That's not true at all. That's just your inner Foxmen fanboy talking now.
First, lets look at the so called great iconic Fox villains....excluding F4, which ruined the great Dr. Doom and Galactus.
They have Magneto and the original Mystique.
Magneto is a great character and villain, both the young and old version. Original Mystique was a good henchwoman...maybe even iconic.
That's it.
The rest haven't been great or iconic at all. Stryker, Trask, Kevin Bacon, Apocalypse...etc...
Some are better than others, but I can't say that Stryker is that much better than Robert Redford in TWS, Zemo in CW , Jeff Bridges in Iron Man or The Winter Soldier himself.
The MCU does have a great villain in Loki. He's a great character too when you look at his role in Thor and Avengers.
Is he better than Magneto? That's debatable.
Magneto has become very repetitive and they way he's used also became repetitive and predictable, so he isn't perfect by any means.
IMO, Fox has been making superhero films for 17 years, and they gave us 2 really memorable villains, Magneto and Original Mystique.
Disney in 9 years has given us 2 memorable villains, which is not great either.
Stryker is a far better villain than every MCU character combined. Unfortunately he doesn't have superpowers so I doubt he could ever become iconic.
Old Mystique, Magneto and Fassneto.
Also the Sentinels > Ultron > Chitauri.
Loki better than Magneto? That's not even debatable, both Magneto's are far better and more iconic.
Also, MCU has given us more villains compared to FoX-Men
FoX has been at it for 17 years but MCU already has more films which is really what we should be going by.
Let's look at all the MCU villains Marvel has given us
Obidiah Stane - underrated but only okay
Whiplash - Horrible
Justin Hammer - horrible
Abomination - forgettable
Thor 1 Loki - good
Red Skull - forgettable and underutilization
Avengers Loki - A joke
The mandarin - a joke
Kree villain from Guardians - so bad I can't even remember his name : lol
Redford in TWS - also can't remember his name, I wonder why?
Zemo- as of now absolutely forgettable and most critics found him to be the weakest part of the movie, can't say the same about Brian Cox's Stryker.
The Winter Soldier - Okay
Malekith - arguably the worst villain in the MCU
Ultron also arguably the worst villain in the MCU
X1 - Mags - Iconic
X1 - Mystique - great
X2 - Mags - Iconic
X2 Stryker - great
X2 Mystique - great
X3 Mags - meh
X3 Phoenix - disappointing
Origins - Sabertooth good (only good thing about the movie)
First Class - Fassneto - amazing
First Class - Shaw - okay
The Wolverine - Silver Samurai - Forgettable
The Wolverine - Viper - terrible
Days of Future Past - Sentinels - good
DOFP - Magneto great
DOFP - Trask - Forgettable
X-Men Apocalypse - Apocalypse and his horsemen - crap
Logan - Donald Pierce - Good
Logan - X24 - okay
Honestly Zod is better than every villain in the MCU with the exception of Loki and that universe is only 3 movie in.
I will say this though, the Nolan universe smokes both the FoX-Men franchise and MCU in terms of villains, and that was a trilogy
This is probably where me and Difabio argue