I always use just to follow and perv on models with big butts and nothing else. No one outpervs the baldy.
Gonna need to a diagnostic review from darthkostis on whether I gotz good taste for being into THICC white chicks like this.
>plastic lips
>silicone **** and ass
>dyed blonde
Degenerate/10, desu famalam.
Would still smash. It's what such thots are only good for, anyway.

>ywn be Red Skull and have a harem of waifus ready to serve you
Why live?
How much **** do you even need to get through that silicone butt?!
EDIT: She has a redhead, 6ft twin sister... https://www.instagram.com/p/BVQUAojF_ix/?taken-by=vicky_aisha