Re: OFFICIAL: Marvel Studios Spider-Man
I think Miles is awesome, he has a pretty big fan base in the geek community too. Glover fans don't care whether he's Peter or Miles, they just want him to be cast for whatever reason.
Still though, I want Peter Parker in the MCU until the actor that plays him gets too old, then Marvel can bring in Miles.
Miles to me is so stereotypical, that I can't take it seriously. I mean consider Parker, a high school nerd, with some charisma to get by, but overall avoidable. Out of fascination for science, he goes to a exhibit and gets the worst (debatable to some) luck ever. He gets bit by a spider with radioactivity and various abilities. That sounds interesting; where Miles is urgh just so stupid.
You have a 12 year old boy, who is smart if that, and feels the need to meet his uncle who is a convicted thief. Oh, by the way his black father is also a convict and wants to leave that life behind and wants the best for his son. You have his hispanic mother that deals with racial division because she decided to marry a black man instead of another chicano like her. Both feel that it's important to force education upon him so he won't live a miserable life.
Now between both, Miles has a story to evoke an emotional response for anyone that had to deal with that same situation, yet the reality is no one under those circumstances would pick up a comic book. Comics have such a bad vibe that people consider it a child's item, yet don't realize what kind of content they show. So at this point, Miles has just been a stereotypical tale that I'd rather erase from memory.
Only thing I'll ever give props for Miles is his suit, which is all.
I ****ing
One More Day storyline. **** Joephisto!
Marvel won't make Spider-Man bleck or a chick, that would be stupid.
Kind of reminds me of how people pushed so hard to get Will Smith to be Steve Rogers.
If they did Miles you ****ing know you'd go see it anyway you ****ing piece of **** mother******. Sorry, don't know why I went all "Fox tagline" on you.
If there's anything MS is not good at, at all.... It's the costumes.
Man, if they don't do costumes right at all, then every other studio making comic movies must be ****ing terrible. Because Marvel Studios is significantly better than everyone else in that department, Hawkeye and bad Cap decisions here and there aside.
I'd still gladly take Hawkeye and a bad Cap to leather tight ****fits for the X-Men, or Ragman's outfit in Fantastic Four. Those two teams have some great outfits, but I don't understand why the have the need to go Ultimate...
An annoying character, IMO.