Masters of the Universe Classics

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Might have to snag that two pack just to get a second He-Man for BC. Optikk looks pretty cool too actually.
HUGE disappointment. I was hoping Superman would be on a Classics body, now I won't have to buy the 2-pack. The comic would be a nice addition, but I already have both of these figures.

Same here. I have tripples of He-Man already, and the Superman figure as well. The packaging isn't even really anything special, so it's a definite pass.
I'm more concerned with how unbelievable it is that He-Man could stand a remote chance against Superman in a fight. Particularly pre-Byrne reboot Superman. Guy could basically move planets, fly into the sun, etc. Doesn't seem like a very fair fight.
He-Man's based on Magic, one of Superman's few weaknesses. Which also makes him vulnerable to the power sword. Plus, from what I remember as a kid, he was just about as strong, only with out the ability of flight/heat vision. I could swear I remember him running in place once to spin eternia on the cartoon.
As I figured,Mattel cheapened out once again and is just packing a DCUC Superman figure with a repainted Classics He-Man...EASY PASS! they could of made the Superman on a Classic buck to be in proper scale, this is just another money grab!! you suck mattel! you better show me Fisto and Jitsu this weekend!!
He-Man's based on Magic, one of Superman's few weaknesses. Which also makes him vulnerable to the power sword.

So really what you're saying is that one of Superman's most threatening villains in the history of villains would be David Copperfield or Chris Angel?

Superman sucks!!!! :p

All kidding aside, I think this is a sign that MOTUC are looking to hit stores seeing He-Man getting the treatment. It is inevitable.

The only good thing that would come out of this is lower prices and no shipping costs. The bad part (which is a huge bad part) is you have to drive out to the store every day to check stock if you're missing one. Other bad thing is the subscription folks stuck paying full price +shipping. That won't be for a while though. I like the online arrangement. More convenient.

The Superman toy in that 2-pack really looks terrible. Doesn't even look in scale to He-Man!
I've been a big fan of this line. I've also defended this line to a lot of it's critics. but the He-man/superman 2 pack is just a disappointment. I can understand the repainted he-man, but why not give us a new supes? There is no way these 2 standing together is going to look right. i'll be skipping this one. maybe i'll just pick up another he-ro and re work him.
i'm just messing with ya.:D

Well, this news sucks. I'm a completist and I'm sure it will be impossible to get a flocked ear version. That bothers me.

Don't worry, I am sure some dudes on here will get some.

just a regular superman, and a regular he-man, each on the bodies from their prospective lines.....
Wheee Disapointment.

A MOTUC scaled superman would have made this ALOT better I think. oh well, something i can save money not buying I guess.


*fart noise* :(

Exactly, I'm looking at it the same way. oh well, atleast since i Can't Get DCUC figures in stock at my local TOYS R US, I won't be scrambling for it.

This would blow...:monkey1
1.) i don't mind Ski's spaming but i noticed he quoted himself a few times in the last few pages. WTF??? who the hell quotes themselves?:huh
oh, and BTW. Battle-Cat is on the 16th not the 15th so your post makes no sense.

Thank you Craw!! :rock

I was digging the ILL & SKI comedy hour.
I'll be here all week or in Ski's case, WEAK. :D

7.) read it again, and that's why I quoted myself because Ill didn't read it.
I did, several times, made less sense each time.

nice pics!!

now every time i see the vintage skeletor, i think of Robot Chicken.:lol
:lol Me too, he's hilarious on RB.

just a regular superman, and a regular he-man, each on the bodies from their prospective lines.....
Wheee Disapointment.

A MOTUC scaled superman would have made this ALOT better I think. oh well, something i can save money not buying I guess.


On Optikk, shouldn't it be 'Alternate Eye' not head?
Lame, lame, lame
I mean, come on...
they just needed a new head, they could've reworked the cape and waist/groin area and voilá, MOTUC style Superman...

What about the boots and forearms? I thought it might be too much tooling for Mattel to go through with something like that :(
I like the concept and the He-Man repaint makes sense. Further this one will be a good promotion for MOTUC as DCUC is a hughe hit... Maybe they should have thought about giving He-Man and not Superman a matching DCUC body as this is the more prominent line... Nevertheless He-Man and Skeletor look nice to me. :rock



Oh and I will finally have a DCUC Superman whichis cool too. Dont care about the comic. Nevertheless a nice extra.

2nd eye for Optikk is propably THE most stupid alternate head the line will ever see...