Masters of the Universe Classics

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that's great, but they've just alienated ALOT of their customer base by doing this. this is the third nail in the coffin for this line... The first being the difficulty of getting the figures through the website, the second being digital river as a whole. Wonder how many it can take.
the way i see it it's just less competition on order day. it's not gonna alienate enough people to hurt this line. not by a long shot.

You will still see 200X characters and 200X versions of characters (i.e. Sorceress, Randor) but they will be in "Classics" style, similar to Carnivus or Grayskull (or Marzo minus the flowing hair).

We'll also still do second heads for characters like Moss Man or Stinkor who's vintage head was a repaint. Really, the only character to have a true "200X" head was Whiplash. So there really wasn't a huge trend we are breaking here. A trend of one.

I am cool with getting 200x characters...but we dont need extra 200x heads that dont look right on the classics bodies to begin with
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Unless sales drop. that sort of thing CAN and does happen overnight in buisness.
Will this alone kill the line?
probobly not, but just like the crappy factory paint on Faramir, this is something that keeps making people leave.
Unless sales drop. that sort of thing CAN and does happen overnight in buisness.
Will this alone kill the line?
probobly not, but just like the crappy factory paint on Faramir, this is something that keeps making people leave.

I dont see people leaving the line at all...its mostly talk from people.As soon as Mattel shows off A 'new' CHARACTER,everybody goes off into a trance and forgets about all the problems that has gone on with the line(loose joints,paint apps,Digital River etc).Like I said, Mattel could make a new character called Turd-or and it would sell...people complain, but dont speak up,especially when they had the chance at the SDCC QnA Matty is true,people could speak with their Wallet...but their love and passion for a toy...they just wont and Mattel can see that...honestly I wish they would just make the final
80's vintage figures,with a few playsets and be done with it. I would be happy with that
all i can say is i wanted vintage heads in the 200X line. nobody had my back on that. i didn't buy and the line did just fine.

we are getting 200x heads in the line, but made on their proper to go with classics body...toyguru said we'll get 200x characters (king randor,sorceress etc) if they did a 200x buzzoff will be sold on a classics style body with the 200x updates Example- count marzo
Toyguru speaks again and its pretty dang clear to me: "This line is about the "Classics" look"

Leech would be a great character to get a second head since his original head was an "action feature" and I think doing both would be keen.

I'm so sorry that that PR shot of Grizzlor went to press. Sometimes these things happen. The same thing happened with Batman Beyond's wings and Wonder Woman's spear. Many times the Horsemen sculpt extra parts we don't request that we simply can not tool for a variety of reasons. Our tooling budget is set for the full year and we work out very carefully figure by figure what we can do early on to keep things in check logistically.

Because magazines need images very early, the sculpt images are sometimes sent out which do not always reflect the final tool'd parts. I regret when things like this happens, but at the end of the day we did show Grizzlor in full at SDCC. I totally get the frustration. That is why I am trying to jump on the boards now to clarify exactly what will be in the Grizzlor package before it goes any further. Grizzlor will be exactly what was shown a SDCC.

And again, we will still do second heads when there is a compelling reason. We just are not going to do a second head purely as a nod to the 200X style since that style is retired.

You will still see 200X characters (like Carnivus) and 200X elements (like Webstor's legs) but all in the Classics style. This line is about the "Classics" look. The 200X look is retired.

I didn't even want Grizz until they showed the good alt head, now that is gone? My interest in this line is practically completely disappeared.

I lost a lot of enjoyment with all the stupid website problems, bad paint, slipping quality and figures like Keldor not getting their alternate heads. Due to all that, I've only bought a small fraction of what has been offered in the last year, and even fewer going forward. The alternate heads were easily the coolest part of the line, and every figure* that has an alternate head, is being displayed that way in my collection.

Whiplash - Maybe. The in-hand pics look kinda cheap, and I'm not a fan of the visually hollow base of the tail or the feet. The pictures make his proportions look "off" with skinny ankles. Love the atl head, might be worth just for that. I need to see some video footage of the figure in three dimensional space before I commit, so odds are it will be a skip due to Mattel sending the review figs late.

Carnivous - Skip. Who? Mattel should have posted pictures/bio on their website by now. Will look great on the shelf, but his restrictive hair, armor, loincloth and cape will make him not very fun to play with and pose.

Gygor - Skip. Would take for free, only to repaint it. Completely garish as is. Should have been Panthor for sale, who hasn't even appeared on the slate.

Roboto - Skip. Is he robot duck? I don't get it. Really cool figure once again ruined by a stupid head. Would definitely buy if there was an alt head I could put in it's place, but I can't think of one.

Grizzor - Skip. Looks like a fuzzy potato with a goofy face. Alt head with some matting of the fur would have made him look acceptable.

GraySkull - Maybe. Hate the head and cape, love the armor and longer loincloth. I'm also sucker for cool power swords, and he comes with a neat one. As long as the cape and head are removable (even with cutting), I'll probably pick it up.

Buzz-Off - Skip. Easily the most disappointing figure of the line after Trapjaw. I don't buy figures based on my cloudy memories of the past, but how they look today. Today, the MOTUC Buzz-Off looks downright awful. The head looks very cheap, like a toy from a 99¢ store. I dislike the feet although they work better here than on Whiplash.

Guards - Buy. I love, love, love the alternate heads. With the guards, I can have some cannon fodder for the baddies to kill. Lots of accessories, a must buy. I only wish they had the MAA neck protector.

Bow - Maybe. Seems to be well sculpted, and has cool stuff, but I'm not sure if I'm interesting in adding that character to my Universe as She-Ra doesn't exist to me.

Shadow Beast - Maybe. I like him, although I wish the legs had ball joints. If the paint apps turn out on the Beast and Bow, Ill probably grab both to save on shipping. But if I skip one, I'll skip both.

Vikor - Buy. Kick-ass brawler with Frazetta influences based on the original He-Man concept art? What's not to love? Best figure of the year, might be best of the line.

B.A. Skeletor - Skip. Looks really cool, I just don't need another Skeletor. I passed on B.A. He-Man for the same reason.

King Hiss - Skip. Generally not a fan of "gimmick" sculpts. I like the new arm and leg sculpts, that's about it. I think he looks non-threatening in both forms.

*Except Trapjaw, as I only have one figure, so no Kronos. If I decide to get Whiplash, I'll try to buy another Trapjaw for Kronos.
to each their own i guess. i'm totally happy with the line aside from the quick sellouts and the WSOD. i say keep doing what they're doing and i'll keep buying. but i am running out of space.
I am cool with getting 200x characters...but we dont need extra 200x heads that dont look right on the classics bodies to begin with


Toyguru speaks again . . .

I'm so sorry that that PR shot of Grizzlor went to press. Sometimes these things happen. The same thing happened with Batman Beyond's wings and Wonder Woman's spear. Many times the Horsemen sculpt extra parts we don't request that we simply can not tool for a variety of reasons. Our tooling budget is set for the full year and we work out very carefully figure by figure what we can do early on to keep things in check logistically.

Because magazines need images very early, the sculpt images are sometimes sent out which do not always reflect the final tool'd parts. I regret when things like this happens, but at the end of the day we did show Grizzlor in full at SDCC. I totally get the frustration. That is why I am trying to jump on the boards now to clarify exactly what will be in the Grizzlor package before it goes any further. Grizzlor will be exactly what was shown a SDCC.


This is the very reason that ToyGuru gets flak. Here he is again coming along to give us all the bs excuses of the day. Normally it's sorta out of his control, whether it's crappy Digital River service or bad quality control (though he is partially resposible for that), this time it's practically entirely his fault. As brand manager he shouldn't be letting out images of what coulda been. It's at times like these that he needs to take of that Green Lantern stuff and focus on his current responsibilties. :mad:
Why even bother giving Grizzlor his 200X loincloth but not the 200X face??? :slap
Is there a pic of the Grizzlor head we wont get somewhere? Werent able to find one... Can anybody post it please?
Switch out face by his feet.

I didn't even want Grizz until they showed the good alt head, now that is gone? My interest in this line is practically completely disappeared.

I lost a lot of enjoyment with all the stupid website problems, bad paint, slipping quality and figures like Keldor not getting their alternate heads. Due to all that, I've only bought a small fraction of what has been offered in the last year, and even fewer going forward. The alternate heads were easily the coolest part of the line, and every figure* that has an alternate head, is being displayed that way in my collection.

Whiplash - Maybe. The in-hand pics look kinda cheap, and I'm not a fan of the visually hollow base of the tail or the feet. The pictures make his proportions look "off" with skinny ankles. Love the atl head, might be worth just for that. I need to see some video footage of the figure in three dimensional space before I commit, so odds are it will be a skip due to Mattel sending the review figs late.

Carnivous - Skip. Who? Mattel should have posted pictures/bio on their website by now. Will look great on the shelf, but his restrictive hair, armor, loincloth and cape will make him not very fun to play with and pose.

Gygor - Skip. Would take for free, only to repaint it. Completely garish as is. Should have been Panthor for sale, who hasn't even appeared on the slate.

Roboto - Skip. Is he robot duck? I don't get it. Really cool figure once again ruined by a stupid head. Would definitely buy if there was an alt head I could put in it's place, but I can't think of one.

Grizzor - Skip. Looks like a fuzzy potato with a goofy face. Alt head with some matting of the fur would have made him look acceptable.

GraySkull - Maybe. Hate the head and cape, love the armor and longer loincloth. I'm also sucker for cool power swords, and he comes with a neat one. As long as the cape and head are removable (even with cutting), I'll probably pick it up.

Buzz-Off - Skip. Easily the most disappointing figure of the line after Trapjaw. I don't buy figures based on my cloudy memories of the past, but how they look today. Today, the MOTUC Buzz-Off looks downright awful. The head looks very cheap, like a toy from a 99¢ store. I dislike the feet although they work better here than on Whiplash.

Guards - Buy. I love, love, love the alternate heads. With the guards, I can have some cannon fodder for the baddies to kill. Lots of accessories, a must buy. I only wish they had the MAA neck protector.

Bow - Maybe. Seems to be well sculpted, and has cool stuff, but I'm not sure if I'm interesting in adding that character to my Universe as She-Ra doesn't exist to me.

Shadow Beast - Maybe. I like him, although I wish the legs had ball joints. If the paint apps turn out on the Beast and Bow, Ill probably grab both to save on shipping. But if I skip one, I'll skip both.

Vikor - Buy. Kick-ass brawler with Frazetta influences based on the original He-Man concept art? What's not to love? Best figure of the year, might be best of the line.

B.A. Skeletor - Skip. Looks really cool, I just don't need another Skeletor. I passed on B.A. He-Man for the same reason.

King Hiss - Skip. Generally not a fan of "gimmick" sculpts. I like the new arm and leg sculpts, that's about it. I think he looks non-threatening in both forms.

*Except Trapjaw, as I only have one figure, so no Kronos. If I decide to get Whiplash, I'll try to buy another Trapjaw for Kronos.

Why are you even collecting MOTU Classics? all your complaints make no sense....the vintage figures are meant to be upgraded versions of the originals....:dunno
since i'm using the smiling sculpt on my Adam figure i decided to use the other head on my original he-man. i think the paint looks the best of any he-man head we have gotten so far.