Yes, his conveniently NOT using his energy beams to disintegrate Scott, Hope or Cassie did stand out to me as well, but then he needed Pym tech to escape the QR so maybe he didn't want to kill them just in case his Plan A was thwarted and he had to resort to a Plan B. It's a rather flimsy excuse but that's what I'm going with for now.Pretty good movie to my 'never really that critical and easily amused' self. It was a little clunky in a few places. Everything being CGI/in the volume was a little weak and immersion breaking but I know they are on limited time to make these and CGI artists aren't wanting to work with Marvel. Some of the jokes didn't land, and the first end credits scene was pretty campy.
Honestly though, those were kind of little things but my one singular complaint of the movie was how it ended. Kang is being talked up as this big powerhouse in every show/movie but then there isn't any follow through, I thought for sure he'd win or even kill a few protagonists as they tried to escape leaving him behind or something, but it mostly wraps up all nicely in a bow. They aren't giving us enough depth and information about the character, he's just kind of a generic evil guy who destroys things. Also he had arm lasers that were disintegrating creatures and mega telekinesis powers until they decided he'd just... Not do that. So that bummed me out. I like a good threat.
I don't think this deserved a 50 or whatever score it got. It's a fun movie and didn't make me feel dumb like Love and Thunder.
Positives: Majors was incredible, he was the highlight of the movie for sure. Everyone else was solid, I didn't mind the actress playing Cassie like some people. A handful of the jokes did get a laugh out of me. The quantum realm and creatures in it were fun and different. No one is bringing her up but the buff female resistance leader was pretty great in her action scenes and I thought she was pretty badass for not having a lot of depth to her character. Of course my favorite of the night though...
Cassie: Who's coming?
Kang: Me!!
... A lot of me.

I agree that everyone in the main cast turned in solid performances, although ironically (for a character whose name is in the movie's title) it seemed like Hope/Wasp had the least to do. She has that big heroine bit at the very end but otherwise not so much.