Wanna bet?
First Avenger
Iron Man
Black Panther
I'm coming back to you in 5 years -- and you don't know me but I will -- and that list will have changed.
Wanna bet?
First Avenger
Iron Man
Black Panther
Imagine if Indy 5 with a 76 year old Harrison Ford has better action than BP lol
I'm coming back to you in 5 years -- and you don't know me but I will -- and that list will have changed.
Russo’s flopped where?
Their 2 movies are some of the best entries in the MCU if not the best lol
Oh Chakor what am I supposed to do with your inexperience![]()
Imagine if Indy 5 with a 76 year old Harrison Ford has better action than BP lol
I'm coming back to you in 5 years -- and you don't know me but I will -- and that list will have changed.
Oh yeah I forgot that $1.153 million BO = fantastic movie.
TWS is a great MCU film. CW is WWE Raw with superheroes.
I was blown away and also lol when on my 2nd viewing this white lady in her 60’s walked in with another white lady in her late 70’s or maybe even 80’s who knows.
They were having trouble locating their Imax seats the theater was half dark and they were squinting to see their tickets and walking very slowly lol.
I was like they’re definately in the wrong theater then my wife quickly reminded me to stop with my snap prejudgement of people like I have a nasty habit of doing then she elbows me in the ribs and tells me to go help them lol
Ok fine fine.
I go to them and look at their tickets and yup they were there for BP lol.
Oh man sitting behind them were a mix of rambunctious white/black teens cursing up a storm that must’ve been fun for them to listen too lol
So I guess JAWS is right the movie is #1 five weeks in a row thanks to honky old ladies getting their MCU fix.
Craziest **** i’ve ever seen in any theatrical experience.
Man I would’ve loved to have a sit down with them post viewing and discuss Thanos’s power level especially with the 80 year old one!
Yea. It’s only natural for you to hear gushing from someone who worked on the movie and is getting paid millions. What do you expect him to say?
Movie was pure and utter ass. Don’t go see it. I wasted my time making this crap movie. Go see that new JL movie.
10/10 This movie was amazing! So many black issues dealt with in an important way from traditional vs. modern, black on black crime, difference between African American and Africans, division vs. unity in the black community, how to be a white ally, and much more. The jokes were funny, if you didn't laugh it's because you are most likely white and took the film too seriously. While the film was serious, it had comedic relief that was real and dealt with how whites have treated and still do treat blacks. If you were white, you're feelings would be hurt if you took it too serious. This film is about black excellence, hope, tradition, changes, Love, sadness, mistakes, slavery, fixing the past, and changing the future. While the world thinks Wakanda is a third world country, it's adtually the most advanced in the world! You hear that, an AFRICAN COUNTRY IS THE MOST ADVANCED IN THE WORLD. More advanced than the United States which is majority white. And Africa would have been the most powerful continent in the world if it wasn't for those meddling Spanish and European colonizers. Darn it. Hate all you want, but Black Panther has broken records as the top selling movie and top selling marvel movie. So hate while we still win.
1/10 I don't even know if this should be classified as a movie. After living overseas and experiencing the African culture for myself I can tell you that this is the most indirect representation of the African culture that could exist.
The movie is filled with ridiculous scenes created by African AMERICANS whom don't even have a clue what their culture is like. It's not about wearing the African traditional outfits equipped with your multi million dollar diamond studs and dancing on cliff sides like some sort of animals who live in caves.
The black panther is a great addition to the comic series of any sort. But this movie butchers the minds of so many.
I'm literally lost trying to explain myself as to how STUPID this movie is. The ratings are obviously not real as if this movie got an 8/10. I don't think so !
Thats another thing, how many people said Black Panther was so much better in Civil war? a lot.
a lot of people were disappointed that he wasn't as cool. What happened? what do you think was the reason for that
Oh yeah I forgot that $1.153 million BO = fantastic movie.
TWS is a great MCU film. CW is WWE Raw with superheroes.
I’ll easily fall asleep on TDK now lol
It wasn't until just about 2 years ago that my mother quit going to the movies with me. She love MCU, DC, SciFi, just no horror. If she were still capable, she probably would've went to see this.
taste is something not all of us have....![]()
If I had to choose between TDK and CW well......
Don’t let the door hit your ass on your way out Nolan.
Had Ledger not delivered the goods we wouldn’t even be talking about TDK right now.
We’re talking about superheroes here right?
I prefer a colorful movie where the superheroes are jumping right off the page in super thrilling set pieces vs a slow and moody crime drama with a few poorly choreographed punches here and there.