but some people here, just like Mattel execs. DON'T get it...

you miss the point Teemu.
Right now, they're scrapping 200x heads for an unknown reason. Yes, we get that you hate 200x, And yes, it COULD be read that we're getting full 200x figures.
but what if that's not the case? what if this is some matty exec pruning parts he personally dislikes, just because?
What's next?
" i think Panthor looks too ghey becuase he's purple. this line has enough homosexuality in it, lets not release him"
" He-man should be wearing more clothes"
" randor looks too much like the burger king, AND i hate 200x, lets replace him with a chartreuse gorilla"
The point he's trying to make is that the upper exec's need to stop messing with the line, and just let it breathe. 200x did not fail becuase people didn't like it, 200x failed becuase management handeled the line poorly, and made bonehead decisions. It CAN HAPPEN AGAIN , so instead of screwing with it, Let TG, as brand manager, and the horsemen have free reign and the line will continue to be the liscense to print money that it already is.
but some people here, just like Mattel execs. DON'T get it...![]()
MOTUC contains figures from all areas of the MOTU world from the vintage MOTU, POP and NA lines to characters from mini comics, DC comics, 200X line and prototype art (i.e. Vikor). It is all things MOTU in one unified style which we call classics.
I never said I hated 200x....the line is MOTU Classics! its based on the 80's vintage incarnations...the line didnt start out 200x...I know we are getting POP/NA/200X...I am cool with that...the crying about not extra heads is lame......the line doesnt need extra heads for it to sell out....the upper exec's know that....
I understand what the 200x fans want,but Toyguru has said it over and over to the fans...the designs are based on the vintage 80's toys....thats what you dont get!
go back and collect the 200x if your not happy with the classics line
the 200x fans are ____ting on the vintage style as far as I am reading on sites...requesting stupid things like a head band on a classic head Fisto....I want updated figures,with great sculping and articulation,of the figures I grew up with!
its that simple![]()
August 16, 2010 at 11:53 am · Reply
Bravo… i agree on all points, and said similar things at the fanex board. the line is FINE… extra heads double sales… and that means that even people with the subscription, will give you more money, just for a second toy.
and I think the issue with whiplash, as opposed to, say, moss man, is that for mossy, they only tooled one new head… the other was a repainted beast man (as the classic version should be)… whiplash is 2 brand new heads, as well as a new torso, arms, legs, hands, feet, weapon and tail. I wouldn’t be shocked if “management” looked at the numbers, saw that they were either a higher than usual, or seriously pushing at whatever is deemed “acceptable”, then looked at this second, apparently unnecessary, head and said “why the hell is THAT there”.
the only argument being “to give fans of the newer series something too”, to which they would answer “no, they don’t need it, vintage is fine” and thus an edict is written, stupid as it may be. I can’t wait for the backlash to hit full stride… they were wise to not say anything at comic con, or they wouldn’t have been left alone…
Look Teemu... I've been patient enough with you... so I'll say it like it is... sorry if it's TOO HONEST, OK?
I ____ing love the MOTUC classics line...
I ____ing love the Vintage line...
I ____ing love the 200x line...
Toyguru has said before the Grizzlor head fiasco, OVER and OVER again to the fans that MOTUC will include ALL incarnations of MOTU... read lerath's quote from TG:
Stupid things to you are cool things to others... some elements of 200x figures look great on MOTUC
Just like cool things to you (like Giants, and fallen angels) are stupid to others...
Is that clear enough? Or do you want me to draw you an schematic?
What were talking about here IS MATTEL'S SUITS beginning to ____ up the line with their STUPID corporate decisions...
NOBODY here is saying we are not happy with the MOTUC line...
just saying that no Millennium style heads is a big step backwards that will alienate some fans...
Learn to read for ____s-sake!!!
PS. Stop ruining this thread with your ____ty attitude!!!
This thread is on the verge of being too cockish. Come on guys who gives a ____. I don't like certain people in this thread but you don't see me blabbin' about it. Agree to ____ off eachother and be done with it. Bury the Orko. I don't know what's going on, Craw! SKI! ASSEMBLE!!!
I give up...
let's get back on topic...
anybody got pics of their Whiplash???
Who's excited about Chief Carnivous and/or Gygor?...
I'm still on the fence on Gygor... maybe if the colors were a bit more subtle... I don't know... the sculpt and accessories look great though...
They looked pretty sweet @ SDCC
... all i can think of with this pic is riddler from batman forever.
please don't leave. i got your back. i'm all about the vintage look of the figures and find the 200x crossbreeding to be rather strange. 198x FTW. i mean look at the first post in this thread. those are the figures that brought us into this line in the first place. there was nothing 200x about them. don't know why all of a sudden it is evil not to include the 200x style.you win "amazing" one....its getting corny now that I am argueing over pieces of plastic.I hope you get what you want...you did start it ya know...calling me know it all and making fun of my interest of Giants/Fallen Angels....but hey whatever,what can I expect from a chat forum....I try to give info about motuc and my opinions here and I just get crapped on....I think I am done here
please don't leave. i got your back. i'm all about the vintage look of the figures and find the 200x crossbreeding to be rather strange. 198x FTW. i mean look at the first post in this thread. those are the figures that brought us into this line in the first place. there was nothing 200x about them. don't know why all of a sudden it is evil not to include the 200x style.