Masters of the Universe Classics

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Emiliano in red and Pixel Dan above me in gray. No Val in that pic!

Hell yeah!! Ever since the box art by Rudy Obrero I have wanted 'that' Battle Ram. ie with the exhausts out the sky sled (which you can just about see).

I predict a slight design change once the next podcast airs. ;)

I thought I recognised Emiliano but I don't really know what Val looks like.

Btw, is that a slight piece of insider information you just slipped us about the design change on the BR Eamon? :wink1:

so is that blue power sword included with Vikor? i wish it was the same metallic teal color as the rest of his weapons and helmet. i might have to get the paint brush out for that one.
Ease up lads, it's a tiny thread with 2 pages of the same few people posting. The same few who are usually negative.

Looking at some of your posts you'd swear there was a board wide revolt over there.

Are you guys seriously worried that this two page small thread with weak ass opinion is gonna make one bit of difference?? :lol
Bit of perspective here guys!!! :slap

I don't read the .org, so I can only go by what I read here.
I thought King Hiss looked cool. I agree that the snakes looked a little bland but I think once they are all twisted and wrapped around each other, he will look great!

If you could actualy do that, sure. But below the "shoulders" all the snakes fuse together into a single torso. That's the problem. For me, if each snake was separate, I think I would be ok with it. Then he could be posed like the painting here.
Who says each snake will not be seperate?
I've taken it that each snake will be posable and be able to wrap around eachother allowing us poses like Norem's pic above!

Who says each snake will not be seperate?
I've taken it that each snake will be posable and be able to wrap around eachother allowing us poses like Norem's pic above!


If you look at the pic closely, you can see they're all fused into one torso Eamon, also when pixel dan interviewed Toy Guru, toy guru pulled the snake torso off to show how it attached, and it all came away as one piece in his hand, not as several smaller snakes. This is why people are asking for a change to king hiss. the snakes look like trees growing out of his pants. Yeah, the 80's version did too, but this is something that could and should have been improved upon. I expect a single wire from the head going down like a spine, and then one more wire in each of the "arms" .

He looks good, but he could have been Great.

Here's hoping for a better 200x inspired version later on with 5-7 separate snakes later on down the line......

I wonder if i could get a few of the snake torso's from people who don't want them to make a better one.....
If you look at the pic closely, you can see they're all fused into one torso Eamon, also when pixel dan interviewed Toy Guru, toy guru pulled the snake torso off to show how it attached, and it all came away as one piece in his hand, not as several smaller snakes.
exactly. you can also see that the arms are fused to the neck up to about shoulder height. so you'll only be able to bend the arms from the shoulder down to the hands. you really aren't gonna be able to get many cool poses other than normal arm poses.

since i plan on buying two of these, so i can pose the human and snake form, maybe i'll combine my two snake torsos into 1 uber snake torso.
it's the only way.

That, or hoping in vain matty makes 11th hour changes.
which they won't. :gah:

oh well. Unless i can get some extra snake parts, I'll just pretend the snake torso doesn't exist. Still holding out hope for a better myp inspired hiss in the distant future.

In related news, He-fans in Australia are pissed because they're not going to be able to get hiss at all apparently. Bendy toys are not allowed there for some reason.
i don't mind the snake version we got cuz it resembles the vintage figure and that's all that matters to me. but i would have liked the arm snakes' mouths to be open in a way where they could hold the staff in their teeth. i also wouldn't have minded cut shoulder joints instead of a bendable wire. those bendy wires always break after a few pose changes. i don't plan on ever changing my poses on this guy. i might cut the little snakes off and then use the bendy arms from my second torso in their place but make them a little shorter. will give him a 4 armed look.
all the new figures shown at comic-con were either prototypes, or production sculpts. I'm sure they'll tweak the figures before they go into production, so let's just wait and see. that being said if everyone is going ape-stuff over hiss because of what we saw at the show, then why is no one going crazy because Roboto fell apart in Toyguru's hands? how do we know that the toy we get wont fall apart? all we have to go on is what we saw at the 'con. that's it.

that's a bit extreme, but i hope you see my point. take a breath eat a burrito and lets wait and see
because toyguru already stated on the matty forums that ALL the sculpts shown at comicon were final sculpts and going into production too soon for any changes, with the exception of the weapons pack.