannon as some sort of Bizarro character or Cyborg Superman or something? It wouldn't exactly be following the comics, but imagine if Luthor confiscated his body and started experimenting to find some sort of way to revive him/create the ultimate "anti-Superman" weapon? Literally have Luthor turn Zod into his own personal Frankenstein's monster.

That would be cool, I posted something about Shannon looking like Bizarro the first time I saw him revealed. :lol
Your method would introduce Luthor as a villain without putting him right out front, I like that idea.
Just a thought, and a somewhat out of the box one, but what would folks think of Michael Shannon as some sort of Bizarro character or Cyborg Superman or something? It wouldn't exactly be following the comics, but imagine if Luthor confiscated his body and started experimenting to find some sort of way to revive him/create the ultimate "anti-Superman" weapon? Literally have Luthor turn Zod into his own personal Frankenstein's monster.

I like the idea a lot, maybe throw the lazarus pit in the mix?
Hell, that could work, too. Luthor continues to see Superman for the "monster" that he is, yet the world's support for him only grows; Luthor then believes that humanity is lost and turns to the one man who already knew that, Ra's, but Luthor believes that their enlightenment would be found in Superman's demise, etc., etc.
Just a thought, and a somewhat out of the box one, but what would folks think of Michael Shannon as some sort of Bizarro character or Cyborg Superman or something? It wouldn't exactly be following the comics, but imagine if Luthor confiscated his body and started experimenting to find some sort of way to revive him/create the ultimate "anti-Superman" weapon? Literally have Luthor turn Zod into his own personal Frankenstein's monster.

I posted quite a bit on another thread about how I thought Luthor should requisition Zods body. Put him in a Lazarus Pit and resurrect him as a weapon to be used against Kal. Because sometimes you fight fire with fire. And sometimes that actually works.

I want to see a Pit used onscreen. They are spooky. I want to see one dammit.

That or clone him. This is the last known Kryptonian - in a way Kal is not.

Sad to say - I doubt we get any plotline so interesting.
I just figured that you'd use what you've got. Luthor had to use Superman's DNA in the comics, but Superman left a Kryptonian corpse in the middle of a train station. Cloning Zod into some kind of Bizarro creature, or even just reviving him, would make more sense than "I created you with a drop of my blood, a strand of Superman's hair, and a genetic recoder or something.

Hell, there's another idea: an army of Bizarros. Luthor is a genius, right? What if he had his private security force confiscate all of the Kryptonian items during the battle, including the genesis chamber. How awesome would it be if Luthor based all of his plans around things Kryptonian in nature? He augments Zod's space suit into battle armor, uses Zod's corpse and the damaged genesis chamber to create an army of imperfect clones, etc.
Your statement works both ways, all of us who claimed to like MoS better than the Donner movies got jumped on by the nostalgia soldiers :lol and they've been 10 times more sarcastic and condescending, if anything, that is more like trolling than offering argument of why we like MoS and disagree with those who don't.

Not really. That mindset is a falsehood established by the MoS fanboys who seem to think that just because someone likes the Donner films instantly means there were zero issues with them. The truth of the matter is, there were flaws with them. But nobody's pretending there weren't like the MoS fanboys are pretending MoS was flawless. :wink1:
I don't get why people need to say that "X is my favorite so I think Y is bad." I'm not referring to anyone in particular, but I grew up on the Reeve films, I love the Reeve films, but they did have their issues. That doesn't hinder my enjoyment of them one bit. I loved Man of Steel, too, but it had some issues; again, for the most part, that didn't really affect my enjoyment of the film. It's okay to like multiple things.:lol
I'm not a superman fan (not a big one) and I enjoyed man of steel. Probably because it was nice to see him finally fight but even I had issues with the destruction and even I knew that superman wouldn't fight in city. I think he's done it before? Don't know.
I finally watched MOS.....

IMO it should be called POS. (Piece Of ....You get it)

I tried to like this movie but it left a bad taste in my mouth, because no matter how badly I wanted to see THE SUPER FIGHT on screen, It was hollow. Bad ...Script, Character, Plot Development, Pacing and lest we forget some of the stupidest contrivances I have seen in a long time.

I read literally every page of this thread because I find all the Pro and Con arguments fascinating. This thread is very entertaining, and both sides have made some very valid points.

Alas I am on the Anti-MOS side.

To those who will most surely bash my View...I say cool, Enjoy your Superman for a new age. it is your right in a free society to do so

To those who Share my View I say....Some day we may Get the Superman Movie we can enjoy.

Piece out Sideshow Freaks can't wait to read on......:clap
Not really. That mindset is a falsehood established by the MoS fanboys who seem to think that just because someone likes the Donner films instantly means there were zero issues with them. The truth of the matter is, there were flaws with them. But nobody's pretending there weren't like the MoS fanboys are pretending MoS was flawless. :wink1:

You seem to have missed all those posts where they glorified the Donner movies and used them to undermine MoS in comparison, like if the Donner films were perfect, that mindset has established by the fact that indeed the Donner films were thrown as a retort to our posts, Also, no one is pretending MoS is flawless, we just don't agree that it has as many issues as some point out, in fact IMO the Donner movies have a whole load more.
No they didn't act like the Donner films are perfect.

All we did was compare them. The Donner films aren't perfect. The effects might not hold up, and it's got that really ****ty song during the Lois flying scenes.....but the film has heart. It has decent story that are not bogged down by unnecessary plot. It has great acting from the leads. It's fun. But most of all, it has themes that hold up today.

No one is saying either film is flawless or perfect. But Man of Steel turned a lot of people off with it's unnecessarily complicated plot about codexes and DNA, the lack of a real heart, and the senseless destruction.

Superman is a born and raised true blue American hero. He should be doing everything in his power to help the smallest of creature on this planet. Not punching a giant tentacle monster, not punching a giant super Krypton monster, not punching a building, and not breaking someone's neck without set up.

What bothers me, and will continue to bother me, is people ****ting on the old films to justify the new. It never worked. The only way it can work is if your old films are something like, Superman Returns or something. If that was the first Superman movie...well, Man of Steel might not look so bad, I guess. :lol
They sure did, but glad we got that settled.

Again, I don't hold complaints for the FX, MoS has heart too, imo more than the old movies, and most of it's performances were a lot better as well.

MoS Plot was not complicated, not one bit, seriously, with that mindset we'll never get an Apokolips movie, and don't even think about a Crisis on 2 earths movie type of plots, they'd make your head explode.

Which is exactly what he did, also, there was plenty setup for him breaking Zod's neck. Also, that misconception that people don't die in superhero stories just because they don't show it, is obsolete by now and silly to say the least, what's the point of villains if they don't actually achieve anything to make us fear them?

The Donner movies are one of the reasons why I think MoS is better, I started undermining them just after it happened the other way around, bashing MoS to glorify the Donner movies for the "classics" that I don't think they are.

They were great for their time, they hold their value if you look at them from a certain perspective, I appreciate them, that's all.