Broke and happy

Batroc the Deliverer
Apology accepted!
Then they should have called the show "Regular Mamby Pambies Deal with the Blip." Don't take an established supervillain and reduce him to a pack of whiny kids in street clothes. What's next the Loki show features a group of disgruntled insurance salesmen called the Magnetos, lol.
Whoa.... Batroc just delivered my DoorDash order!!! Awesome!
What did Mark Hamill and Patrick Stewart order?
It must be miserable to be so fragile that one superhero of another ethnicity shows up and you literally feel that your own way of life is coming to an end.
Imagine thinking that you are the actual victim of racism because you have to see people of other races getting the bare minimum attention and exposure for the first time in decades.
It actually saddens me to know that there are people out there who think that way. Makes the world a far worse place.
lol not once did i say i dont like minorties or women in roles but if thats what you got from my posts then i dont know what to tell you. That doesnt mean disney isnt going overboard with this stuff.. They do not have to get rid of captain america, iron man or thor and replace them with Captain Marvel Scarlet Witch and Lady Thor. Why cant they do them all. I just dont get the logic in it other then there is some massive agenda at disney to avoid films staring white males. It would be like if DC killed of superman batman and aquaman and replaced them with supergirl, batwoman and mera for good. They already said steve roders is never comming back, ironman aint coming back so why would you do that to your characters- there is still alot of movies to be made and stories that could be told with steve rodgers especially.. You got a depowered Hulk with a She hulk show on the horizon so does that mean she hulk is going to be more powerful then him and or replace him too.. Shuri panther now rumors of spiderwoman in Secret invasion...
Let me be clear i am fine with all these movies being made but not at the expense of some characters and that seems to be the case-
What did Mark Hamill and Patrick Stewart order?
Then they should have called the show "Regular Mamby Pambies Deal with the Blip." Don't take an established supervillain and reduce him to a pack of whiny kids in street clothes. What's next the Loki show features a group of disgruntled insurance salesmen called the Magnetos, lol.
Question: Do you think the comic FS is someone that could have been easily adapted/updated for today's MCU? Just curious.
Hell yeah I think he would. He even addresses issues that are still hot political topics but in an awesomely over the top way that wouldn't undercut the "escapist" aspect of superhero entertainment, and he does it while wearing a costume that actually looks cool.
Here he is standing over a defeated John Walker, furious that Walker answered his challenge and not Steve.
I couldn't get past his spelling out the ULTIMATUM acronym without busting a gut.
Well that was
So full of cheesy cliche politically correct bloat wondered how long it was gonna go on. Someone on YT posted every time they settled in and the story started getting good, it all got derailed by wokeness. Holy &$@ that speech just dragged on plus WTF this whole thing with Sam and Karli. The action sequences were alright but there's better in the MCU.
My fav MCU character got nerfed and another favorite just ended up sounding pompous. I'd have thought after last week's snooze fest the showrunner would have gone in for a big edge of your seat finale, instead they doubled down on the cheese fest. Feels like a lot was written by fan fiction writers who don't get less is more. Or are disaster porn writers dishing up the tropes. At least Walker got off well - and Zemo.
If other folks like this more power to 'em, for me this was a wasted opportunity. I can't see watching this again. Saves me some money tho maybe I'll pick up the HT Avengers Cap I wanted. Bummer for me. (And it may be comic correct but don't think the cowl is doing the Cap costume any favors).