So, Is there any discussion of the actual Black Panther MOVIE in this thread, or is it just all of this
other crap?
Why would there be conversation about a movie no one has seen?

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So, Is there any discussion of the actual Black Panther MOVIE in this thread, or is it just all of this
other crap?
I guess Sony should have donated some of it's profits from Spider-man Homecoming to high schools too. Oh and let's not forget Wonder Woman should have just given every single penny it made to 50% of the population. [emoji38][emoji38]
I loathe people who make such a big deal out of say a movie, and treat it as some movement. It's just a freaking movie mate; enjoy it for what it is and don't use it to push an agenda (that goes for both studios and consumers).
Why would there be conversation about a movie no one has seen?
So, Is there any discussion of the actual Black Panther MOVIE in this thread, or is it just all of this
other crap?
Why would there be conversation about a movie no one has seen?
Michael Jackson had a lot of class.. he addressed rumours but never alienated his fan base.
Either or I hope we as a culture get back to classy ideals. Family and home values. It seems as though people in society expect these corporate institutions to do all the work for them.
It's just a movie... some of us just want to be entertained and forget about the evening NEWS or problems in the world. So tired of this identity politics ********.
We've waited 40 years for this event.... I just hope a bunch of stupid ******* dont ruin this for everyone.
Good to see I'm not the only one fed-up with this SJW talk.
...and blackmask here to defend everything wrong with the movies section, as usual.
It's not about discussing a movie no one has seen, it's about discussing a bunch irrelevant SJW politics in a thread about a movie that, while now controversial thanks to SJW publicity, has plenty more to be discussed (I.E., do you suppose the Soul Stone will appear in this film or will it not be revealed until IW?).
But I suspect this thread will still be all talk about SJW nonsense and nothing to do with the movie itself even after it's released in the US.
I guess my point was I’m more appalled at the hypocrisy of Tyler Perry
From what I hear he is a brother on the down low
I had tremendous amount of respect for Janet Jackson but after watching her insult her gay fans like that, I’m just as bewildered as anyone else trying to make sense of this ...
Why dont you bring up those subjects yet? Post more often then.
You want speculation? Create it then. If not stfu.
If we were the only one talking about the political stuff in the movie maybe.....mayyybeee you might have a point...... maybe.
But go ahead and google black panther and let me know what comes out. What 90% of the other websites are talking about, let meknow what everyone on twitter is talking about...
You make it seem like we are the only ones on earth talking about it chakor Tatum... dont be douchey.
You said you were tired. Post MORE often then. Or quit the internet
I cant think of one good movie he has ever made
So, Is there any discussion of the actual Black Panther MOVIE in this thread, or is it just all of this
other crap?
Oh, I'm more than well aware of the sad state of humanity that nobody can discuss or critique a movie like this without being labeled as so-and-so by SJW morons and I'm well aware that every single news article pertaining to this film has something SJW integrated into it. My point is that, just because all of these other websites are talking about this SJW horses***, doesn't mean we have to stoop to the same low.
Now just where, specifically, did I say I was "tired" and of what? I could talk about the irony in your statement about "being douchey" until the cows come home but I'll save that for another time.
The point is that the SJW politics are a problem with the movies section that you openly contribute to and almost always switch the blame onto other people when they call you out for it, just like you did with GDZILLA and now me. Me speculating about this movie isn't going to stop you from derailing the thread with SJW bulls*** that only morons care about now is it?
Tyler Perry was called gay by black men who didn't like him. He has a beautiful wife. A real stunner IMO. He's a very religious man, so that may be where the homophobia comes from. Of his movies that I've seen, I've never seen that.
I can't see your vid. It's blocked in the US.
Wanna speculate? Ok lets speculate
i havent derailed the solo thread or the venom thtead with any "sjw" stuff. You are way out of line kid.
It is so easy to point the finger when u barely add anything constructive.
Seriously. Shows that specilation u want so much.
You complain about grace so much yet i actually have barely ever added anything interesting or funny. Sure u add to the overall conversation. But you are barely here. Then when u do post u criticise and complain.
So,what do you want to speculate about, by all means, lets start
Im not being sarcastic or "deflecting" anything. You want to change the sibject then lets go. Lets see you post more.
Ah, I just love it when people have to add some sort of age-related insult, like age matters in an argument. I might as well give up now because you're ten or so years older than me so therefore you win no matter how valid any else's points are.
Oh man you're on a roll with hypocrisy lately.
I'm more than happy to talk/speculate about the movie itself, but I'm always discouraged when I remember that the next post after mine will probably be some nonsense like "black-only screening in California" or whatever. But just to see what happens, here's one question pertaining to the movie: do you think Killmonger will survive and end up being somewhat relevant to future Black Panther stories or will he just be another one-time villain?
Tyler Perry was called gay by black men who didn't like him. He has a beautiful wife. A real stunner IMO. He's a very religious man, so that may be where the homophobia comes from. Of his movies that I've seen, I've never seen that.
I can't see your vid. It's blocked in the US.
Oh ... you mean this beard?
I find it incredibly racist that black women would threaten to boycott the movie because Micheal B Jordan is dating outside his race.
Victimhood is a double edged sword
Huh, that sounds weird. Let me google his GF.
She's not white though. She's... Middle Eastern? Maybe Latino? Either way, now Kweenz know how it feels to be cucked! Roasties BTFO! BASED Jordan!
Oh ... you mean this beard?
I find it incredibly racist that black women would threaten to boycott the movie because Micheal B Jordan is dating outside his race.
Victimhood is a double edged sword