Yeah right. You know you could totally be one of the top "grab a beer and talk movies with" guys here if you didn't try to troll and derail threads so much. Yeah I'm going there with tough love right here in the thread. You don't have to like a single freaking movie that comes out and you can go off about what you hate in SW, the MCU, and all of that like so many people here do or *like you just did about Homecoming* with karamazov.
Some of us are going to be superfans about whatever and yeah you can call it out if we can't shut up about it in every other thread (lol, I get it guys, I get it) but why try to make people who have loved this crap their whole lives feel like they're wasting their time trying to discuss this stuff? I'm just making general observations on past behavior here. Some of your roasts are hilariously entertaining, and some of your praise is damn spot on and insightful, but then there's this whole other side where you just piss on everything and do your whole "sowing discord" shtick. Come on now, all of these threads should be big enough for everyone here and the entire gamut of opinions from positive to negative without certain people trying to bring the enthusiasm in a thread way down every time they're in the mood.
And you know I haven't censored any of your opinions on Star Wars. But **** with my Felicity pic and yeah I'll cut that **** down. You know she's my girl, on and off screen! Okay maybe not off, she did just get engaged but hey, we'll always have 10 seconds in Orlando, lol. I'm trying to be funny here, and I'm trying to be light, but it's just going to be this big elephant in the room where if people just can't treat everyone else like bros and just be decent and respectful then it's that scene in Heat that I've referenced before. "Now that we're sitting here face to face like a couple of regular guys, then if I have to take you down I'm not gonna like it."
And I realize that at the end of the day I'm just another guy who wants to talk shop about movies so as a mod I try to recognize my own shortcomings, pick and choose my battles, and all that. It honestly kind of bums me out that I didn't see the version of you above where you just listened to karamazov's points, refuted some, acknowledged and agreed with others and so on back when we were having our big Rogue One back and forths (<--there you go Clown Prince I know you were waiting for that, lol) but...I'll get over it. I'll get over it. Really I will

But still, just sayin'.
And with that let me give a semi-optimistic