Didn't Singer give us this in X1? Proper team and they were fighting the Brotherhood.
I get it, Spider-Man is from New York.
Yea for like 1 movie. And all the brother hood sorta died
I like X and X2, but those teams didn't feel like much of a team.
Wolverine wasn't a real member, and the rest of the team was just Jean, Storm, and Cyclops and they all take a back seat to Logan.
The brotherhood was a bit better with Frog guy, Mystique, and Sabretooth. Still, the fights were mostly underwhelming, and Magneto was powerless for the final showdown.
X2, which is a bit better, it's an improvised mission with half the team waiting in the ship, while the rest of the X Men team consists of Magneto and Mystique, with Jean, Storm, and Nightcrawler. There was very little team action, and again the center of attention was Wolverine. It's fine...but not great, imo.
The best X-Men team film was First Class, IMO.
However, again Magneto is part of the team and turns heel in the end, and the rest of the X-Men roster aren't classic members.
Had Jackman not made a cameo in First Class, they could have rebooted the franchise by doing a sequel in the mid or late 60's with Xavier, Jean, Cyclops, Beast, Ice Man, and Angel going up against Magneto and the brotherhood. Then introduce Wolvie in the third film and his story and add a few new mutants to the roster.
I like X and X2, but those teams didn't feel like much of a team.
Wolverine wasn't a real member, and the rest of the team was just Jean, Storm, and Cyclops and they all take a back seat to Logan.
The brotherhood was a bit better with Frog guy, Mystique, and Sabretooth. Still, the fights were mostly underwhelming, and Magneto was powerless for the final showdown.
X2, which is a bit better, it's an improvised mission with half the team waiting in the ship, while the rest of the X Men team consists of Magneto and Mystique, with Jean, Storm, and Nightcrawler. There was very little team action, and again the center of attention was Wolverine. It's fine...but not great, imo.
The best X-Men team film was First Class, IMO.
However, again Magneto is part of the team and turns heel in the end, and the rest of the X-Men roster aren't classic members.
Had Jackman not made a cameo in First Class, they could have rebooted the franchise by doing a sequel in the mid or late 60's with Xavier, Jean, Cyclops, Beast, Ice Man, and Angel going up against Magneto and the brotherhood. Then introduce Wolvie in the third film and his story and add a few new mutants to the roster.
Yea for like 1 movie. And all the brother hood sorta died
I like X and X2, but those teams didn't feel like much of a team.
Wolverine wasn't a real member, and the rest of the team was just Jean, Storm, and Cyclops and they all take a back seat to Logan.
The brotherhood was a bit better with Frog guy, Mystique, and Sabretooth. Still, the fights were mostly underwhelming, and Magneto was powerless for the final showdown.
X2, which is a bit better, has the team separated and in the final mission half the team is waiting in the ship, while the rest of the X Men team consists of Magneto and Mystique, with Jean, Storm, and Nightcrawler. There was very little team action, and again the center of attention was Wolverine. It's fine...but not great, imo.
The best X-Men team film was First Class, IMO.
However, again Magneto is part of the team and turns heel in the end, and the rest of the X-Men roster aren't classic members.
Had Jackman not made a cameo in First Class, they could have rebooted the franchise by doing a sequel in the mid or late 60's with Xavier, Jean, Cyclops, Beast, Ice Man, and Angel going up against Magneto and the brotherhood. Then introduce Wolvie in the third film and his story and add a few new mutants to the roster.
Yes. I want to see the actual original team members. I want to see angry mutants mad at a society that hates them and wants to kill them and the xmen try and defend the very people who fear and hate them. I loved Logan because it showed how predjudice humans are towards mutant kind and just see them as nothing but expendable weapons.
I want to see magneto hate human kind not always join the xmen each movie.
O and I actually want to see the xmen fight there villains . Not each other.
That sounds fun, but the movie still wouldn't have been as good as X2
and had they gone full reboot we would have never got the fantastic DOFP or Logan. Ironically Apocalypse gave us a final act with all the X-Men teaming up using their powers and the movie was pretty darn horrible.
X-Men work best when they explore profound themes and aren't in colorful costumes![]()
X1: X-Men vs Brotherhood
X2: X-Men vs Government/Stryker
X3: X-Men vs Phoenix and Brotherhood
First Class: X-Men vs Hellfire Club
DOFP: X-Men vs Sentinels
Apocalypse: X-Men vs Apocalypse and his horsemen
Where is all this fighting each other coming from?
Most people consider First Class and DOFP better than X2.
Most people consider First Class and DOFP better than X2.
They could have done DOFP and Logan eventually with the new cast.
Ironically, Apocalypse had Magneto working with the X Men....again.
That's Singer talking.
You can have profound themes and colorful costumes.
Magneto still wears his silly costume and helmet and Wolverine still has his ridiculous hair, so colorful costume aren't an issue when it comes to the story.
This is more accurate
X-1- Wolverine and 3 X-Men vs Brotherhood ...minus Magneto
X-2- Wolverine and Magneto vs Stryker....Magneto turns heel
X-3- Wolverine and 4 X men vs Magneto/ Phoenix and Brotherhood
First Class- Xavier/Magneto vs Hellfire club...Magneto turns heel.
DOFP - Xavier/Wolverine vs Mystique/Midget ...Magneto turns heel ...again
Apocalypse- X-Men led by Mystique (wut) vs Magneto/Storm (x men)/ Angel (x men) and Apocalypse ...Magneto is good, turns heel, then turns good again![]()
DOFP and X2 are considered the best of the FoX-Men films, First Class is actually pretty forgotten about which is sad because I think it's one of the best superhero films ever. X2 is undoubtably better than DOFP though, most people prefer DOFP because it's the newer.
DOFP and Logan don't get made without the older cast, and if they were made without them, they certainly wouldn't have the same affect. They're the main reason those movies exist. Hell, Hugh Jackman is the one who thought of the Logan story and pitched it to Mangold![]()
I was bringing up a movie where the entire team uses their powers, Magneto being their doesn't negate that but if you want a scene with the team using their powers without Mags then X1 ends with the entire team using their powers to stop Magneto, that whole team up power thing has been done since the first movie![]()
I say this a lot, and I'll say it again but I have no problems with the colorful costumes, my problem is how much emphasis goes into wanting to see these characters in costume to the point that people would rather have the rights go back to Marvel just for some costumes and ignore all the great stuff FoX-Men has given us and continue on giving us. I loved the First Class flight suits. For as long as Wolverine is with Fox, there will probably never be another PG13 Wolverine movie again, but nope, everyone would rather Wolverine go back to Misney so he can where his spandex and have discussions with The Hulk. I just find that to be ridiculous.
Who are these imbeciles? Where are they?
I mean you could do this with any movie can't you?
You don't want to include Wolverine with the X-Men for the first movie, fine, but not the rest? Then the Avengers wasn't a team up movie either.
A1: Iron Man, Hulk, Cap, Thor, and two humans vs Loki and Chitauri
A2: Iron Man, Hulk, Cap, Thor and those same two overpowered humans vs Ultron and two Europeans with horrible accents, then they turn heel
GOTG: Starlord, Gamora, Drax, a Racoon and a tree vs some blue guy that's allergic to dance moves