Marvel Studios/Sony - SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING

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Trailer looks very good. Not knock your socks off like GotG but this is a first look, so I think it's basically about setting up the mood as opposed to storytelling. Holland is a great Spider-Man. In maybe 10 minutes of screen time thus far, he blows away Maguire's and Garfield's five combined Spider-Man movies. There was a lot of Iron Man though.
Birdman is birdman...

I just cant... i cant even.... even. Just know... i cant even
Is it a new iron man suit or the 46 again?

Looks like the 46


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Love how the Stark made Spidey suit is pressurised yet looks like fabric.
BUT if it can be depressurised by just hittin' the chest symbol then it's a pretty huge design flaw...

Love Vulture's design, a well balanced hybrid of comicbooky and realistic.
Second best MCU costume design after Cap's TFA one.

Glad that Peter's self made costume will see some action against both Shocker and Vulture.

The Avengers bank robbery is a fun idea.

Other than that? Meh.
Love how the Stark made Spidey suit is pressurised yet looks like fabric.
BUT if it can be depressurised by just hittin' the chest symbol then it's a pretty huge design flaw...

Love Vulture's design, a well balanced hybrid of comicbooky and realistic.
Second best MCU costume design after Cap's TFA one.

Glad that Peter's self made costume will see some action against both Shocker and Vulture.

The Avengers bank robbery is a fun idea.

Other than that? Meh.

"Theres a lot i really like about this, but other than that, meh"

Looks like the 46


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nope... that's not the MK46. Gold on shoulders is quite different... Here we go... MK47....

Vulture looks ok, wings a little on the large side though since we already have falcon...
Shocker looks bad the in trailer, but hopefully he'll look better in an actual costume.
A minute in and what ASM got slated for Homecoming is doing; why the hell does every film have to have someone who knows Peter is Spiderman!!!!

And why is he Iron Mans *****!?
Please don't kill off Keaton :pray:
Of all mortal villains (real jerks, not sympathetic ones, sidekicks and such) only Abomination, Red Skull, Ian Quinn and Kingpin survived. Tho I haven't seen Luke Cage and don't watch AoS anymore.
I bet Keaton won't die because Peter is pretty young in this film and this is his first big solo battle, so the villain will probably end up in jail. Maybe they'll end up doing a sinister six film with Keaton and other villains.
Spider-Man Homecoming Trailer Review

1. No Origin based Story
2. No Job at Daily Bugle or JJ Jameson
3. No original love Interest, we went from Mary Jane in first films, to Gwen Stacy in AMAZING, too... Bollywood actor I have no idea who??
4. Fat Kid is who again? Ganke or Fat Harry Osbourne!? Watch the movie with $12 ticket to find out!
5. Where is Aunt May and Uncle Ben? Why is Uncle Ben not dead?
6. Vulture looks like a Green Vulture with a Air Force helmet on that glows green.
7. Third reboot and we'd expect a better rotten tomatoes score of epic FAIL.
8. Probably rewatch the original Tobey trilogy. I can live with Emo Spidey 3 compared to dubstep or goofy kid.
9. This makes Fox look like trailer geniuses by not giving away their whole movie compared to Disney.
10. I'm sure some of you will find some nerdgasm to defend this rebuke.