Super Freak
hoping they flesh out the ending a bit more.
Well, that doesn't sound too good...
Where you disappointed with the ending as well Jen?
hoping they flesh out the ending a bit more.
My Shepherd carried over as well. After getting my readiness up to 62%, I got the ending I wanted. I'm looking forward to the DLCs and hoping they flesh out the ending a bit more.
I think I'm most bummed out about not knowing what happened to Garrus. He was with me in probably 90% of my missions in games 1-3. And I hope Grunt lived...he was another favorite. And how sad for Wrex...if he survived. The]female Krogan is pregnant and he can't get back home to her. And with all the relays exploded...wouldn't it wipe out most civilizations in the vicinity? That's what we learned in The Arrival DLC with the batarians colony.
You go back to earth after that which is the end, but its a pretty long level.
Well, that doesn't sound too good...
Where you disappointed with the ending as well Jen?
After thinking about it, the part that bums me out the most is the only way to get Shepherd to live is to destroy the reapers, but that also kills EDI, and a lot of time was spent developing her character in this one. Also Legion dies.
Biowares rep in regards to DLC has to make you wonder. For those that bought the standard version, did you pay the $10 for Javiik?
Biowares rep in regards to DLC has to make you wonder. For those that bought the standard version, did you pay the $10 for Javiik?
I didn't and now seeing that video that was posted and seeing that it is just locked content already on the disc, makes me really mad. So unless they release a better ending I won't be buying any of their DLC.
If anyone wants to play Multiplayer on LIVE hit me up: The ill Jedi
I'm aiming to get my Galactic Readiness as high as possible. Don't want a bad ending.
Switching the discs every time you go from side mission to main mission is stupid. It appears all the 'Priority' missions are on disc 1, and the side missions are on disc 2.
I don't understand why they couldn't put it on once disc? Skyrim is more massive than Mass Effect and it fits onto one disc....and the textures that load in the distance are actual playable areas, unlike in Mass Effect they are just the background.
I just don't think Bioware is as skilled as Skyrim; in terms of technical prowess.
Get all the war assets you can. I had about 7,100 and a readiness of 63% thanks to that infiltrator ipad game and I was able to get the "best" ending.
I wonder if that was just on the PC version or if it was already on the discs for consoles...but yeah..that is sketchy. Bioware knows what a hit ME is and are milking it for all it's worth. I am the type of customer they love because I'll probably buy it all....I love this game too much...the question is if I will buy any other games from Bioware knowing all that I do. But I'm so invested in this game already...they got me.![]()
Considering the 360 download was like 600 or 800 MB (can't remember), I can't imagine it takes that big of a download just to unlock something on disc. I think the framework for him and some of the conversations / renderings of him were on disc but not the actual mission, similar to Kasumi or Zaeed.
Mate, the endings are pants.
So I think there is some sort of bug on my game as the terminals in the side mission "hanar diplomat" on the citadel won't let me access them? I have enabled the terminals in the spectre computer. I'm annoyed as i'm 20 hours in and don't want to restart the whole game but want all the war assets.
Also, I've already come across a mission that seems to be bugged. It's called Citadel: Hanar Diplomat. After getting the quest you're supposed to go to the specter terminal and activate the Hanar choice, and then go to more terminals on walls around the Citadel. But the terminals don't show as objectives so you can't click on them.
Anyone else run into this bug?