Ce Ilhuicamina
Super Freak
You would have to ask that to a "latino". The label doesn't mean anything to me, I'm Mexican.
And hispanics make 20% of the population
Yet there are no hispanic superheroes in either justice league OR avengers.
And at least dc has diablo... marvel has zero latinos in their entire group of heroes. There will never be a latino " black panther"
Latino kids equally see latino characters as funny comedic side characters or gangsters or maids or gardeners.
When is disney going to adress this? Are we ever gonna get a latinos lives matter? Latinosface more police brutality than anyone else because of people hearing spanish being spoken and they automatically assume " illegal"
You should care about this. While hollywood is giving jon boyega a career and making black panther we still get the roles of janitors and baby sitters.
But in this society latinos are invisible. We dont matter. It took guillermo del toro ro make a movie about a fish dating a woman to win rhe oscar
And STILL his entire cast is mostly white
Are u ever bothered by that? The lack of latino representation and the lack of backlash?
Right?!? LOL
Crows acts like he doesn't know that.
You would have to ask that to a "latino". The label doesn't mean anything to me, I'm Mexican.
Also here's a list of Marvels Hispanic Super Heros and Villains
Are any of them planned for the movies???
Or are you quoting onscure comic only characters?
"I think Ryan Coogler did an amazing job writing and directing a movie that is culturally, perhaps, the largest cultural break-out film of the last decade," Spielberg told EW Canada. "It's going to really change things and keep things changed for the betterment of all of us."
"I think the whole idea that young white kids from principally red communities are going to say 'I want to grow up and look and be just like Black Panther.' I think that's a wonderful, wonderful thing that's happening right now,"he added.
"The Color Purple was pretty way ahead of its time too. And I was criticized for directing The Color Purple because I wasn't a black director," he recalled during the interview. "I understand that now. I didn't understand it then, but I understand the criticism looking back at the time."
Imagine if the Predator killed Dutch half way thru the movie and Carl Weather’s Dillon survived to kill the Predator at the end lol
Why not Billy instead . That's EXACTLY what i mean!!!! Why not billy or pancho.....
Thats the problem. Representation to hollywood producers only means one thing...
The representation is focussed on the group who were put into slavery.
Why not Billy instead . That's EXACTLY what i mean!!!! Why not billy or pancho.....
Thats the problem. Representation to hollywood producers only means one thing...
Because in the US the order of minority importance goes like this...probably because of historical reasons.
1. African Americans
2. Women
3. Dogs
5. Gays
6. Muslims
7. Puerto Rico....because of the hurricane :yess
8. Asians
7. Native Americans (non Spanish speaking)