Man of Steel (SPOILERS)

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Re: The Man of Steel

it seems that Sunday is the day for the announcement wondering who will be next? would like to see Jeff Bridges take on Perry White! and here is hoping Lindsey Lohan dont get cast as Ursa or Mercy or Cat Grant..............
Re: The Man of Steel

Lindsey Lohan!!! :lol

The only person spreading rumors of her being in a Superman film is Lindsey Lohan.

She couldn't get completion insurance on the last movie that tried to hire her. She's not going to be part of any tent pole films any time soon.
Re: The Man of Steel

You mean Lindsay™? Yup she is apparently dropping the Lohan and going with just Lindsay™.

I searched beause I knew I read info about her and S:MOS but so far all comments are from her reps. I would say that she is a longshot at best.
Re: The Man of Steel

I would kill a hobo for a night with Erica Durance. True Story.

Kristin Kreuk? No. I prefer her porn counterpart Danni Cole.

(I wonder how many are going to google Danni Cole now that I posted that...)

Done, and done! But more of a CTRL+C, then CTRL+V into the body of an e-mail then FWD home to my account. Thanks Mike! :wave
Re: The Man of Steel

Latino Review has posted bullet list of rumors about Zack Snyder's Man of Steel that they say came from a solid scooper:

- You will see JOR-EL and his wife, Lara.
- Daniel Day-Lewis was looked at for JOR-EL and not the villain.
- Krypton will not be a crystal planet like the Donner film; this Krypton will PROBABLY look like the Coruscant skyline from Star Wars.
- The Kryptonian villainess is not URSA...Well sort of. The villainess is FAORA.

In the movies Superman and Superman II, the female Kryptonian villainess URSA is based on Faora.
Re: The Man of Steel

I'm surprised they are featuring anything on Krypton. Jor-El and most of the stuff on Krypton was defined in the first two weeks on the Superman daily newspaper comic, the copyright of which is now fully owned by the Seigals and Schusters.
Re: The Man of Steel

I would be happy to see a technological city since the Krytonians are an advanced race and not a planet made of ice where everyone is wearing fur.
Re: The Man of Steel

WB can use whatever it wants until 2013. Even though it is owned by the Siegals and the Schusters, their agreement holds firm until then. It didn't stop Smallville. Past that is still anyone's guess.

I'm glad to hear it, I've been dying for them to do Krypton similar to the way they did with S:TAS and really get it right on film.
Re: The Man of Steel

Knowing Snyder's visual style, that'll be worth the price of admission alone. I can't wait to see the ship, can't wait to see the landing, the adolescent montage (I'm assuming), the first time he dons the suit. It'll be epic.
Re: The Man of Steel

Snyder has a good eye for design. I'm sure there will be many amazing ships/robots/cool stuff. There have been people wanting to see Superman in a battle with modern movie technology, I'm sure this movie is going to give it to them.

I'm confident whatever story the Nolans and Goyer came up with will give snyder a good starting point. He also won't be boxed in by treating a comic book as his storyboards as he did on 300 and Watchmen.

I think my concerns are his stuff sometimes looks too CG synthetic. I think that might be partly because he loves doing stuff in sepia tone. Everyone else has pointed out the fast-mo slow-mo action shots. I'd like to see him ease up on that stuff.
Re: The Man of Steel


Bryan Singer: Why 'Superman Returns' Didn't Work
Source: The Hollywood Reporter Sun Apr 17, 2011, 3:45 pm EDT

The 2006 movie Superman Returns was supposed to reignite the comic-book character for big-screen audiences and make a star out of unknown actor Brandon Routh. While critics praised the film, it underwhelmed at the box office, earning $391 million worldwide.

Now, with another Superman film in the works -- Zack Snyder's Superman: Man of Steel, which stars Henry Cavill in the title role -- Superman Returns director-producer Bryan Singer is admitting that he made some mistakes with his own film.

"I think that Superman Returns was a bit nostalgic and romantic, and I don't think that was what people were expecting, especially in the summer," Singer said in an interview with "What I had noticed is that there weren't a lot of women lining up to see a comic book movie, but they were going to line up to see The Devil Wears Prada, which may have been something I wanted to address. But when you're making a movie, you're not thinking about that stuff, you're thinking, 'Wow, I want to make a romantic movie that harkens back to the Richard Donner movie that I loved so much.' And that's what I did."

Many moviegoers criticized the third act, in which Lex Luthor (Kevin Spacey) stabs Superman with a shard of kryptonite, but then the two characters don't appear onscreen again for the rest of the movie. In defending the scene, Singer said he tried to insert a religious analogy his storytelling, which was probably too "heavy" for a summer movie.

"I've always felt that the origin of Superman is the story of Moses -- the child sent on a ship to fulfill a destiny," said Singer, a producer on the upcoming X-Men: First Class. "And this was a story about Christ -- it's all about sacrifice: The world, I hear their cries. So what happens? He gets the knife in the side and later he falls to the earth in the shape of a crucifix. It was kind of nailing you on the head, but I enjoyed that, because I've always found the myth of Christ compelling and moving. So I hoped to do my own take, which is heavy s--- for a summer movie."

Singer said if he were to take on another Superman film, he would do a reboot of the franchise by remaking the original and would make it a more "balls-to-the-wall action movie" with a different pace from Superman Returns.

Despite the disappointing performance of Superman Returns, Singer still says he's "proud" of the film.

"There are a bunch of movies I've made where I'm, like, 'Yuck, that was weak' or 'That could've been better,' and I can see why. But with Superman Returns. ... If I could go back, I would have tightened the first act."
Re: The Man of Steel

"I've always found the myth of Christ compelling and moving."

Ballsy :lol
Re: The Man of Steel

Well, he is gay. So I would imagine the people that attacked him the most would be the crazy christians. :lol

But i've come to like Returns. It's slow....but pretty great looking.
Re: The Man of Steel

"While the critics praised the film" haha, thats why critics suck. Basically after the airplane rescue scene, tth movie stank. Stupid new Krypton, stupid kid, stupid way he got his ass kicked. I don;t think Singer will ever have another shot at a Superman movie.
Re: The Man of Steel

Well, he is gay. So I would imagine the people that attacked him the most would be the crazy christians. :lol

But i've come to like Returns. It's slow....but pretty great looking.

I don't recall any organized (or disorganized) movements or protests by christian organizations aimed at Mr. Singer.
The Superman/Messiah comparison was around before Singer mentioned it.
Don't create a conflict where there isnt.
Re: The Man of Steel

That quote kind of comes off as "well, they were too stupid to get it". But it was more, yea, we got it in 1978 - let's see something for 2008!

Superhero movies are all about myths and religious iconography - whether it's Christian, Norse or whatever. It's an essential part of any film like this or really any fantasy film, but that can't be ALL it's about.