Man of Steel (SPOILERS)

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"Dear Zod,

I'm on this planet called Earth and I'd really like a job as a reporter but there's like 10,000 of them in the building where I'd like to work. Could you come here and help me kill them all in a way that looks like it isn't my fault?


P.S. I told them the Death Viper Serpent means 'Hope,' lol"

:lol :hi5:
Wait, whose clones now?

The Kryptonians are genetically engineered from the DNA of their ancestors that's contained on the Kotex and then "hatched" from those birthing containers. They're essentially clones. But the MoS fanboys don't want to open that door because it makes the film even more lame. :lol
I don't think that makes them clones.

Serpentor was created the same way and is not a clone. I would think. :dunno

I think he was. Just not of one man. Existing DNA was reproduced and combined unnaturally to create a living being, and in that aspect, he was a clone. They weren't taking sperm and eggs from living Kryptonians, otherwise there'd have been no need for the Kotex (the key plotpoint of the film), and the El's schtooping wouldn't have been heresy.
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Cloning means making an exact copy of the genetic material, basically making a duplicate.
I don't remember seeing or hearing anything about that in the movie.
They were just genetically engineered to fulfill certain roles: military, science, politics, etc.
It's funny how you guys willing to laugh at my post, yet nobody can really say why the Kotex was necessary (other than the a-typical "undefined" plot point). If they wanted to make "genetically perfect" warriors, they could simply have bred Zod with Faora to produce an offspring given both were "engineered." There was no need for the Kotex.
Cloning means making an exact copy of the genetic material, basically making a duplicate.
I don't remember seeing or hearing anything about that in the movie.
They were just genetically engineered to fulfill certain roles: military, science, politics, etc.
they are not exact copies. Zod, Jor-El, Kara, Faora, they were all born through the Genesis Chamber. They aren't cloned copies of themselves from centuries ago.

They are just using DNA. But technically we don't know the complete science because its fictional science and Kryptonian science is lightyears ahead of Earth's...

Clones are exact copies, and the kryptonian's we saw were not copies. They just had DNA from previous generations. When you wanted to have a child you could chose to have a worker, a solider, and leader, a teacher picking from the DNA they had in the Codex. This is what Jor-El was talking about "choice". There was no choice for the child. They were born already pre-determined with selecting the parents selecting the DNA.

Zod, Faora, and their crew had a different belief, they wanted to take it a step further and only use the DNA from the best bloodlines, which is basically Eugentics. By doing this their belief would make a greater race by using just the best DNA....Zod's people believed by not having the best DNA destroyed the planet because the leaders came from flawed DNA/Bloodlines and couldn't make the right decisions.
For a superior race they're pretty stupid when it comes to geology then, even the basics :rotfl

That's a whole other issue. If they were so dependent on genetic superiority, why terraform the planet? They knew Kal-El survived and also knew he could re-adapt to a Kryptonian atmosphere (which means the same was true for them). So why not just adapt to Earth's atmosphere and rule the humans as a superior race with godlike powers?
That's a whole other issue. If they were so dependent on genetic superiority, why terraform the planet? They knew Kal-El survived and also knew he could re-adapt to a Kryptonian atmosphere (which means the same was true for them). So why not just adapt to Earth's atmosphere and rule the humans as a superior race with godlike powers?

Yeah, another thing on the 'that doesn't make any sense' list
For a superior race they're pretty stupid when it comes to geology then, even the basics :rotfl

That was Zods issue. He believed the leaders were not selected from the best bloodlines and It basically shows and the point was the Kryptonian's made a huge mistake when they decided to ban natural child birth centuries ago. It destroyed their race.
That was Zods issue. He believed the leaders were not selected from the best bloodlines and It basically shows and the point was the Kryptonian's made a huge mistake when they decided to ban natural child birth centuries ago. It destroyed their race.

Then in that case Zod is an idiot, even before he co-destroyed half of Metropolis
It's funny how you guys willing to laugh at my post, yet nobody can really say why the Kotex was necessary (other than the a-typical "undefined" plot point).

Well as unlikely as it seems, I'm with you 'Nam. Asexual reproduction can only be achieved through some sort of cloning process.

They seem to have what appear to be (at a fanboy type guess) artificial egg/wombs in which to gestate the embryonic Kryptonian until birth so then all they would need would be the deciding additional, DNA genetic markers and information coming from a sample from the Codex (Kotex? ' naughty person you :lol :nono) and hey presto, a new Kryptonian clone of what/whomsoever they needed again.

It fits inexactly with what we see in the film.

They were just genetically engineered to fulfill certain roles: military, science, politics, etc.

So perhaps a crucial but so far ignored question....genetically engineer from what...Lego Bricks? I know we can talk about 'the building blocks of life' but that is just taking it too far! The moment a person mentions building an entire race from genetic engineering, you have to have to have some genetic material to engineer in the first place, or you're just engineering air.
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