Super Freak
Yes but I think the point still stands. There is no line like MOTUC and which is no mean feat all things considered.
The Unnamed One is interesting. My first reaction is that I don't like it but that's because they didn't really go the direction I was expecting them to. I will give it some time to sink in and make a final assessment when I have it in hand. I think the back story and mini comic will go a long way in helping me decide if I end up liking it or not.
So who are we going to see at NYTF on Sunday? I can't remember if they snuck anything into the case at NYCC last year that gave us a hint of what was going to be revealed.
Edit - So Tung Lashor, Ninjor, and Lodar are strong possibilities? I would love all of those. Also, I am hoping that there is a POP mini sub so I can skip it and hopefully it keeps some of them out of the regular subscription. That would be ideal for me.
I personally have enough POP figures. They don't gel with MOTU and they never have in my opinion.
Fair enough. Mermista is pretty sexy....but they never make these supposedly beautiful woman actually beatiful do they?!
My opinion on POP is well known and I have always said that merging them into one line would not work and it hasn't. All the POP figures are aestetiaclly very different from MOTU.
MOTU was created so little boys could do battle. POP was created for girls to comb and make lovely. Regardless of the toons, these are very different toy lines.
All POP figures should be made to fit in with MOTU. ie give them weapons and not flippen combs...or axe combs...which was funny for like 5 mins.
A good example is Frosta. Arguably the prettiest of the POP girls, she is a flippen Ice Queen and yet look at what we got.
She would've had ice armour with more aggressive shapes that still keep her original design and you give her an ice weapon like a lance or sword as apposed to the Wind Mill thing.
We get a tentacle warrior woman with Octavia and on paper that sounds great. Tentacle warrior ***** beast with loads of swords...and yet look a what we got.
POP is just not good enough in it's existing state in my opinion and I resent spending so much on what are I think weak figures.
Will it be this weekend then? most likely sunday as usual?
There is no other line of 6 inch action figures this extensive out there and most importantly, without any media what so ever. They are making GI Joe movies...
Madame Razz, sweet. (Yeah, I said it!)
hopefully she is not in the main sub so I don't have to buy her
if their doing a mix of POP/Filmation sub,she can be in that one