Its a bit long-winded but certainly a better story and character arc than Iron Man 1 and Thor 1. Every Cap movie was really well done. Tony may be more fun and have cooler, more ''possible'' tech, but Cap really holds the MCU together though his stories and growth.
Whether its Cap2 or Falcon, they are both Cap-lite to me. I do hope there's more to this series than buddy-buddy conflict and racial camaraderie.
Well, episode 3 managed to remind me why I was so into the MCU films in the first place.
It's - awesome.

The down side being, it makes me wanna go buy *&^%. Usually expensive HT *&^%.
Just - this is the way. Good writing for one thing; badassery and dry humor for another. Just - awesome.
They need to bring in a new 1st tier already. Get to X-Men and Fantastic Four already. Let's go with Dr Strange already. Let's bring in some wholly new comic characters to mix with the old ones. Who is the new energy in Falcon? Cap2? Blah. They should be looking at these shows NOT as a way to keep the old going, but as a way to introduce NEW BLOOD into a 12 year old tired franchise that now needs to go to the next level. Look how energetic things got when Spiderman got infused. These shows should be bringing in some X-men and maybe two of the Four Fantastics.
Huh. Depends IMO.
Comics and films, especially the films - Falcon/WS are favorites of mine. So is Loki. From my perspective, with Bucky in particular, one the MCU's best fighters was just thrown away in IW, as was a lot of Team Cap. As were relationships.
And I'll never know, probably, since these things are a long time in planning, that Bucky, Loki, etc. being fan favorites were shunted in planning early on; into being hooks for the D+ series, as Disney was entering an arena with streaming that had a lot of competition. No-one knew if the Mandalorian would work or not; and D+ didn't have a lot of content.
So from my perspective, stories and characters were introduced that were never given justice

; at the same time a character like Spiderman or BP gets introduced; fine, but the films IMO aren't that great, no matter how much money they made. So on the one hand, you have characters who deserved better hanging; on the other hand u have films with some questionable decisions - like the last Spiderman movie. (To me it looked like budget-light - minutes of disco lights or whatever that was. I was bored out of my mind

and IMO it looked cheap. Plus they are pushing this great Stark relationship that to me strained credulity, since I never saw it happen, really.)
So LOL I figure the MCU owes me *satisfaction* from Feige openly standing up and talking about how how loved these characters are, and then using a film (IW) I waited 2 years for (after Civil War) to give me an advertisement for upcoming films and push the questionable intro of Captain Marvel

. Huh.
Like, I didn't need storylines I was following in the MCU to get the Taika treatment when he just disposed of the Warriors 3.
And with the uneven - to be charitable - Xmen and FF4 films - I need a break, to sort of let the memories fade. Assume D+ and their creepy social media analysts

have already figured out that too - best it let it rest for a while. Re-cast. Etc.