You are really providing an essential service Jye!
Holy crap I totally forgot all about that new Predator movie. Not a good sign, lol.
- Hiya! What's yer name?
- My names Geor...
*rock music starts playing*
Finally got around to watching this for a second time (on digital), and most everything held up – except for one thing that I feel is worth bringing up since I don’t recall it being discussed here before:
I wanted this to be more about Spider-Man and less about Iron Man as much as the next guy, but I think there was a massive missed opportunity for a clash between Vulture and Iron Man at some point. I completely saw where Toomes was coming from, so I really would have liked to see him physically take out his rage on the man who put him out of business. It didn’t need to be part of the final battle – maybe between the time directly after Vulture drops Spider-Man in the river and Tony comes to the rescue. That’s my only serious beef with the film.
The rest of it is OK - not exactly something I care about watching over and over again nor anything new, but decent.
Finally got around to watching this for a second time (on digital), and most everything held up – except for one thing that I feel is worth bringing up since I don’t recall it being discussed here before:
I wanted this to be more about Spider-Man and less about Iron Man as much as the next guy, but I think there was a massive missed opportunity for a clash between Vulture and Iron Man at some point. I completely saw where Toomes was coming from, so I really would have liked to see him physically take out his rage on the man who put him out of business. It didn’t need to be part of the final battle – maybe between the time directly after Vulture drops Spider-Man in the river and Tony comes to the rescue. That’s my only serious beef with the film.
The rest of it is OK - not exactly something I care about watching over and over again nor anything new, but decent.
For me I'm OK with no Vulture/IM - for me I took it as Vulture having had a good business going and he does say something about not wanting to get the Avengers' attention; and Tony sez something about the pay grade e.g. I think bringing IM in would have been an end game for Vulture, so they just - didn't have the two clash.
IMO this is a good film but I'm not a Spidey fan (unlike a lot of the world) - I dunno, just never was a fan - and this isn't a film I can watch over and over unlike Guardians or Civil War or Antman. Probably wait out on buying it (hope I have the entire MCU collection at some point). Still, IMO big kudos to Marvel from me for pulling this Spidey off - I really, really was Spidey-saturated from previous movies.
I think it's better they kept Vulture and IM disengaged. Vulture represents that class of people who hate from a detached perspective, much like we form opinions about celebrities we've never met. He's a villain because of this. If he met Tony, it brings in the possibility of seeing him as a good guy and Vulture would shift to the redemption process. We need him to stay a villain and to let the hate grow longer, at least until after the potential Sinister Six![]()
Interesting and good point IMO. Homecoming does bring home that Toomes is working man, doing hard dirty work. Someone a lot of us can relate to. But - um - not sure but the film I think does get across that Toomes isn't wholly over to the dark side. Loved Keaton in this as IMO his Vulture is complex...
sorry LOL and maybe it's hokeybut I am hoping to see Vulture again in IW. E.g if Thanos is rolling over the earth I figure some prisons will get destroyed. Maybe it's a trope but maybe some of the freed prisoners will opt to fight, like Vulture - not that he couldn't still hate Tony Stark. But Toomes is intelligent enough to know if Thanos takes the Earth, it's game over.