Masters of the Universe Classics

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the 200x buzzoff head will look terrible on the 'updated' classics vintage body.These extra 200x "Anime" heads that everybody wants, just dont look right on the classics bodies(Whiplash doesnt look right with it)....When my boy Fisto arrives...they said, probably two heads for him,but he'll never get a 200x head on my piece.It doesnt really belong on a vintage style body....thats my biggest problem with the classics using the 200x influence...200x Anime sculpted era heads on Motu classics bodies :gah:

We have completely different viewpoints.

I can't even think of a single example in the line where the "classic" head looked better to me. The 200x Merman head is far superior to the cat head, the mustached 200X Man-At-Arms is the REAL MAA, and the 200X Moss-Man gives him some much needed character. Same can be said for Whiplash, and I'm hoping the same will be said for Buzz-Off.
here's another way for orko to hold his book. you can make him grip it in his hand and balance it against his body so it doesn't fall.


Same here. I like the idea of 2 head sculpts at that price point. I'm not a big MOTU 200x fan, but some of the head sculpts weren't that bad (even though I prefer's what I grew up with).

I'm glad we get more accessories and extra heads. As long as Matty doesn't try to short change us with the Subs later.
We have completely different viewpoints.

I can't even think of a single example in the line where the "classic" head looked better to me. The 200x Merman head is far superior to the cat head, the mustached 200X Man-At-Arms is the REAL MAA, and the 200X Moss-Man gives him some much needed character. Same can be said for Whiplash, and I'm hoping the same will be said for Buzz-Off.

The alternate Merman head was the original 8-back and mini-comic head and not the 200x and MAA with the mustache was on the original cartoon and not exclusive to 200x either.
The alternate Merman head was the original 8-back and mini-comic head and not the 200x and MAA with the mustache was on the original cartoon and not exclusive to 200x either.
i agree. the merman is from the vintage box art. the 2 MAA heads are both identical. one just has a moustache sculpted on it becuase MAA was depicted with a moustache in just about every piece of media so it was a nice touch. and the extra mossman head isn't 200x. here's the 200x mossman:

i agree. the merman is from the vintage box art. the 2 MAA heads are both identical. one just has a moustache sculpted on it becuase MAA was depicted with a moustache in just about every piece of media so it was a nice touch. and the extra mossman head isn't 200x. here's the 200x mossman:


True, if anything the alternate Mossman head looks similar to both the original and 200x cartoon depictions.
MAA was without his stash in all ladybird books, mini comics and Mattel stock art. You only saw the stash on him when the art was more Filmation based like bed covers and stationary.
Towards the end of the run though Mattel did produce new stock art and MAA was given his ash.
i agree. the merman is from the vintage box art. the 2 MAA heads are both identical. one just has a moustache sculpted on it becuase MAA was depicted with a moustache in just about every piece of media so it was a nice touch. and the extra mossman head isn't 200x. here's the 200x mossman:


Wasn't that because he was just a repaint of Beast Man though? IIRC, the alternate Mossman head did look a lot how he actually appeared in the 200X cartoon...
We have completely different viewpoints.

I can't even think of a single example in the line where the "classic" head looked better to me. The 200x Merman head is far superior to the cat head, the mustached 200X Man-At-Arms is the REAL MAA, and the 200X Moss-Man gives him some much needed character. Same can be said for Whiplash, and I'm hoping the same will be said for Buzz-Off.

as Samueljd said

The alternate Merman head was the original 8-back and mini-comic head and not the 200x and MAA with the mustache was on the original cartoon and not exclusive to 200x either.

I still think the updated vintage heads go better on the updated vintage bodies.....the 200x heads are designed anime style and doesnt work on vintage, anime head on an anime sculpted body...then yes it makes sense.....Honestly,I'd rather get tight ankles,tight joints,great paints apps...than extra heads that dont really belong IMO
This head brings me tears of joy :monkey2


Gotta agree with the Ski!


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Gotta agree with the Ski!


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OMG I am dying! What is that from!?