There are more then that, as a huge cap fan the Sharon thing somehow makes that whole thing even worse. Id imagine that most everyone who survived the Snap would have spent those five years haunted by those they lost, and would have put in some effort to find them once everybody popped back into existence. But I guess Steve just didn?t bother looking in on Sharon before he bailed on everyone in end game. He just let her rot, still a fugitive from the law, unable to return to her home country.
he didn?t take steps to have her pardoned, there?s almost no chance he even tried to find out what happened to her. And there?s no way he just forgot about her in all the madness ? he was planning to retire to the past so he could bang her aunt! He definitely would have thought about Sharon during all that.
It?s frankly just awful. She got in trouble in the first place because Steve asked her for help. She was in that mess because of him. And based on what we?ve seen in this TV show he could not be bothered to help her out in return. And he definitely could have done so. He?s Captain America, If he had wanted Sharon pardoned, he could have gotten it without any problem like he did bucky, sam and widow
As far as I?m concerned, the legacy of Steve Rogers is in absolute tatters right now. And I can?t imagine the rest of ?The Falcon and the Winter Soldier? is going to do anything to change that. There is also no chance in hell bucky would ever work with zemo again, super soldiers all over the place that went unnoticed, racist undertones with a black captain america that was locked away and tortured by whitee- all massive retcons im sorry none of this show is believable to me and yes it creates plot holes and inconsistencies within the greater mcu- it tarnishes it much like the pt and st did the ot
I have a higher bar then yours which seems to be ?its part of the mcu so i am going to like it regardless?
Actually IMO Infinity War was more of a fail that way *realistically*, as it implied that Cap had made multiple trips to Wakanda; and there was the BS from the writers that Bucky and Cap were skyping each other. All BS - if u seriously want to disappear, NO CONTACT; nothing, with your old life. Computers, agencies, scan for fugitives and patterns of behavior. Sharon was CIA - basically what she did in CW was a serious sacrifice. But she sure wouldn't have let Cap know where she was any more than Cap would have been contacting Bucky through Skype are u kidding

The problems with getting Bucky, Sam, and Widow aren't shown, because that would have been probably incredibly boring - no-one is going to watch a show with lawyers and committee meetings and hearings dragging on for months. Have you ever watched a session in Congress? For Bucky anyway, we know he has a conditional release, so he's being kept an eye on.
I'm never happy with anything getting pounded into my head re a script for something I watch for entertainment; and I think Spellman is overstuffing messages somewhat; but Isaiah Bradley is comic accurate; from a 2003 limited Marvel run. And it sounds like these new super soldiers are new - they stole the serum AFTER everyone was brought back. That's openly said - the GRC is paying more attention to those that returned than those whose lives are now worse off (like, it's creepy to think that Thanos wasn't completely off base

Bucky and Zemo both have an inherent understanding of the abuse of power - Zemo for obvious reasons; Bucky because he WAS used by Hydra to consolidate power. Heck, Tony's parents would still be alive except the U.S. was also trying to get more power. They're not friends; they're allies. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
For me anyway, it's not whether it's the MCU or even my favorite characters; it's whether - at the base of things, do I think the writing is good here; because for me that's where it starts. And I wasn't too happy with GOTG2, IW, EG, or Captain Marvel; and there's obvious stuff like the cringe element in Ultron

tho that movie also has some really great moments too, like Vision.
There's some stuff I'd change in FWS, sure. But overall, IMO Spellman knows his *&^%, definitely is a comic fan, knows how to balance a script, and keeps it real - good stuff

. Big relief for me anyway since these are characters I wanted more of - Bucky, Falcon, Sharon, and Zemo. Not seeing anything that would damage Cap's reputation - anyway, one thing I luv in EG is that scene when he crawls to his feet, hand shaking, to take on Thanos alone. Absolutely epic moment - cemented Cap for me permanently as an icon, if kicking *ss to save his best friend from his past, on faith, hadn't done that already.