Masters of the Universe Classics

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Now that you mention it Teemu, I think the long-term view makes some sense to prop up this subscription idea, because eventually people are going to lose interest, and this will keep the line going to some extent, at least within a given year. But that can only work for so long.

I am not against the subscription if it is in the best interests of Matty. They can do whatever they want, and the fans just have to deal with it. But it does suck for those of us who aren't interested in buying up every figure.
This dude started a thread:

Posted by: Avarice
Topic: Bravo Matty! A new low
Unbelievable, I had everything in my cart at 11:56am and Moss Man sold out. hahahaha...I have to laugh at this one. May I add also I had no problem at all getting to checkout. All smooth until I started processing and it said sold out. It sold out a few minutes before 12pm....WOW! Two months in a row with no figure. The streak continues....
Yeah what sucks is that your items aren't secure even if they are in your cart... which is the stupidest thing I've ever seen... specially since this line is so hot right now...
They should give you a 2 minute window to place your order for those items in your cart, and afterwards, put them back on the system for somebody else to buy...
I've decided to wait for re-issues on these things. It was so easy to pick up stratos. Unfortunately I've already got hordak so no figure for me next month.
The MOTUC line should be for Collect-Ors.

But Matty wants nothing but Subscribe-Ors.

Digital River causes most of us to become Whine-Ors.

But sadly, the MOTUC line mostly benefits Flip-Ors.
I think a lot of fan-boy over-reaction when they didn't order in the first 30 minutes to secure figure X was just that--over-reaction. But in less than 5 minutes? I think this could seriously affect collector interest because of the frustration it will cause. I hope for their sake that the subscription gamble pays off.
Now that you mention it Teemu, I think the long-term view makes some sense to prop up this subscription idea, because eventually people are going to lose interest, and this will keep the line going to some extent, at least within a given year. But that can only work for so long.

I am not against the subscription if it is in the best interests of Matty. They can do whatever they want, and the fans just have to deal with it. But it does suck for those of us who aren't interested in buying up every figure.

I just hope it doesnt make people walk away from this line.There is still about 10-15 figures that I want made before this line ends...I hope Mattel does not ruin a good thing they have going with this line
The MOTUC line should be for Collect-Ors.

But Matty wants nothing but Subscribe-Ors.

Digital River causes most of us to become Whine-Ors.

But sadly, the MOTUC line mostly benefits Flip-Ors.


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I think a lot of fan-boy over-reaction when they didn't order in the first 30 minutes to secure figure X was just that--over-reaction. But in less than 5 minutes? I think this could seriously affect collector interest because of the frustration it will cause. I hope for their sake that the subscription gamble pays off.

It's apparent that Matty is artificially controlling the supply and demand for these figures and are holding back quantities to resell at later dates.
I just hope it doesnt make people walk away from this line.There is still about 10-15 figures that I want made before this line ends...I hope Mattel does not ruin a good thing they have going with this line
Me, too. I'm only a casual collector of this line, but if Hasbro had done this with the 25th Joes, and that caused the line to stall out, I would have been pissed. I hope for you hardcore MOTU collectors that Matty knows what it is doing.

I still want freakin' Man-E-Faces and Snake Knight guy.
i just find it hard to believe that they could be taken unawares by the popularity of this line at this point.

i already have my 3 favorite figures...he-man, trap jaw and tri-klops so anything else is gravy. i'm not going to become a subscrib-or at this point anyway.
Wow, that's 2 in a row. Missed out on Trap Jaw, and now Moss Man. I'm seriously considering giving matty the finger at this point. :banghead
I'm a subscriber with this line. But I think it is total BS what they are doing by artificially creating the demand like they are. I am going to be be bummed if Mattel runs this line into the ground with these stupid marketing tactics.

On the other hand, I think it is funny when people go bananas when they miss something when it has been announced multiple times that anything that sells out quickly will be reissued. Considering that everything sells out quickly, if one does miss a figure, there is a very high likelihood that they will have another run at it in a few months, with a significantly higher edition size the second time around.
The position mattel has established is both funny and clever: they make it limited and tell you it's limited to make you wanting to buy it even more, it's a basic principle in marketing and psychology. It looks like you have 0 control at first, but when you think about it, you're the one to decide not to buy, you are the buyer, the money is on you.
On the other hand, I think it is funny when people go bananas when they miss something when it has been announced multiple times that anything that sells out quickly will be reissued. Considering that everything sells out quickly, if one does miss a figure, there is a very high likelihood that they will have another run at it in a few months, with a significantly higher edition size the second time around.
Yeah, but who wants to wait another 6-12 months or whatever to get a re-issued version?
The position mattel has established is both funny and clever: they make it limited and tell you it's limited to make you wanting to buy it even more, it's a basic principle in marketing and psychology. It looks like you have 0 control at first, but when you think about it, you're the one to decide not to buy, you are the buyer, the money is on you.

You are Money-or :lecture :lecture :lecture
On the other hand, I think it is funny when people go bananas when they miss something when it has been announced multiple times that anything that sells out quickly will be reissued. Considering that everything sells out quickly, if one does miss a figure, there is a very high likelihood that they will have another run at it in a few months, with a significantly higher edition size the second time around.

True, but why is this company treating it's customer like crap by getting their emotions riled up every month. I got caught up by the dedication of fans I have seen on this forum alone and He-man was a great cartoon to watch, that's why I got into the line in a rush. A company that doesn't respect their customers and manipulate their supply regardless of their customers reaction is just asking for trouble.

I am just glad they are not going this route with my DCUC. I feel the pain you guys are going through, I just choose not to be a victim by Mattel.