MarfMaster's Mix *LOTS of New Stuff* :)

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Re: MarfMaster's Mix *Don Draper by Kato / DX12 Facial Reconstruction*

I also popped Robbie's faceplate on my DX12, what a difference!




Re: MarfMaster's Mix *Don Draper by Kato / DX12 Facial Reconstruction*

Awesome stuff Dane! Don is insane!
Re: MarfMaster's Mix *Don Draper by Kato / DX12 Facial Reconstruction*

That Don figure just screams quality. Just fantastic work.
Re: MarfMaster's Mix *Don Draper by Kato / DX12 Facial Reconstruction*

Such a small detail, but the hands you used are perfect for him. Something people often overlook IMO. Looks really amazing overall.

Bats looks great as well. Can't wait to see him side by side with the DX11 with MRM/Nathan's head. That should be one hell of a display. :rock
Re: MarfMaster's Mix *Don Draper by Kato / DX12 Facial Reconstruction*

Man, that Draper is fantastic. It's a Rainman suit?
Re: MarfMaster's Mix *Don Draper by Kato / DX12 Facial Reconstruction*

Your collection is what I would consider to be a perfect collection.
Re: MarfMaster's Mix *Don Draper by Kato / DX12 Facial Reconstruction*

That Draper is incredible! That suit is awesome.
Re: MarfMaster's Mix *Don Draper by Kato / DX12 Facial Reconstruction*

Excellent addition Marf.

What other mods are on that DX12? Love Robbie's faceplate.
Re: MarfMaster's Mix *Don Draper by Kato / DX12 Facial Reconstruction*

Draper turned out great, especially the tumbler glass! The only thing (and its a minor nit) is the shoulders on the suit. Otherwise It looks great!
Re: MarfMaster's Mix *Don Draper by Kato / DX12 Facial Reconstruction*

Your collection is what I would consider to be a perfect collection.

This! Which is why I have a burning hatred for Dane deep down in my loins. ha.

Nah really, this is a brilliant collection, always a joy to look at!
Re: MarfMaster's Mix *Don Draper by Kato / DX12 Facial Reconstruction*

Awesome stuff Dane! Don is insane!

Nice update marf

That Don figure just screams quality. Just fantastic work.

Great Pic's; Marf it does and realism

Thanks, fellas! :hi5:

Such a small detail, but the hands you used are perfect for him. Something people often overlook IMO. Looks really amazing overall.

Bats looks great as well. Can't wait to see him side by side with the DX11 with MRM/Nathan's head. That should be one hell of a display. :rock

Thanks, Yannick! I did try out quite a few sets of hands, so I'm glad to hear it sounds like I chose the right ones. :) The strongest 1/6 figures can definitely be brought down by overlooking those pesky little details.

I'm hoping the MRM/Nathan sculpt turns out the way I envision it in my head. Nathan is the man for the job to make that happen, though...he consistently matches or exceeds your mind's eye. That's actually why I sprung for the Robbie faceplate. I was at peace with the DX12 sculpt, but once I got the wheels turning on the MRM/Nathan project, I felt it needed to be elevated to hang on the same shelf. :lol

Nice update Marf ;)

This figure screams quality. Looks like the best of what I would expect from Rainman and then some. Congrats on getting that together Marf.

Thank you, Kara. :duff When Trevor, Nathan and Kato collaborate, they leave you with something pretty special!

Don looks great, Dane! :clap Congrats!

Thank Ed, much appreciated. :1-1: I hope you're doing well!

Man, that Draper is fantastic. It's a Rainman suit?

Thanks Mag, it's a Kato suit as Wake mentioned. :)

Your collection is what I would consider to be a perfect collection.

That's about as big a compliment as one can get. Major thanks, TF. :1-1:
Re: MarfMaster's Mix *Don Draper by Kato / DX12 Facial Reconstruction*

That Draper is incredible! That suit is awesome.

Excellent addition Marf.

What other mods are on that DX12? Love Robbie's faceplate.

Thanks guys! The only other mod I did to the DX12 was shorten the neck. I also swapped the cape with one of lforigno's if you consider that a mod. :duff

Draper turned out great, especially the tumbler glass! The only thing (and its a minor nit) is the shoulders on the suit. Otherwise It looks great!

Thanks, man! :hi5: I wonder if I can get those shoulders to protrude a little less with some futzing. This is why I love having my fellow freaks eyeball my figures. :exactly:

This! Which is why I have a burning hatred for Dane deep down in my loins. ha.

Nah really, this is a brilliant collection, always a joy to look at!


Cheers, Rob. :1-1:
Re: MarfMaster's Mix *Don Draper by Kato / DX12 Facial Reconstruction*

That Don Draper is pure class. Sculpt by Trevor, Paint by Nathan, Outfit by Kato, makes for one perfect figure. :thud:

That Predator looks so out of place behind Batman and Draper. :lol