Man of Steel (SPOILERS)

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the Kryptonians like Jor-El, Kara, and the Council didn't care about genetic superiority, it was just the bloodlines they cared about. Back thousands of years ago they decided whoever was a leader, a worker, a soldier, a teacher, whatever their bloodlines were back then, their bloodline would always be those types of people. So when they created this Codex, it was flawed because whose to say those bloodlines were the best for those positions in their society. Jor-El realized this but it was too late. Zod also realized this, but he is the one who wanted genetic superiority. Only the best bloodlines should be preserved was his belief and his followers.

I thought they said "centuries".
They're not clones, everybody already thoroughly explained and understands that.

The need for terraforming is also explained, and that's because the needed to ensure the babies survival.

All that has been discussed and explained, in detail, there's no plothole for the terraforming and they're not clones, a pre-existing DNA template does no make them clones, someone's just playing ostrich,
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I probably didn't express myself very well.
What I think is going on is basically "test-tube babies". The way I see it, they fertilize krytonian ova in vitro and genetically manipulate them to certain standards they want.

Then there's zero need for the Kotex containing all the ancestral DNA of Krypton. :dunno
I probably didn't express myself very well.
What I think is going on is basically "test-tube babies". The way I see it, they fertilize krytonian ova in vitro and genetically manipulate them to certain standards they want.

Yah the science isnt 100% explained, mainly because its fiction, soo...They have some kind of technology we dont have, and its not cloning because they are not making copies of anyone.

Im not sure if they are manipulating to set any standards, because thats what Zod in a sense wants to do, and they arent doing it. They aren't creating super beings, they are just pre-determining their lives in society with selecting DNA and then not giving any choice in the kind of life they lead....he/She has doctors DNA, so they have to be a doctor because they will be good at it...but in reality, doesn't work that way and Krypton failed because of it.

Zod kind of wants to manipulate it by just having the best bloodlines of Krypton. If they were genetically manipulating, they probably would have achieved what Zod wanted.

Its more about pre-determining lives based on DNA and that their society failed because of it. Sort of saying just because you have the DNA to be a doctor doesn't mean you have to be a doctor. Thats what Jor-El was getting at. The Council failed to lead the people in the right direction. Just because the Council's DNA had maybe a great leader many generations ago, doesn't mean they can lead just because they have the DNA.

So its Genetic Engineering, probably not Genetic manipulation.
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Yeah, another thing on the 'that doesn't make any sense' list

He wanted krypton back thats all.
Not rule humans or anything.
Krypton back as it was.
He dont care for the superpowers or anything but bring back his world and peoples. Protecting krypton was hs duty.
I find that refreshing instead of having another madman who wants to rule the world laughing demonically.
He wanted krypton back thats all.
Not rule humans or anything.
Krypton back as it was.
He dont care for the superpowers or anything but bring back his world and peoples. Protecting krypton was hs duty.
I find that refreshing instead of having another madman who wants to rule the world laughing demonically.

He wanted krypton back thats all.
Not rule humans or anything.
Krypton back as it was.
He dont care for the superpowers or anything but bring back his world and peoples. Protecting krypton was hs duty.
I find that refreshing instead of having another madman who wants to rule the world laughing demonically.

It's stupid to want a planet that's gone, back and then think that by terraforming another planet, things will go right back to the way they were. You can make it like Krypton, but at the end of the day, it's not, which makes Zod a complete ****ing moron. :lol
They can't have Krypton back "as it was" unless they also engineer our sun. If they can terraform planets and modify stars they should have been able to fix the core of Krypton.
It's stupid to want a planet that's gone, back and then think that by terraforming another planet, things will go right back to the way they were. You can make it like Krypton, but at the end of the day, it's not, which makes Zod a complete ****ing moron. :lol

Nobody said Zod was a genius. :dunno
The man clearly was pretty mixed up in his head...
He wanted krypton back thats all.
Not rule humans or anything.
Krypton back as it was.
He dont care for the superpowers or anything but bring back his world and peoples. Protecting krypton was hs duty.
I find that refreshing instead of having another madman who wants to rule the world laughing demonically.
In a way you can't blame Zod and him and Jor-El saw eye to eye at one point, until Zod decided to overthrow the council and only want the best bloodlines to live.

It all made perfect sense. Things similar to this have happened in our world history as we all know.

Terraforming, they had been trying to do it for a long time, but it wasn't really working. They could never find a planet that they could live on. And their explorers eventually died trying. Earth was a planet Kara & Jorl-El discovered that they thought would finally work thats why they sent him Kal to Earth hoping Zod would never find the planet. And I dont think he was looking to make Krypton just like the way things were, it was exact opposite because Zod wanted drastic change in Kryptonian life. He wanted only the greatest bloodlines because he believed they would be a better race.
Zod didn't want to bring back the exact same krypton that was destroyed, only to terraform it to suit better for his purpose.

He wanted to make it like Krypton, that's is.

I have no problem with the terraforming part, it was pretty good.

The codex part was very poorly explained and the movie could have done better without it.
In a way you can't blame Zod and him and Jor-El saw eye to eye at one point, until Zod decided to overthrow the council and only want the best bloodlines to live.

This is why I like this Zod better, it's multilayered, not unidimensional and cliché at all.

He's as much a villain as a tragic figure, and the despotic undertones of the character are much more subtle.
This is why I like this Zod better, it's multilayered, not unidimensional and cliché at all.

He's as much a villain as a tragic figure, and the despotic undertones of the character are much more subtle.
Definitely a tragic figure. He wasn't just some guy looking for power, he had a purpose and he loved his people. Then he went crazy. Thats why I would love to see a Jor-El movie and see how he and Zod used to be friends and share the same ideas and then see how Zod changed.