Masters of the Universe Classics

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All seriousness, lets consider this.

He-man, while incredibly strong is NOT invulnerable. Point Superman.

Superman, while generally Invulnerable, is NOT immune to magic. Point He-man.

Both heroes can injure each other.

Even if we take both heroes at their most campy, with He-man being immensely strong, can create tornadoes by simply spinning, etc.
Superman can move Planets. Literally. He tossed them around at one point, check out some of his mid 90's comics. Point Both. He-man and superman are strong on an unimaginable caliber.

He-man has his magic sword. it likely imparts a degree of skill, not to mention Adam has been swinging it and using it for so long he' going to know HOW to use it. Point Adam

Superman is Mostly a brawler, but given he hangs out with Batman alot, and has fought innumerable foes, it would be Stupid to assume he doesn't know HOW to fight, and possible even has SOME martial training from Bruce. Point superman

To both be accomplished warriors, they need to be intelligent, competent tacticians. Point both.

So it comes down to this. it's an even, Fair Fight. It would all come down to who thinks fastest on their feet, and Luck.

And it would Be one HELL of an awesome fight, and based on BOTH their strengths, we've got NO idea who would win.

But damn it would be awesome to watch.
My fiance and I always have an argument about who would win in a fight between He-Man and Superman.

She goes with Superman where as I believe the most powerful man in the universe would win.

Sure superman can fly but what good does that do him? His laser eyes would just get reflected by the power sword.

Superman's speed could be an issue but He-Man can make tornado's just by turning around in a circle so the man is pretty quick himself.

Finally Superman wasn't even the strongest man on his planet let alone in the universe.


I always saw He-man as a very very strong guy as apposed to the crazy feats he got up to in the 80's.

I liked his strenght level in the movie and even in the MYP toon.
Which is no where near as powerful as Superman.

My friend Baena put a good way. He is the strongest a human man can possibly be. So he still lives up to his name.
He-man is human and Superman is not.

There is sooooo much to consider in this scenario. They should just both go on 'Deadliest Warrior' and let them decide. :rotfl
I don't think you can judge the contest based on offense. You can't know for sure if He-Man would be affected by Superman's heat vision or icy breath as He-Man is essentially a being infused with magic. It therefore comes down to weaknesses.
Superman's Kryptonian physiology means that he will be weakened if he's near green Kryptonite, if magic is used against against him or if he can't recharge using a yellow sun.
He-Man on the other hand is half-human, half Eternian, it's unclear whether his Eternian half gives him any advantages or disadvantages. His source of power is the sword which harnesses power from . . . (this is a whole other debate) let's just say it's an infinite source of magic. So when He-Man needs more strength the sword grants it magically.
It boils down to this:
if He-Man loses his sword, he loses,
if Superman is near Kryptonite, must deal with magic or can't recharge, he loses.
Superman has more weaknesses so the scales tip in favour of He-Man.
I disagree. Even though he's got more weaknesses, He's still going to be able to hurt He-man, just as He-man will be able to hurt him. Let's assume for a moment that frost breath and Heat vision are useless against Adam, Superman is still just as strong, if not stronger than adam, and capable of punching him into orbit, or tossing him into the next galaxy. Their both going to be rediculously fast, and insanely strong, " I'm immune to your heat vison/cold breath" is not going to matter. These Heroes are Titans.

In addition, Using Kryptonite on superman in what is already a fair fight could be constituted as Cheating. He-man strikes me as someone who while not above trickery to even the odds, will not cheat in an already fair fight.

Not to mention, using kryptonite on superman is potentially Fatal, and Heroes like He-man and superman Don't Kill unless there is absolutely NO other choice. this would be a fight till one of them eventually, inevitably yielded.

It goes against everything we've already seen in the character of who He-man is.( Honor, nobility, fairness, etc) Even without the sword, if He-man is disarmed, he's still infused with magic. it's not that Superman Can't affect magic, it's that he is still vulnerable to it. Meaning He can affect it., and it can effect him.

It would be the same as fighting someone on His level. Such as Massacre , doomsday, Capitan Marvel, and the like.

Which raises another good point, Captain marvel is more or less the same sort of character as He-man, and superman goes up against him from time to time. That would be a good frame of reference for who would win.
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isn't superman's powers derived from the yellow sun of the solar system? just lure him to eternia and he-man would kick his sorry ass up and down the mystic mountains all day long. he'd probably start crying like a little girl. case closed.
He-Man- The Most powerful Man in the Universe

weakness- Unknown...None

Superman- of Steel

Weakness- a Green crystal? lol

He-Man breaks Steel

Winner- He-Man
isn't superman's powers derived from the yellow sun of the solar system? just lure him to eternia and he-man would kick his sorry ass up and down the mystic mountains all day long. he'd probably start crying like a little girl. case closed.

it is, but it takes weeks for that to run out. he's like a battery.

if we want to start swinging the super e-peen around, Kal-el could simply grab he-man and fling him into Eternia's sun. but then again, that goes to killing. I'd expect them to fight to submission.
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pfffft...either way He-man wins. he's the most powerful man in the universe. the universe. not the world. not the solar system. not the galaxy. but the universe.
Can He-man Breathe in space?

i can accept he's the most powerful man in the universe. but what about when we start including alternate dimensions?

Goofy semantics aside, the absolute BEST he can do is be AS powerful as superman, considering I've never seen an instance of He-man throwing a planet at an enemy, I'll wage that Kal-el is stronger.

since, you know, he has.
Bear in mind i'm not saying H-man CAN't win. I'm saying I'm not sure WHO would win, as they are too evenly matched respectively.

.... we're such dorks. :lol
and this made me laugh as well. from Encyclopedia Dramatica

Encyclopedia Dramatica said:
Despite being an alien (his real name is like____-el or some ____), he is one hundred percent American. Just like Jesus.
Can move at the speed of light, but lets the Flash hang around because he's too nice a guy to tell the useless ____wit to go screw himself.
Can fire lazers outta his eyes, fly, and suck a bowling ball through six hundred miles of garden hose.
____ed Lois Lane, despite basic physics stating more-or-less blatantly that such an action would completely obliterate the woman. Seriously, he'd literally tear her in half on his first thrust, to say nothing of _____ akin to artillery fire.
Wears his underwear on the outside and nobody's ever had the balls to tell him how gay it looks.
Can apparently hold a black hole in his hand. ____ it, it's DC Comics. They restart the entire universe every few years.
Has saved the world pretty much at least once a month for the past sixty years.
Extremely popular, and yet has starred in one of the worst video games ever made.
Can turn back time by flying around the world counter-rotation until it turns backwards, thus causing every scientist in the world to simultaneously choke to death on their own enraged bile.
Strong enough to push the Earth out of orbit, yet has not done so because Earth is where he keeps all his stuff (including a mansion made of ____ing ice and a room full of wax dummies of all his friends).
Creators Siegel and Schuster hilariously ____ed out of ownership and royalties by DC Comics. Same as with Bob Kane and his creation, Batman, neither them nor their families have seen a ____ing dime from the billions Superman has raked in.
Died and the franchise was nearly destroyed by four dip____ replacements until he was returned to life through an alarmingly retarded deus ex machina magic plot device.
Surrounded by mostly useless people who do very little besides bog him down (including dog, female, horse, and younger boy versions of himself. Also Beppo the Super Monkey. Yes, really.
Immediately recognizable and infinitely lame.
Survived when a ____ing galaxy exploded
you guys do know its just Man's imagination of characters written down on with pen, Ink,and piece of paper? :)

I always found these arguements pointless because its always gonna be played by favoritism anyways
Oh and Superman,who mainstream likes to call him ALIEN, is really a Fallen Angel and has god-like abilities
Sometimes favoritism is going to play a hand( coughCRAWcough ), But I've always enjoyed looking at these things realistically. it's silly, and EXTREMELY geeky, but it's fun to compare point by point seriously who would win. i TRY to be objective, and think i do a pretty good job.

IMO, He-man VS superman is too close to call. It could easily go either way.

Another fun fight.

He-man VS the Hulk
Playing the Religion Card? Nice :D

And can't say I'm going to argue with you on this one. I like your reasoning, and find it fair and balanced .

Through study/research/opinions and religous beliefs.....I believe almost all Super-hero's are based off of modern day Fallen Angels,if you believe in those sorts of things...Bad Angels are decievers and want Man to worship them...Thor is another example....he is norse mythology and a Fallen Angel...and Comics use mythology big time in their stories.
I believe Mythology is distorted truth and alot of ideas for some superheroes are religous based...Many comics will even use the stories of the Bible (Genesis 6) and the Nephilim.(Tytus and Megator,both Giants, is from Fallen Angels and fleshly Women)they are Hybrids from a spiritual seed...these are example where fiction and man's demented mind, meets reality..Giants once did roam this Earth.