Masters of the Universe Classics

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You've left me no choice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


That's the first playset. BeastMan's Bum Battle Station.
While watching the Phillies is my 2011 prediction lineup

April-Fisto Quarterly- He-Man New Adventures
May-Faceless One Beast- Panthor
June-Clawful Bonus- Grayskull Weapons Rack

July- Glimmer Quarterly- King Randor 200x
Aug- Slush Head
Sept-Queen Marlena 2-pack- Horde Troopers
or Megator
2011 SDCC- Hand-some or Demo-Man (Concept figures)

Oct-Man E Faces Quarterly- Skeletor New Adventures
Nov-Stinkor Beast- Swiftwind
Dec-Jitsu Bonus- Vehicle/Battle Ram
Hey gang,

Finally through the work that piled up while I was at SDCC. I wanted to give a few quick updates to the figures shown at the con.

Battle Armor Skeletor: He will indeed have three chest plates just like BA He Man. The Horsemen just had not finished sculpting them in time for the show. He will also come with the standard "He-Man" battle axe in purple, just as fans have asked for. Finally, we will paint his feet purple with black toe nails also per fan request. I know some fans also asked for the Hordak feet, but this was not possible this time around.

Grayskull: The pain job is final. We know some fans are asking for other paint schemes, but quite frankly we really like this one. The red cape with flocking and silver highlights on the armor and chest piece really pop. The cape also references the vintage art on the package. This does not mean we can't do another color scheme of Grayskull down the road, but for now we are set. Also, his boots will be the same as the original release. The kit bashed model for the show had the wrong boots.

Preternia Disguise He-Man: We spoke to the Horsemen and we are going to change the wrist bands to the Tri-Klops wrists to be more accurate to the comic design.

Roboto: We are looking into the possibility of making both hands removable. It my be too late on this go around, but we are looking into it.

Palace Guards: The guards will indeed have the Keldor boots as the Horsemen designed. The kit based version used for SDCC was incorrect. Also, we bumped up the gold highlights a bit on the chest piece. It looks really great! The guards have also moved to December due to the boot change.

King Hssss: His jaw will be hinged and the Snake heads will be articulated (sorta like Clayface's arms or Plastic Man's neck).

As far as a few other issues, I know a lot of fans are asking about the "lack of females". While we did not show any females at SDCC, there will be more females in 2011 then we did in 2010. We just did not have any slotted for Jan - March. There are still plenty of monthly figs to go and A-list variant slots as well. A lot more of 2011 is left to reveal! Stay tuned.

Fans are also asking about "200X" elements. I will tell you that after the Marzo head, management asked us specifically to pull back on the amount of "anime hyper detail elements" in the sculpts. Also, after the second Whiplash head, we were asked to pull back on second heads that are purley 200X inspired. That "look" and interpretation" is retired.

We will continue to do second heads when there is a compelling reason (like for Mer-Man or Man-At-Arms), but we will be pulling back from extra heads simply to add in 200X elements (like with Whiplash).

The Horsemen often sculpt extra heads and accessories then asked for(they actually did three heads for Bow) but with the direction from management to move away from 200X elements and the general high cost of extra heads (due to all the paint ops) we will only do second heads when it is really compelling. You won't see second heads just to do a 200X homage. This line is all about the "classic" vintage look. You'll see some 200X elements (like Webstor's arms) but not a second 200X head as that interpretation is retired.

A lot more great toys are coming, we're only getting warmed up!

Hope all this helped clarify!


Time to move on 200x freaks!
The Vintage Clawful Head will look kick ass just like Whiplash's vintage head worries
Yeah. I agree with Teemu. Clawful will definately kick ass when it's released. No worries. With 4H, he'll be in good hands...
I just think sucks they are doing this...
A lot of people bought 2 to display both heads...
bad business decision IMO...
Now that the line is getting so much attention,
the suits @ Mattel will start ____ing it up as usual... :banghead
Well no second display option for a lot of characters. I guess I don't have to buy duplicates to display both heads for a lot of characters so I'll save myself some money that way.

I still say I would have liked to have a gray skinned, purple clothed Evil-Lyn. I don't care what anybody thinks.
you guys do know its just Man's imagination of characters written down on with pen, Ink,and piece of paper? :)

I always found these arguements pointless because its always gonna be played by favoritism anyways


Oh boy.... lerath... now you've done it!!!


Paradora's BOX, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa GO!!!!!!!!!!!


And as a side note not including ANY 200X elements is a bad idea. I like my options open. Seems stupid on Mattel's part. :dunno
With the exception of Trapjaw, every figure I own is using the alternate head. That was easily one of the best highlights of the line.

The only upcoming new figure I was excited about was Buzz-Off, and that interest was only being held together by the possibility of an alternate head. I have zero interest in Buzz-Off as is.

This years figures have been disappointing to me, I've only bought 6 of the last 18 releases. If a Ram-Man and panthor ever get made, I'll pick them up, otherwise I think I'm good with the MOTU figures I have.
Well, this is just bull...
it just keeps getting better by the minute... :(
you know what?
It was bound to happen... the Mattel suits are screwing up the line now..
oh well...
it was good while it lasted...

Toyguru said:

Many of you may have picked up the latest Toy Fare magazine (check out the cool Legion cover!) and have seen an image of Grizzlor with a second head as an accessory.

To clarify, the Grizzlor shown at SDCC was final. It was there in package. He only has one head as officially announced at SDCC.

Magazines often need images well in advance and many times the only images we have available are the first pics of the Horsemen sculpts.

Because the Horsemen sculpt more then we ask for ( a good problem to have), sometimes these PR images wind up having extra parts pictured that do not get tooled. This happened with Batman Beyond's wings and Lex Luthor's skirt pieces as well.

Our tooling budget is finite and we can't always afford to tool everything the Horsemen sculpt (especially when they throw in unrequested parts not accounted for in the budget - not that we want them to stop! A lot of things the sculpt wind up getting used later. The Kandor they sculpted for Superman in DCSH wound up getting used in JLU in 2010!)

Back to the point: Because we did announce Grizzlor in full at SDCC, hopefully this image was not too misleading. But to be clear, Grizzlor has one face only. The figure is tool'd and in production so no changes are being made at this point.

Sorry for any confusion gang!

well if getting rid of extra heads is gonna open up tooling dollars for something better then i'm all for it. i really have no use for the extra heads cuz you can't really display them unlike multiple weapons which can always be squeezed in somewhere.

and this is a "classics/vintage" line no matter what anybody wants to argue.
that's great, but they've just alienated ALOT of their customer base by doing this. this is the third nail in the coffin for this line... The first being the difficulty of getting the figures through the website, the second being digital river as a whole. Wonder how many it can take.
well if getting rid of extra heads is gonna open up tooling dollars for something better then i'm all for it. i really have no use for the extra heads cuz you can't really display them unlike multiple weapons which can always be squeezed in somewhere.

and this is a "classics/vintage" line no matter what anybody wants to argue.


is not having 200x heads really that upsetting?
Well, this is just bull...
it just keeps getting better by the minute... :(
you know what?
It was bound to happen... the Mattel suits are screwing up the line now..
oh well...
it was good while it lasted...

I listened to an interview with one of the 4 horseman and he said the line is not going anywhere anytime soon.


Toyguru has already mentioned they are gearing up for the 2012 were in for another 2 years at least
that's great, but they've just alienated ALOT of their customer base by doing this. this is the third nail in the coffin for this line... The first being the difficulty of getting the figures through the website, the second being digital river as a whole. Wonder how many it can take.

This is the line we should of gotten in 2002 to begin with....I really doubt people are gonna stop buying the hottest internet toy property going right now