I nabbed the Luke v2 and the Mara Jade piece. For the helmets the only thing I have on order is the Boba and that might get cut if too many things hit at one time.
My collection isn't vast by any means, I only have the Luke ROTJ EE, Luke ESB LE, Luke ANH EE, Vader ANH LE, Qui-Gon TPM LE, Obi-Wan TPM EE, Yoda ROTS LE, Sidious ROTS LE, Obi ROTS LE, Anakin ROTS LE and the Han Solo ANH Blaster EE.
The only pieces I want to go back and get eventually is the Vader ROTJ, Dooku AOTC, Maul TPM and Mace AOTC and I'm not really that focused on getting them....I really think LFL has MR's replacement ready to go and while before I was all MR Loyalist, I'm actually quite interested in seeing what the newcomers will do. Either way and big part of me is heading the customs route because they are more accurate and usually cheaper.....
I will give them this though, MR had the best presentation...