Marvel vs. DC

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Make mine Marvel.

Batman is a great character and by far DCs best. Batman also has some of the greatest villians in all of comics. But it pretty much end there. Though I do love the Donner Superman films.

Marvel is were it's at for me. Just by far the better Universe.

And all this talk about Batman kicking everyones butt. Well IMO that just would not happen. Batman would not stand a chance against marvel's friendliest character Spider-man. Spidy is no fool and he has the super human abilities. Batman would not stand a chance.

Oh and Wolverine and Hulk would whip his butt also :)
JAWS said:
And all this talk about Batman kicking everyones butt. Well IMO that just would not happen. Batman would not stand a chance against marvel's friendliest character Spider-man. Spidy is no fool and he has the super human abilities. Batman would not stand a chance.

Oh and Wolverine and Hulk would whip his butt also :)

I'm by no means a "DC" guy in fact I like Marvel more than DC but Batman would beat all of those guys easy.

Hulk would of course cause the most trouble for Bats but Batman has beaten practicly everybody he's ever faced including powerhouses like the Hulk.

Batman doesn't beat you with his physical abilities but with his superior intellect. Anybody remember "The Tower of Babel" storyline? He has files on everyone and knows everybody's weaknesses.

If Batman fought Wolverine, Spidey, or Hulk in a boxing match than sure they'd win but if it's just a regular "comic book battle" than Batman would hands down. If he battled the "smart" Hulk he might be in trouble. Banner is a genius so he'd be just as ready for Batman as Bruce would be for him.

Just cause you have "super-human" abilities don't mean crap to Batman. That only means that the victory is much sweeter when he wins. :cool:
Bonehead15 said:
I'm by no means a "DC" guy in fact I like Marvel more than DC but Batman would beat all of those guys easy.

Hulk would of course cause the most trouble for Bats but Batman has beaten practicly everybody he's ever faced including powerhouses like the Hulk.

Batman doesn't beat you with his physical abilities but with his superior intellect. Anybody remember "The Tower of Babel" storyline? He has files on everyone and knows everybody's weaknesses.

If Batman fought Wolverine, Spidey, or Hulk in a boxing match than sure they'd win but if it's just a regular "comic book battle" than Batman would hands down. If he battled the "smart" Hulk he might be in trouble. Banner is a genius so he'd be just as ready for Batman as Bruce would be for him.

Just cause you have "super-human" abilities don't mean crap to Batman. That only means that the victory is much sweeter when he wins. :cool:

OMG I knew a "Batman would use his smarts and his gadgets" excuse would come up for a Batman vs. Anyone comment.

hummer said:
Honestly guys, you can't go wrong with either side! The thing I hate about DC is that with Supes, Bat, and the Flash, they should give the license to Sideshow to produce premium format figures like Marvel. I mean they have these iconic heroes and yet the statues that I have seen thus far are horrendous!! I know Sideshow would give these icons there just due if they were allowed to sculpt them. How about a poll or petition to DC to give Sideshow the license to do these heroes??:D

Personally,I think that part of Sideshow's contract to produce Marvel characters PROHIBITS them from doing anything with DC characters and possibly even other comic company characters as well. Even as far as selling other company's products of DC!

Why do you think that we don't even see any DC characters that Hot Toys and Medicom have made up for sale here?Those would be hot sales for sure!

Even the Medicom Spawn wasn't up for pre-order.
customizerwannabe said:
I cpnsider Batman to be an honorary marvel character!:D
:lol I'm sure the DC fans love that. I'm more or less the same, I finally broke down and ordered the 1/4 Batman from DC direct and I have every intention of putting him with Iron Man, Cap, Spidey, and Wolvie.
I also posted this on the pole...

DC is just so much better IMHO, these superheroes define that man(or metahuman) can do GOOD...

for ****s sake, theres already so much trouble and evil in the world, you don't need it in your comic books.... *ahem* marvel... :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :lol
Bardoon said:

...sure if he had the Ultimate Nulifier as one of his gadgets. :D :D :D


That's like saying Spider-Man could beat Eternity or any of the other cosmic beings with his silly webs. :monkey1 :monkey1
Darklord Dave said:
DC deals in icons that go back millenia and are embedded in the zeitgeist. These archetypes will survive many incarnations, and last many millenia more.

Marvel deals in angst-ridden cry babies. They are but a passing phase.

But Dr. Strange is cool.

Nothing worse then a comic book geek fight I say, but I'd have to agree with DD there, been reading comics for almost 30 years and as a kid DC comics resonated with me much more then Marvel ever did and while I read both companies I'd be hard pressed to find a Marvel Comic or Trade I'd put in the same category with the classics of DC.


P.S Thor, Silver Surfer and Daredevil are pretty cool :)
BDboystoys said:
Batman is THE best comic book character ever written......
Batman is good, actually he's the best hero DC has going for them. He is a very close number 2. Superman comics for the last ten years or so have been awful, just poorly written stories. As far as comicdom's number 1 hero - Spider-Man edges out Batman. While Spidey has been around half as long as Batman, his history is much richer and beautifully complex. If it comes down to the rogues then I believe it's a tie between Spidey & Batman.

Now give me my No-Prize, biotch! :D
wookilar8 said:
...comicdom's number 1 hero - Spider-Man edges out Batman. While Spidey has been around half as long as Batman, his history is much richer and beautifully complex...

Word! :rock

That was beatifully put Wookilar!

P.S. I do have a special place in my heart for Batman though, deep down inside I wish he was a Marvel character. :D

DC has better cartoons, bar none.

the only REAL hits from Marvel movies are the spiderman and x-men franchises.
I would argue that Batman (when written well) is a far more complex, damaged and interesting character than Spider-man could ever be. Spidey hasn't really ever outgrown his teen angst.
Darklord Dave said:
I would argue that Batman (when written well) is a far more complex, damaged and interesting character than Spider-man could ever be. Spidey hasn't really ever outgrown his teen angst.

I'm a teen myself, spiderman is just a pansy.. :monkey1 :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl

The Long Halloween, best of the bunch, then comes DKR... I also like hush.
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the killing joke by alan moore was one of my all time favorites... it made a big impact of the comic continuity... look at batgirl now.. shes not even batgirl!!

and arkham asylum was just sick. :rock, I don't want to spoil the ending.. but it is quite shocking... Bat... omen...