you know you got something out of MODOK'sOk here goes:
I appreciate and respect Victor’s knowledge BUT…
He is judging him on a horrendous 2 minute post credits scene bit of what was poorly delivered dialogue.
Victor is being disingenuous by resorting to using low hanging fruit and maybe this speaks to the bigger problem of people using bootleg footage completely out of context and with no emotional attachment to the plot to base their final opinions on.
In the movie he is absolutely amazing!
The movie was a super fun rollercoaster I find these characters to be very endearing and JUST LIKE AVATAR it is another FAMILY movie!
I love it that the main baddie involved with the multiverse timeline started out in a movie as far away from the multiverse as possible the complete opposite of it actually.
One scene made this movie worth the trip to the movies and it single handily owns anything post EG including NWH and it’s this:
Don’t read it if you haven’t gone yet, don’t ruin it for yourselves it’s worth the wait..
Hank freaking Pym rolling up with the bad ass ant army at the climax was fist pumping awesome nuff said! It was Rise of Skywalker calvary and Game of Thrones calvary all over again! Also the huge human Ant-Man mound was pretty damn awesome as well this movie truly was about ANTS through and through!
MODOK nowhere as bad as he was made out to be.
At first I also was also taken back byKang’s defeat but that’s a nice mirror to Thanos winning from the start oddly i’m ok with it.
FUN rollercoaster yeah that sounds about right.
I agree. I always . ALWAYS hated how they would kill the villains at the end of every superhero movie. Honestly I never found that smart.Ya know, after watching this yesterday (and almost considering waiting for Disney+) I can safely say I enjoyed it well enough. All of it is more silly than serious but that’s to be expected with time traveling villains and Ant People.
I wasn’t buying into the hype/narrative of Rotten Tomatoes scores or Twitter discussions, etc, as I think that’s a symptom of people not being able to “unplug”, so to speak. It’s either watch the movie …or don’t…or just don’t worry about
Kang could be a formidable villain going forward if the MCU wants him to be, and they do need meaty villains that aren’t just a “one and done”.
Really? That’s why? That’s so stupid. It was the first film they could have easily recasted. So weird they decided to make him some ghost guy. I was expecting lady death but idk if marvel had the rights to herHe got retconned badly because of Hugo Weaving not coming back to the role, which sucks because it would had been awesome to see him reunite with CAP haha
... maybe this speaks to the bigger problem of people using bootleg footage completely out of context and with no emotional attachment to the plot to base their final opinions on.
If you need NASA to explain your narrative Avengers threat main plot you have already failed lolFor those who have already seen the film,here's an article with some interesting questions to ponder about Kang The Exile, He Who Remains, the QR, The Void (!), The Council Of Kangs, etc.. My head is spinning lol...
The Right Questions to Ask About Kang After ANT-MAN AND THE WASP: QUANTUMANIA
Unless Kevin Feige is Prime Kang in disguise, in which case our reality may be outside of time and space, so did that failure really happen?If you need NASA to explain your narrative Avengers threat main plot you have already failed lol
Honestly by the end of this movie it was a one off again a bridge to nowhere.
Marvel just can’t seem to gain any traction with their multi-verse plot I mean are you really asking my wife to keep up with Timely lol
But at least it was fun.![]()
100% YES required viewing.So is this movie a cornerstone for the Phase 5 plotline? Meaning, is it a must see story otherwise you'll be really lost in future films?
Another thing people can keep in mind is that in the 21 or so movies in Phases 1-3 Thanos only appears in 5 of them, the rest are either introducing new characters or tied to the Infinity Stones as a plot device. We see Thanos fully formed in “Infinity War” but the overall story still leads to him.My biggest headscratcher is that people seem to be comparing this film (and Kang) to Infinity War/Endgame & Thanos, when the more apt comparison should be with Avengers 1. By the time we got to IW/EG, we'd gotten to know Thanos over 10 years. Loki aside, this was the basically the first appearance of Kang the Conqueror. I expect his "threat" to get progressively bigger.
"Complex" in an MCU movie is undermined as soon as you add.... magic.
Complex as in you have to watch XYZ before, and ABC after to get the whole story. It's the time investment not the story"Complex" in an MCU movie is undermined as soon as you add.... magic.
The problem with MCU magic is it either has no rules or they play very fast and loose with them as the plot demands.