What about the second version of the suit?
That one Peter Parker gets towards the end of the film from Tony Stark that features the traditional blue and red color scheme. Comicbook did a story over the weekend stating that,
“There’s a version of the Spider-Man suit out there, which is absolutely blue and red with black webs.”
Again, that is the one Tony Stark is going to make for him. It's been previously reported somewhere that the home made version of the suit is the one Spider-Man rocks in Civil War & the standalone film. Doesn't make sense and my guys tell me otherwise.
Think about it, Marvel is in the merchandising business. It makes sense from a merchandising standpoint to sell two versions of the Spider-Man suit. Has Captain America rocked the same suit in every movie? No, he has a different one in each film. So why would Spider-Man wear a home made suit throughout two films? That would mean Marvel is leaving serious merchandising money on the table and Ike Perlmutter ain't having it.