I think Michael. Jai White would make a great Panther, and a pretty good T'Challa but when I was trying to remember White's name I did this;
Ooooooooo.......now there's a good choice!I know who would be a good choice, better than Michael. Jai White actually
Terry Crews
Terry Crews would be cool...
...but Will Smith is better
You stop that!
I know who would be a good choice, better than Michael. Jai White actually
Terry Crews
Not sure he's ready yet to carry his own superhero blockbuster.
well Adewale Akinnuoye is trying to get the role, so it might be him
Sammi Rotibi:
I just read that Adewale Akinnuoye wants the part, and is very interested
that would be good too, he's cool
Michael Fassbender would be perfect.
It doesn't sound like they are planning on it if this is to be true so there goes that. I have a feeling it'll be one of those he grew up in the harsh streets of New York and finds out all of a sudden he is a king after someone dies, blah, blah.
Robert Downey Jr proves that you can not worry about age and still be awesome. Djimon Hounsou would be my choice I don't give a ____ how old he is. Oh and agreed Will Smith should be kept away from anything and everything Marvel. Let him be a Man in Black in the corner over there.
seems like every person in here forgot that Will Smith already played a superhero with mixed to bad results.....
wasn't there supposed to be a sequel to that crappy movie?
Michael Fassbender would be perfect.
Yeah, he'd be my first pick if hes not got something else going on.