The Back To The Future Hoverboard is 2012's Worst toy
Mattel can't make one that works but this guy can:
A Real Working Hoverboard Exists
in all fairness, Gizmodo isn't really a site to check for such things. And lately the quality of their articles has gone down the drain anyway.
Not saying this isn't or is a piece of crap, but that review is a worthless read.
After a week of trying to warm up to this thing by having it displayed, it is one purchase that to me is not worth even close to the $130 pricetag.
yeah, I'm starting to get the same feeling.
i am just leaving mine in the box and waiting a few months to see what they do on never know with things like this
I see you're in the Netherlands, shipping to send it back is going to kill you and that is not fair to you... and I thought I was to have it bad by mailing it in the US.
Still haven't received mine and it was send to me on the 6th.
Still haven't received mine and it was send to me on the 6th.