I guess when Eternals see a stopped school bus they just gun their gas and barrel straight for the kids lol

I guess when Eternals see a stopped school bus they just gun their gas and barrel straight for the kids lol
Dude at this point I don’t even care that the Infinity Saga is missing their proper Imax ratios I am hugging the crap out of them!So do they not even defend themselves if you just walk up to them and just start beating them with a shovel as long as you aren't a deviant, lol.
No freaking kidding! Talk about precious lightning in a bottle that we need to savor forevermore.Dude at this point I don’t even care that the Infinity Saga is missing their proper Imax ratios I am hugging the crap out of them!
Seems like all they had to do was put them in cryostasis or cocoons or something and then be "activated" whenever a deviant approaches the Earth. That could have explained why they missed the entire Infinity War without being totally useless losers.It is pretty clear Feige wants to open up the cosmic more but is clearly shoe horning in square stories into a canon circle.
Dead Ben Kenobi: More useful than living Eternals, lolBen Kenobi had an oath: I cannot interfere.
But he did, didn't he?
I can't remember. All I seen was a big machine Arishem makes them from and were humanoid. I know they are created for each seed world and there must be plenty out there.Lemme guess, they take the forms of those whose planet they are "planted" on. Amiright matticus?
All the main cast minus Sersi, unfortunately, were all pretty likeable.