Why do Tyler Perry movies get a pass?
Those films just reinforce self perpetuated stereotypes and are god awful
Does Tyler Perry donate 50% of his box office returns to the black community?
Why Did I Get Married Too
Extremely homophobic
Lesson of the movie - be a crazy ***** drive your husband to suicide so you can get with the Rock
I’ve never seen people walk out a movie theatre before I attended “as bad as I wanna be” or whatever that mess was called
I guess my point was I’m more appalled at the hypocrisy of Tyler Perry
From what I hear he is a brother on the down low
I had tremendous amount of respect for Janet Jackson but after watching her insult her gay fans like that, I’m just as bewildered as anyone else trying to make sense of this ...
Michael Jackson had a lot of class.. he addressed rumours but never alienated his fan base.
Either or I hope we as a culture get back to classy ideals. Family and home values. It seems as though people in society expect these corporate institutions to do all the work for them.
It's just a movie... some of us just want to be entertained and forget about the evening NEWS or problems in the world. So tired of this identity politics ********.
We've waited 40 years for this event.... I just hope a bunch of stupid ******* dont ruin this for everyone.
Only his Madea movies are that way. Actually some of his movies are pretty good. And he does gives a lot back.
So, Is there any discussion of the actual Black Panther MOVIE in this thread, or is it just all of this
other crap?