MarfMaster's Mix *LOTS of New Stuff* :)

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Re: MarfMaster's Mix *Don Draper by Kato / DX12 Facial Reconstruction*

That Don Draper is pure class. Sculpt by Trevor, Paint by Nathan, Outfit by Kato, makes for one perfect figure. :thud:

That Predator looks so out of place behind Batman and Draper. :lol

Thanks Walker, Don does have a pretty solid pedigree. :hi5:

I know what you mean about the Pred, photobomber to the max. :lol
Re: MarfMaster's Mix *Don Draper by Kato / DX12 Facial Reconstruction*

So I thinned out my TTM16 arms in anticipation for building my Don. Took a an hour or so with the dremmel. Easy peasy.
Re: MarfMaster's Mix *Don Draper by Kato / DX12 Facial Reconstruction*

So I thinned out my TTM16 arms in anticipation for building my Don. Took a an hour or so with the dremmel. Easy peasy.

Nice, I'll have to do that next time I have an hour or two. I'm thinking it will take me longer to undress and redress/futz the figure than it will to do the sanding. :lol
Re: MarfMaster's Mix *Don Draper by Kato / DX12 Facial Reconstruction*

Nice, I'll have to do that next time I have an hour or two. I'm thinking it will take me longer to undress and redress/futz the figure than it will to do the sanding. :lol

I hear you. i have a few nude bodies lying around awaiting Iminime figure conversions (se7en, CEO, neo and smith) and I just cant bring myself to do it.
Re: MarfMaster's Mix *Don Draper by Kato / DX12 Facial Reconstruction*

Grats on don Dane.
Kato never ceases to amaze me. His translation of 1:1 clothes to 1/6 is unbeatable.
Your bats also look great.
I think Robbie's faceplate mod is one of the single best mod ever.
I was with the crew who received this first but I never Posted pics until I got Robbie's faceplate cause my hatred for the cowl almost made me the sell the figure.
His mod almost makes this look like a medi cowl.
Re: MarfMaster's Mix *Don Draper by Kato / DX12 Facial Reconstruction*

Thanks, fellas!

Thanks, Yannick! I did try out quite a few sets of hands, so I'm glad to hear it sounds like I chose the right ones. The strongest 1/6 figures can definitely be brought down by overlooking those pesky little details.

I'm hoping the MRM/Nathan sculpt turns out the way I envision it in my head. Nathan is the man for the job to make that happen, though...he consistently matches or exceeds your mind's eye. That's actually why I sprung for the Robbie faceplate. I was at peace with the DX12 sculpt, but once I got the wheels turning on the MRM/Nathan project, I felt it needed to be elevated to hang on the same shelf.

Thank you, Kara. :duff When Trevor, Nathan and Kato collaborate, they leave you with something pretty special!

Thank Ed, much appreciated. :1-1: I hope you're doing well!

Thanks Mag, it's a Kato suit as Wake mentioned.

That's about as big a compliment as one can get. Major thanks, TF. :1-1:

Thanks guys! The only other mod I did to the DX12 was shorten the neck. I also swapped the cape with one of lforigno's if you consider that a mod. :duff

Thanks, man! :hi5: I wonder if I can get those shoulders to protrude a little less with some futzing. This is why I love having my fellow freaks eyeball my figures. :exactly:


Cheers, Rob. :1-1:

Thanks Walker, Don does have a pretty solid pedigree.

I know what you mean about the Pred, photobomber to the max. :

Nice, I'll have to do that next time I have an hour or two. I'm thinking it will take me longer to undress and redress/futz the figure than it will to do the sanding.

Who are you, Maglor???? You've gone quote crazy!!!! :rotfl:rotfl
Re: MarfMaster's Mix *Don Draper by Kato / DX12 Facial Reconstruction*

Dig the Draper! :clap Suit looks perfect and that chair is so spot on 60's! :lol Great additiion here, Marf!
Re: MarfMaster's Mix *Don Draper by Kato / DX12 Facial Reconstruction*

Dane, Dane, Dane! :thud:
I'll have to burn my detolfs! :monkey2

Wonderful collection buddy! :hi5:
Re: MarfMaster's Mix *Don Draper by Kato / DX12 Facial Reconstruction*

I also popped Robbie's faceplate on my DX12, what a difference!


What a difference is right! :hi5:

Is that plate still being offered? I missed out on it. Who was doing that again? Robbie who?

EDIT: Nevermind... I see it. :)
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Re: MarfMaster's Mix *Don Draper by Kato / DX12 Facial Reconstruction*

I hear you. i have a few nude bodies lying around awaiting Iminime figure conversions (se7en, CEO, neo and smith) and I just cant bring myself to do it.

Yup, it's difficult for me to bring myself to strip down a figure for a simple body swap/mod...especially if I'm not really unhappy with the way it looks anyhow. :slap

Grats on don Dane.
Kato never ceases to amaze me. His translation of 1:1 clothes to 1/6 is unbeatable.
Your bats also look great.
I think Robbie's faceplate mod is one of the single best mod ever.
I was with the crew who received this first but I never Posted pics until I got Robbie's faceplate cause my hatred for the cowl almost made me the sell the figure.
His mod almost makes this look like a medi cowl.

Thanks Fernando! :) Kato is indeed a genius. It's nice to know that once he starts a project, you know you're going to see the closest 1/6 representation of a 1/1 outfit possible. He settles for nothing less.

I totally agree about Robbie's faceplate. For how simple the mod is, no other has instantly changed my perception of a figure as much.

Who are you, Maglor???? You've gone quote crazy!!!! :rotfl:rotfl

Changing my name to MultiquoteMaster. :lol

Dig the Draper! :clap Suit looks perfect and that chair is so spot on 60's! :lol Great additiion here, Marf!

Much appreciated MANDO, Don definitely has a little time capsule going on in his corner of the shelf. :lol Which is great, because that aspect of the show is one of the reasons I love it so much!
Re: MarfMaster's Mix *Don Draper by Kato / DX12 Facial Reconstruction*

Dane, Dane, Dane! :thud:
I'll have to burn my detolfs! :monkey2

Wonderful collection buddy! :hi5:

Thank you for the compliment, Hosam, and thank you for stopping by! :hi5:

What a difference is right! :hi5:

Is that plate still being offered? I missed out on it. Who was doing that again? Robbie who?

EDIT: Nevermind... I see it. :)

Glad you found it, I would say that it's a must for any DX12 owner that's even slightly irked by the stock plates. :exactly:
Re: MarfMaster's Mix *Don Draper by Kato / DX12 Facial Reconstruction*

Unimpressed cat is unimpressed. :lecture
Re: MarfMaster's Mix *Don Draper by Kato / DX12 Facial Reconstruction*

Don is finally done! The notion of a high-quality suit for this figure was born quite a while ago, and it has finally come to fruition. Incredibly happy with how Don has turned out. :)







Sheer perfection! Not keen on the show but this is the Motts! The new faceplate is full of win as well! Keep em coming Dane! :clap
Re: MarfMaster's Mix *Don Draper by Kato / DX12 Facial Reconstruction*

I gotta see a side to side of the Dude and Draper having a drink together. Instant glory on that shelf. Beautiful work on it Marf!
Re: MarfMaster's Mix *Don Draper by Kato / DX12 Facial Reconstruction*

Sheer perfection! Not keen on the show but this is the Motts! The new faceplate is full of win as well! Keep em coming Dane! :clap

Thanks, bro! A few more gems on the horizon, but I'm runnin' out of pop culture crushes. :lol

I gotta see a side to side of the Dude and Draper having a drink together. Instant glory on that shelf. Beautiful work on it Marf!

Thanks Turbo, and that's an excellent idea! I will definitely have to take that pic soon. :exactly:

That kato draper suit is spectacular!

Cheers, Cobra, thanks for stopping by! :duff
Re: MarfMaster's Mix *Don Draper by Kato / DX12 Facial Reconstruction*

Unimpressed cat is unimpressed. :lecture

:duff :lol Marf always gets me, that's the best part and why I like him.

I'm trying to get some extra coin to get that suit, too many goodies at once, I hope Kato has a few left whenever the getting is good.

Awesome piece man!
