Mass Effect 2

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360 achievements:

Missing in Action (5 points)
Save your crew from an overwhelming attack

Very Elusive (10 points)
Return to active duty

The Convict (10 points)
Successfully recruit the biotic Convict

The Krogan (10 points)
Successfully recruit the krogan

The Archangel (10 points)
Successfully recruit Archangel

The Professor (10 points)
Successfully recruit the Professor

The Quarian (10 points)
Successfully recruit the quarian

The Justicar (10 points)
Successfully recruit the Justicar

The Assassin (10 points)
Successfully recruit the Assassin

Friend or Foe (10 points)
Obtain geth technology

Colony Defense (25 points)
Defend a human colony from attack

The Prodigal (10 points)
Gain the loyalty of the Cerberus Officer

Ghost of the Father (10 points)
Gain the loyalty of the Cerberus Operative

Catharsis (10 points)
Gain the loyalty of the biotic Convict

Battlemaster (10 points)
Gain the loyalty of the krogan

Fade Away (10 points)
Gain the loyalty of Archangel

The Cure (10 points)
Gain the loyalty of the Professor

Treason (10 points)
Gain the loyalty of the quarian

Doppelganger (10 points)
Help the Justicar resolve her mission

Cat's in the Cradle (10 points)
Gain the loyalty of the Assassin

A House Divided (10 points)
Hack a geth collective

Ghost Ship (25 points)
Complete the investigation of a derelict alien vessel

Suicide Mission (50 points)
Use the Omega 4 Relay

Mission Accomplished (125 points)
Save humanity throughout the galaxy from certain annihilation

Against All Odds (15 points)
Survive suicide mission

Insanity (75 points)
Complete the game on the "Insanity" difficulty level without changing the setting

No One Left Behind (75 points)
Keep your team alive through the suicide mission

Long Service Medal (75 points)
Complete Mass Effect 2 twice, or complete it once with a character imported from Mass Effect 1

Paramour (50 points)
Successfully pursue a relationship with a teammate

Head Hunter (10 points)
Perform 30 headshot kills with any weapon on humanoid targets

Brawler (10 points)
Shoot and kill 20 enemies while they're knocked back by a punch

Big Game Hunter (10 points)
Thresher Maw defeated

Tactician (10 points)
Hit 20 different targets with multiple biotic powers to combine the effects

Master at Arms (15 points)
Kill enemies with 5 different heavy weapons during the game

Merciless (10 points)
Make 20 enemies scream as they fall or are set on fire

Overload Specialist (15 points)
Disrupt the shields of 25 enemies

Warp Specialist (15 points)
Warp the barriers of 25 enemies

Incineration Specialist (15 points)
Incinerate the armor of 25 enemies

Operative (15 points)
Complete a mission discovered by scanning an unexplored world

Agent (50 points)
Complete 5 missions discovered by scanning unexplored worlds

Prospector (5 points)
Retrieve mineral resources by scanning and probing a planet in the galaxy map

Explorer (10 points)
Visit 100% of the planets in an unexplored cluster

Power Gamer (10 points)
Reach Level 30 with one character

Scholar (15 points)
Unlock 15 new Mass Effect 2 codex entries

Technician (15 points)
Obtain 10 technology upgrades

Weapon Specialist (15 points)
Fully upgrade a weapon

Scientist (10 points)
Complete any research project in the Normandy's laboratory

Fashionista (5 points)
Personalize your armor in your quarters on the Normandy

Power Full (15 points)
Evolve any power

Highly Trained (15 points)
View all advanced combat training videos at Shepard's private terminal.
Hopefully mass effect 2 has less glitches than the first. The first was an amazing game, but it had the WORST glitches I've ever come across in games - the kind where you just defeated a boss, and it tries to cut to a scene and the load fails, among many other frustrating, controller smashing moments.

They also need to completely redo the makos controls. Worst vehicle ever.

I never experienced such glitches, in fact I found the whole game to be extraordinarily polished. Were you running it on an older 360 model?
<object width="853" height="505"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="853" height="505"></embed></object>
I never had any "glitches" but it's a jerky old herbert, the game engine constantly jumps - it isn't very smooth at all, I'm playing through it again on my 360 elite & it perfoms in exactly the same way it did on my old 360 arcade (and the 4 replacements).
The vids i've seen of ME2 look very smooth & refined, a huge improvement !.
I never experienced such glitches, in fact I found the whole game to be extraordinarily polished. Were you running it on an older 360 model?

Framerate drop issues were a very well known issue that affects the game itself, not the console. Its not throughout the game, but in levels where you taken on Saren for the first time on his hover craft thingee, the game darn near stops being functional. I run it on an elite version
I rarely noticed framerate drops that affected the gameplay, and I ran the game on an Arcade model. Is it possible the Elite has trouble with some games?
I've actually had a few lock ups while playing ME1... some of them happened during a long playthrough without me saving, causing me to have to replay long stretches of game.

This seems like and issue Bioware needs to remedy, as it seems to happen (to me) with all their games (I recently had some curse-inducing freezes in Dragon Age :banghead:banghead)
<object width="853" height="505"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="853" height="505"></embed></object>


Have to remember what happened in the first game. Besides Wikipedia, any of you guys have a good site that has a summary of the first game?????

Mass Effect 2 Will Have New Game+ Mode After All
Written Monday, January 04, 2010 by Richard Walker

Those lovely chaps at BioWare have decided to incorporate a 'New Game+' mode into Mass Effect 2, contrary to their original decision to bin the option due to complications in porting player decisions over to Mass Effect 3.

As those who enjoyed playing through the original Mass Effect more than once will know, you'll be able to play through the game again with all of your abilities and items from your first playthrough intact.

"Yes, originally we removed New Game Plus from Mass Effect 2 early in the development process," said community man Chris Priestly on the BioWare forum. "However, we decided later that it was a valuable addition to the game then looked at ways of implementing it back into the game."

As you'll all know, the Mass Effect saga has been planned out as one continuous sci-fi saga, which is why it's so important your character remains consistent and hence why the New Game+ mode was originally shelved.

BioWare has also promised better support for future DLC, as well as the option to jump back into the game after finishing the main narrative thread to tie up loose ends such as side missions and so forth.

In case you weren't already aware, Mass Effect 2 is out on January 29th 2010 and it can't come soon enough.
Mass Effect 2 is a Steal at £30 in the UK
Written Sunday, January 10, 2010 by Dan Webb are keen to get a large market share of the Mass Effect 2 sales - in the UK anyway - if their current price is anything to go by.

The UK branch of Amazon is currently listing the Xbox 360 version of Mass Effect 2 for a paltry £29.99 - a saving of £10 and a quarter off. If you've never been a fan of Amazon, then you can also try Argos who are doing their usual price cut on the potential big sellers and also selling it for £29.99.

The US version has also had a price cut at Amazon, but instead of it being a quarter off, the US can only save around 5% as it retails for $56.99. Still, a saving of $3 is better than a kick in the teeth.

If I wasn't getting the Collector's Edition, I'd be all over this.

[Thanks for the heads up pinned5551]