Masters of the Universe Classics

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Alright, I'm down for a single subscription for 2011. I better not regret this Matty... you're walking on thin ice. I expect the highest quality figures to be delivered to my door I will be asking for replacements.

actually, i usually have to run everything you post through

Some of us Irish lads should starting talking in gaelic. Mess you guys right up!!! :)

What's the craic big lad? :wave

When's the next Roast Gooble Dinner Eamon???

We'll be having the craic again this saturday so expect it to be on iTunes by wednesday.

Should be a very appropriate one too after the reveals of SDCC as we got Mark Taylor on and as you may or may not know, he designed things like the Battle Ram and Wind Raider and MOTU in general in the late 70's, early 80's.
If you love the Battle Ram, this episode is for you.

To Eamon's pose above (I think it was him?), I ordered a Plastic Man through the "back door," and got a shipment confirmation with tracking number, saying it was shipped yesterday.

I got all those things too. Never showed up and then got a refund weeks later.
I'm not looking to be proved right here! I hope i was a rare one!!
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got an email saying they extended the subscription ordering window another week. must not be selling as many as they hoped.

They did the same thing last year... I think is just to get even more subs...

Actually, this behavior bothers me less. They bought MJ when it was available to anyone. Then, they just charged what folks would pay. I understand they are a business in it to make a profit. But they are really hosing the fans when they have resources to make others lose out with limited exclusives, IMO.

With MJ, I blame the fans who only wanted the figure after he died.

I know a few friends that wanted the figure before, but were gathering the funds... it happened to me too with the Visionary Boxset... I was going to buy it that week @ $150.00, as soon as he died it skyrocketed to over $500.00...
You can't blame the fans for this... BBTS saw an opportunity to make a quick buck... just like they see it every month with MOTU...

I buy a lot of stuff from them though... just sayin'

Alright, I'm down for a single subscription for 2011. I better not regret this Matty... you're walking on thin ice. I expect the highest quality figures to be delivered to my door I will be asking for replacements.


We'll be having the craic again this saturday so expect it to be on iTunes by wednesday.

Should be a very appropriate one too after the reveals of SDCC as we got Mark Taylor on and as you may or may not know, he designed things like the Battle Ram and Wind Raider and MOTU in general in the late 70's, early 80's.
If you love the Battle Ram, this episode is for you.

Gotta check it out for sure!!
Battle Ram was my favorite (and only :monkey2) vehicle when I was a kid... :lol
I know a few friends that wanted the figure before, but were gathering the funds... it happened to me too with the Visionary Boxset... I was going to buy it that week @ $150.00, as soon as he died it skyrocketed to over $500.00...
You can't blame the fans for this... BBTS saw an opportunity to make a quick buck... just like they see it every month with MOTU...

I buy a lot of stuff from them though... just sayin'
I'm sure some people were gathering funds, but he was widely released and available to anyone who wanted him for several months. The Matty figures aren't. You have to be available at a certain part of the day and have luck on your side to order. With store exclusives, it is a similar issue. Not everyone has an equal chance to get one for retail, so when a major retailer buys up as many as possible and gouges the price, that is the issue for me. Retailers charging what people will pay is part of the game, for better or worse.
They did the same thing last year... I think is just to get even more subs...

Yea I passed.

I know a few friends that wanted the figure before, but were gathering the funds... it happened to me too with the Visionary Boxset... I was going to buy it that week @ $150.00, as soon as he died it skyrocketed to over $500.00...
You can't blame the fans for this... BBTS saw an opportunity to make a quick buck... just like they see it every month with MOTU...

I buy a lot of stuff from them though... just sayin'

Rich get richer!!!!

Horrible :monkey2

Gotta check it out for sure!!
Battle Ram was my favorite (and only :monkey2) vehicle when I was a kid... :lol

Battle Ram is EPIC!!!!!!
Tell ya what, if I had money to burn, I'd be tempted to buy that lot!

As for weather he's trust worthy, well his page layout gives me some confidence. Usually fly by nights don't go to that much effort. But as Skiman says, your guess is as good as ours!
So Im getting an extra Orko and if his hat bleeds on his ears badly, he is getting repainted into a close to 200x Orko.
I got my Orko yesterday! I'm so glad I waited to get the non clear one, I like him a lot better than the SDCC exclusive.

I also took some quick shots of my current display:

got an email saying they extended the subscription ordering window another week. must not be selling as many as they hoped.

They extended the order window for the 2010 sub as well.

About not selling as many, that may not be the case. They may be extending it because it's going so well that it wouldn't make business sense to stop now...

Moreover, I suspect it's something along the lines of counting on everyone thinking that they only have a short time to get the sub - thus panic ensues, then most everyone interested signs up during the original window. After Matty gets most MOTUC collectors all locked in (you can't cancel subs once ordered), then they go for the collectors still on the fence by "extending" the time to join.

Simple business move. Works every time.
