Marvel's The Black Panther

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Why does such an advanced soviety has such an archaic and obsolete goverment and society?

Why do they value brute force and strength over intelligence?
What kind of society values aggression over intellect?

Shouldnt the smartest person rule wakanda? How does the strongest person have what it takes to rule such an advanced society?
It’s clearly a society that needs to evolve ... they’ve held onto traditions and by the end T’Challa decides that it isn’t the right way to do things so I’m sure he’ll be making more changes.

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Well T'challa is not exactly stupid. He just has other things to do than stay in a lab and invent things.
It’s clearly a society that needs to evolve ... they’ve held onto traditions and by the end T’Challa decides that it isn’t the right way to do things so I’m sure he’ll be making more changes.

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But it doesnt make sense that in all this time they were not ruined by bad leadership.
Or that a tyrant king didnt try to take over all of Africa.
Ruling by strenght woukd have meant that eventually a dictator kind of person would have taken over. Waaayyy before killmonger.
Specially when his people and his female guards were prohibited from revolting.
Wakanda should have been under the ruling of a Genghis Khan kind of man.
How did their king even reach old age? You would think peoole would be challenging him often.

Well T'challa is not exactly stupid. He just has other things to do than stay in a lab and invent things.

Then he should be a soldier not a king.

His sister should take control.
A country with such primitive goverment should be in constant civil war.
People fighting for power all the time. People from the other tribes fighting all the time.

A country ruled by force and battle wouldnt really have time to be so advanced i seriously cant believe snikt praises this as much
:lol :lol

I mean I don't hate the movie or anything but boy does it *not* hold up well to any level of scrutiny, lol.

Same. It’s so bland it doesn’t really merit the scrutiny but once you start down the road it’s realy, really silly even within a superhero universe.
Crows it seems like you really have problems with this movie. Like you seem to really have it out for this movie. I mean I hate the venom movie so i understand but you just seem to get real deep into the political aspects of this film. It's really not that deep. While it has real world issues it's a fantasy movie made to be enjoyed or disliked. People just enjoy the fantasy aspects of the film. It's an enjoyable movie. With flying spaceships and ****.

IT's also an MCU movie not The dark knight. This is the same universe as a flying purple man in space that can control time with a glove. And a talking tree and racoon. It's not a game changing movie
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I love the political stuff the movie brought up.

I appreciate the movie for the conflict between killmonger and black panther. I like that they acknowledged wakanda never helping the starving african people.

Killmonger is still one of the greatest villains to date.

But wakanda as a country is ridiculous and kind of retaded. Nothing makes sense.
Wakanda was very poorly written. Incoherent.
This is an incoherent and contradictory place.

It is a shame that such a politically heavy movie was written so poorly.
Crows it seems like you really have problems with this movie. Like you seem to really have it out for this movie. I mean I hate the venom movie so i understand but you just seem to get real deep into the political aspects of this film. It's really not that deep. While it has real world issues it's a fantasy movie made to be enjoyed or disliked. People just enjoy the fantasy aspects of the film. It's an enjoyable movie. With flying spaceships and ****.

The movie wants to have its cake and eat it too.
The world doesnt work like that. The movie wants to be Malcolm X the movie but wants to be guardians of the galaxy 3....
It wants to be a political drama and at the same time be the fifth element in the jungle.

That makes for a poor story. It makes a mess of the world building.

Like i told chakor and now ill tell you. The director WANTED this kind of discussion by adding so much politics. He wanted to politicize wakanda. And im replying to his story. Wakanda is nonsensical.
Killmonger is still the best marvel villain.
Killmonger want even a villain. I agreed with everytjing he said.

Imagine if venom had a plot about the syrian refugee crisis or if venom was an undocumented immigrant from south america... just imagine what that would be like... what would your opinion be?
Lets Have venom deal with immigration reform but then have a fantastical fight with carnage.... flying through the air, but escapingfrom ICE

Dude, Come on now
The movie wants to have its cake and eat it too.
The world doesnt work like that. The movie wants to be Malcolm X the movie but wants to be guardians of the galaxy 3....
It wants to be a political drama and at the same time be the fifth element in the jungle.

That makes for a poor story. It makes a mess of the world building.

Like i told chakor and now ill tell you. The director WANTED this kibd of discussion by adfing so much politics. He wanted to politicize wakanda. And im replying to his story.

Imagine if venom had a plot about the syrian refugee crisis or if venom was an undocumented immigrant from south america... just imagine what that would be like... what would your opinion be?
Have venom deal with immigration reform but then have a fantastical fight with carnage....
Come on now
I mean all the MCu movies have real world issues in them. Black panther in comics always delt with those issues so it's just following the comics.

Civil war can be argued that the government shouldn't be able to control everything
Iron man can be argued that we should watch who we give our weapons to.

Every MCu has a message in it. I don't know why you think this movie is Malcolm X. Tchalla stops killmonger from destroying all white people. In the end he lends his resources to help the world cause he realized keeping all the wealth to himself is wrong.
Not like he said **** whitey and roll credits. I don't get the issue.
The potion to used to give Black Panther his power I bet was used in the super soldier serum. It'll be more valuable than vibranium. Also the antidote to remove the powers could probably remove Captain America's and Red Skulls powers too. Vibranium seems kind of worthless if magnets can make it disappear.
I mean all the MCu movies have real world issues in them. Black panther in comics always delt with those issues so it's just following the comics.

Civil war can be argued that the government shouldn't be able to control everything
Iron man can be argued that we should watch who we give our weapons to.

Every MCu has a message in it. I don't know why you think this movie is Malcolm X. Tchalla stops killmonger from destroying all white people. In the end he lends his resources to help the world cause he realized keeping all the wealth to himself is wrong.
Not like he said **** whitey and roll credits. I don't get the issue.

I still like a lot of the movie. I like a lot of the characters

But wakanda is a mess. And the political stuff in here is turned to 11.
For generations, Wakanda has used the technology Vibranium has given them for good of the country and have used it wisely.
I really don't understand how they want to give it to the world, which has alot of evil actors like NK, Iran, Syria, Russia that will take that technology and try to rule it with force and have WWIII.
Are they ****ing stupid??!!!
For generations, Wakanda has used the technology Vibranium has given them for good of the country and have used it wisely.
I really don't understand how they want to give it to the world, which has alot of evil actors like NK, Iran, Syria, Russia that will take that technology and try to rule it with force and have WWIII.
Are they ****ing stupid??!!!

Dont forget Hydra
For generations, Wakanda has used the technology Vibranium has given them for good of the country and have used it wisely.
I really don't understand how they want to give it to the world, which has alot of evil actors like NK, Iran, Syria, Russia that will take that technology and try to rule it with force and have WWIII.
Are they ****ing stupid??!!!

So you want them to stay segregated with their archaic beliefs?