Marvel vs Capcom 2

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I guess this is a draw to some, but my only turn-off with that game is all the stupid combos you can see in that video. Gives me flashbacks to Killer Instinct *shudder* I like the more subtle use of combos like we get in SF IV, not the whole thing where you memorize a 10 button sequence to get a good combo in. But, I just won't use them, and won't bother even trying to play online, so it's no huge deal.

Oh, you don't have to worry about huge commands. Though the moves look incredibly elaborate, they're easily done by usually hold down just 2 or 3 buttons at the same time. The whole fun of the game is using the huge combos and trying to block them, and that's also why you have 3 characters at one time.
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Pretty damn cool. Wonder whos doing the comic?

Hulk Vs Geif next week. Red is gonna splatter green
The Hulk vs Zangief

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