Masters of the Universe Classics

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Ski is a 70's douche as well, NOW WHAT>...... :dunno :lol:panic:
Marzo and Carnivous are just as detailed,if not more...not following you there....they are making 200x characters in the new "classics" style bucks

Right but my point is Marzo and Carnvius look to have more going on with their designs than any other figures and, to me, look out of place. Just more detail compared to any other figures and I'm sure there are detail elements that could have been sacrificed to tone down their looks as well.
more toyguru

Currently there are no plans to tool this second face as we are moving away from the 200X inspired heads in the Classics line. But it might be "possible" we could refresh Grizzlor with this second face one day in the far future if the 200X look comes out of retirement.
But don't look for anything in the immediate future.

We sincerely regret that this image went to Toy Fare magazine and all the confusion this has caused. Grizzlor was shown at SDCC as final and we hope all of the posting today have cleared up any confusion
This is my opinion on this issue. I'm perfectly okay with the characters being done in the classic style. There's no debating that in my opinion. However, i don't think the Grizzlor face or Whiplash head are done in what they're calling the "200X hyper detailed anime style". They're the 2002 designs made in the Classics style, and I don't understand Mattel's issue with them since they're still going to make 2002 characters like Carnivus. I don't see the big difference between an entire figure based off of the 2002 cartoon in classic style and heads done in the same manner.

They're also contradicting themselves about their past releases saying that Whiplash is the only release that had a 2002 inspired head. As I was reading the thread on the .org about this issue I came across this quote by toyguru:
Moss Man's head was not based on the 200X design, it was a non angry version of the vintage head. The only figure that really had a true 200X style head as a second head was Whiplash. So we aren't really breaking a trend. We've only had one example of this so far.

Here's an excerpt from the description of the Mossman figure on
Moss Man® also comes with an alternative 2002-inspired head designed by the Four Horsemen.
They're also contradicting themselves about their past releases saying that Whiplash is the only release that had a 2002 inspired head.

There is also this:

Originally Posted by Toyguru
We wanted to do two heads for She-Ra. One with her vintage toy look and one from her 2002 figure look, both in the Classic style.
the more i read TG's responses, I'm actually ok with this. He's said that we will not be getting any more 2002 inspired heads with the figures, but that instead we will be getting full 2002 standalone figures.
The examples he gives are Randor and Evil lyn. I'd likely put the sorceress on that list too.

I'm ok with this.

is not having 200x heads really that upsetting?

It's kind of upsetting... not a deal-breaker by any means... I love MOTU too much!! :lol
but, definitely a step-backwards IMO
If we've been getting alternatives, and all of the sudden those are
taken away for some stupid "corporate input" I think it hurts the line...

Between all the DR crap, QC issues, well, it starts to build up...
We've been supporting this line with our hard earned money... and Mattel is giving us a "____ You"...
A lot of people have been jumping ship after the Battle Cat fiasco...
so, they should really reconsider this last move IMO...

As I said, I love MOTU, but I do like some elements from the 200x designs better than the classic ones... i.e. Grizzlor, Clawful, Buzz-Off just to name a few... I'll still be buying, but I understand completely why people would consider dropping the line after this.

This is the line we should of gotten in 2002 to begin with....I really doubt people are gonna stop buying the hottest internet toy property going right now

A lot of people will, but there's still plenty of buyers and potential buyers... so it won't kill the line, but in the future, when the line fades away, people will look back and mention this as one of the things that "went wrong"...

to each their own i guess. i'm totally happy with the line aside from the quick sellouts and the WSOD. i say keep doing what they're doing and i'll keep buying. but i am running out of space.

Oh, I absolutely love the line, just a bit bummed by this...

since i'm using the smiling sculpt on my Adam figure i decided to use the other head on my original he-man. i think the paint looks the best of any he-man head we have gotten so far.

I did the same!! Makes a huge different!!

THANK YOU! let's move on people.

Maybe in 20 years Mattel can do a MOTU-200XClassics line, but for now this IS the MOTUClassics and it's the best toy/collectors line hands down.:exactly:

This IS the best line indeed, the thing is that the 200x boundary is very confusing... at times seems like it's OK to use it, then at other times it's not... Mattel hasn't been clear about it... @ the beginning they constantly saying that Classics would have MOTU from ALL eras... and so far, that's been the case.

But I think not even TG knows exactly what he means...
I don't know myself anymore... :dunno

Just posted by toyguru

We're not saying there won't be second heads, just that we won't be doing a second head purely as a nod to the 200X design because that design/interpretation is retired.

We will still do lots of characters with a second head when there is a compelling reason to do so.

I agree with this...Buzz-off,Grizzlor,King Hiss dont need 200x heads for a vintage styled body

That's your opinion... I thin there was a compelling reason for a second head for Grizzlor... and also Buzz-Off and Clawful...

Actually according to Toyguru at Mattel, "the line is about all things MOTU from all eras". That includes 200X, but everything is sculpted in the classic style rather than what they like to call anime (which they need to stop). Which is why we got Marzo, Zodak, alt head Moss-Mann, and will continue getting more 200X characters in the future.

Exactly... so WTH?...

more toyguru

Currently there are no plans to tool this second face as we are moving away from the 200X inspired heads in the Classics line. But it might be "possible" we could refresh Grizzlor with this second face one day in the far future if the 200X look comes out of retirement.
But don't look for anything in the immediate future.

We sincerely regret that this image went to Toy Fare magazine and all the confusion this has caused. Grizzlor was shown at SDCC as final and we hope all of the posting today have cleared up any confusion

You know... it kind of sucks to be in his position...
he has to take all the crap from fans, AND the suits @ Mattel...
I think he does the best he can with what's he's given... but Mattel always throws him under the bus...

Oh well... in the meantime I can't wait for Carnivus!!! :yess:
Maybe were not getting the 2 heads because Mattel knows they can pump out more figures by doing individual figures like for example- a vintage buzz-off and a 200x Craw said,
maybe the Suits want to up the ante in character selection and force people to buy most characters twice? so eventually Kuzeh you'll get your 200x Grizzlor with that face/loin cloth...I dont know,who knows with these greedy corporate bastards? I am sure we all can agree that MOTU Classics is the best line going right now and its likely going to sticking around for quite least the 4 horseman confirmed that
Maybe were not getting the 2 heads because Mattel knows they can pump out more figures by doing individual figures like for example- a vintage buzz-off and a 200x Craw said,
maybe the Suits want to up the ante in character selection and force people to buy most characters twice? so eventually Kuzeh you'll get your 200x Grizzlor with that face/loin cloth...I dont know,who knows with these greedy corporate bastards? I am sure we all can agree that MOTU Classics is the best line going right now and its likely sticking around for quite least the 4 horseman confirmed that

I agree with this.

At least Toyguru mentioned planning to make 2002 Evil-Lyn and Sorceress, so that's good news for me. I also will not mind if they release a separate 2002 version in classic style of characters like Grizzlor. I'd have to buy a second figure to display both heads anyhow, so if this is what happens, I'll be happy.
So... I just got home from training and opened up my Marzo and She-Ra figures.

I know there's been talk about loose joints before but both ankles on Marzo are VERY loose. Is this common with this particular figure? I'm going to email DR about this but I don't imagine they have replacements right now...
Well, had my first experience with the dreaded Digital River Customer Service team yesterday after over a year of being blissfully trouble-free with the subscription service.

I changed my address last month after moving into a new place, and had to do it over the phone because obviously it's too hard to do it via the website. The rep canceled my previous sub and activated a new one for me with my new address, and I got Marzo without a problem.

After not getting any notice regarding Whiplash, I called yesterday and spent an hour on the phone with one of their Indian (I'd imagine) reps, going round and round until he finally said that there was no record of my previous subscription and I'd have to buy them on the site until the 2011 sub started. At which point I almost blew my gasket, but I didn't because I then remembered the abuse these guys must take from MOTU collectors all day every day. Finally we figured something out and I was able to call their escalation department and talk to a guy who was extremely helpful (though he seemed a bit stand-offish at first until he realized I wasn't going to go ape____ over He-Man toys) and was able to activate a new sub for me and get me all set up for Whiplash tomorrow and the rest of the figures throughout the year.

So yeah, happy ending...but damn, it shouldn't be that hard.
Yeah, DR customer service sucks, I know. I've found that emailing them is the way to go - having a phone conversation will just end in frustration...